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Day of Terror-Sept. 11

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The British parliment was called back into session early today to deal with the terrorist threat.

Where the hell is the Canadian parliment? I‘m rather dissappointed that they seem to want to enjoy the rest of their vacations than to deal with the threat that has just awoken.
Roko: Don‘t forget that there is nowhere in the UK that is more than an 8 hour train ride from London -- and that their aircraft are still flying.

In Canada, commercial aviation is grounded, our government and members of parliament are spread out across seven time zones in the second largest country in the world, doing their jobs in their constituencies. It takes more than 3 days to travel by train from the west coast to Ottawa.

As much as I dislike the Liberal government, I expect that cabinet, in particular, is trying to get back as quickly as possible.

Recalling parliament, however, would be useless -- since, under the Chretien government, it has become a redundant appendage to the Prime Minister‘s Office. Would that it were not so...
However, only commercial aircraft are grounded.
The CF still has a couple of Challenger jets, and the RCMP has some aircraft.
If Crouton wanted to recall Parliament, he would and could have. However, this way he gets to bask in the limelight (the egotistical weasel he is).

Personally, I‘m so ashamed that Canada may have harboured some of these murderers - people are talking about nuking Afghanistan simply because it harboured Osama - perhaps we shouldn‘t be throwing stones ... from a glass house?
I think whoever did this has awakened the sleeping giant. ( I‘m being diplomatic by saying whoever)
They not only attacked the US, they have attacked every country, every family, everywhere. This cannot be tolerated. I think we need to be very afraid.
we do not have anything to be afraid of. the U.S is the most powerful force in the world, and one thought is that saddam hussan had something to do with it, and if so poison will infect most troops. canada may not have a top notch military but we have pride and it doesnt matter in we send in 500 or a million soldiers in to war, those who go will fight with all the have :cdn:
Sep. 13, 02:00 EDT
Canadian military assistance an option
PM tells Bush Canada supports collective action
Tim Harper and Les Whittington

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Jean Chrйtien has left the door open for Canadian forces to join Washington and other NATO allies in a collective military action against terrorists responsible for the attack on the U.S.

Chrйtien spoke briefly with George W. Bush yesterday morning and later said he told the U.S. President that ``America could count on our complete support and solidarity in the days to come.‘‘

The Prime Minister also told an American television audience that Canada would work with the U.S. to eradicate terrorism.

`We‘re there to collaborate with the authorities of the U.S. and do our best so that we can collectively fight this horrible devil that is terrorism.‘- Jean Chrйtien


On CNN, Chrйtien said: ``We‘re there to collaborate with the authorities of the United States and do our best so that we can collectively fight this horrible devil that is terrorism.‘‘

He said an assault on any NATO member is the same as an attack against all of NATO, including Canada.

Chrйtien also discussed collective action yesterday with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

``It‘s the equivalent of an act of war, but who caused the war? We‘re not in a position to reply,‘‘ he said.

NATO invoked Article 5 yesterday, the clause under which an attack on a member country is considered an attack against the alliance as a whole.

The participation of the NATO allies, including Canada, is not just expected, but is an obligation, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said.

That does not necessarily mean they would participate in any attack, but must provide assistance, including the use of sovereign airspace.

``We believe acts of war have been committed against the American people and we will respond accordingly,‘‘ Powell said.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Manley spoke yesterday with Powell and characterized the attack as a ``brutal and violent attack on our closest ally.‘‘

He said Ottawa will support Washington in its decisions on how to deal with the attack.

Finance Minister Paul Martin issued a statement meant to reassure Canadians that the terrorist incident has not crippled the the world‘s financial markets.

``We are confident that the international financial system is stable and secure,‘‘ Martin said.

He said that in the previous 24 hours he had spoken with U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O‘Neill and other finance ministers from major industrial countries.

``Canadians can be confident that their financial system is sound,‘‘ Martin said.

The Bank of Canada will provide the backing necessary to ensure that this country‘s financial system continues to operate smoothly despite international fall-out from the terrorism crisis, Martin said.

Canada has offered to provide medical help and assistance in the search and rescue efforts for survivors in the wreckage at the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon.

Chrйtien also said Bush thanked Canadians for their help on Tuesday, particularly for accepting more than 30,000 passengers on aircraft re-routed away from U.S. airports.

The Prime Minister added that Canada will join European countries next week in a day of mourning for victims of Tuesday‘s attacks. He also thanked all Canadians who have given blood to help out in the U.S. emergency.

The Prime Minister also set the stage for an emergency debate on international terrorism and any vulnerability in this country for next Monday when the House of Commons returns.

Opposition leader Stockwell Day had earlier called for such a debate.

``Terrorists have declared war on the free world and the entire free world must declare war on terrorism,‘‘ Day said.

But he said no military action can be taken until terrorist groups and countries that harbour them are clearly identified.

RCMP and government officials also tightened security on Parliament Hill yesterday.

Only authorized personnel were allowed on the premises around the House of Commons and Senate.
I don‘t think that anyone can deny that more innocents are going to die, because this is not over. The US is going to exact a price for this act of terrorism. It is just a matter of when and where. And there their whole nation will be behind them. The groundwork is already being laid for retaliation against terrorism and those that harbor it.

This could be the start of a conflict with far reaching consequences. Now is the time for Canadians to get off the pot and make a stand. But make no mistake about it; making a stand will have its price. NATO has made the declaration and Canada will now have to make the decision. And before we rush in, understand the consequences, there is the potential for Canadians to die.

Don‘t get me wrong. I have trained my whole life for such a situation. But I want everyone to understand that the coming days could have far-reaching effects then anyone ever envisioned.

I say the Americans have declared war on terrorism and chosen that path that it may lead them down to more terrorist acts. We, as Canadians, if we are to hold our head high and be true to our beliefs, should follow this same path. Terrorism must be defeated, but make no mistake about it, it will not be easy or glorious, and people are going to die.

Is this a price we, as Canadians, are willing to pay?
I don‘t think that anyone can deny that more innocents are going to die, because this is not over. The US is going to exact a price for this act of terrorism. It is just a matter of when and where. And there their whole nation will be behind them. The groundwork is already being laid for retaliation against terrorism and those that harbor it.

This could be the start of a conflict with far reaching consequences. Now is the time for Canadians to get off the pot and make a stand. But make no mistake about it; making a stand will have its price. NATO has made the declaration and Canada will now have to make the decision. And before we rush in, understand the consequences, there is the potential for Canadians to die.

Don‘t get me wrong. I have trained my whole life for such a situation. But I want everyone to understand that the coming days could have far-reaching effects then anyone ever envisioned.

I say the Americans have declared war on terrorism and chosen that path that it may lead them down to more terrorist acts. We, as Canadians, if we are to hold our head high and be true to our beliefs, should follow this same path. Terrorism must be defeated, but make no mistake about it, it will not be easy or glorious, and people are going to die.

Is this a price we, as Canadians, are willing to pay?
I‘d be proud to serve my country and help defeat those who threaten and iinspire terror in the hearts of innocents and civilians...
I‘ve been at this for a long time, and even though I‘ve never faced real rounds, I am willing to face for my convictions. Unfortunatly, I don‘t have the naivete of youth. What will come will come. So be it. But I guarantee my wife and daughters will not be too happy with it. Saying that, I‘ve have trained my whole life to defeat an enemy.
It‘s good to see some people are ready to go and support the US and the rest of the world in this struggle. I have also trained my whole life for this, and i have been around... i am ready and willing for whatever is to come. Unfortunately, our military was so neglected in the last decades, we are litterally incapable of deploying troops effectively at short notice to a theater of operations and then supporting them, both logistically and politically (remember the Cdn troops taken hostage in the former yougo: the gov waited...) Let‘s hope there is a quick change of attitude in the upper chain of command and gov, so we can make the CF a combat capable force again. Finally, i heard this morning the Cdn gov announced it will not support the US with military action, but in other ways will. Anyone with more details???
the canadian government is leaving it open for trained canadians to participate in protecting the u.s.a. but is not going t go to war along side them
I hear you Jay... now what if the USA makes a request under article 5 of the NATO chart ? Is our government going to keep saying no ? Will we once again disappoint our allies ? Will we be kicked out of NATO if we keep doing this ? We were strongly in favor of art 5 when NATO first became an international organisation. Would we accept NATO allies not doing their part if we placed a request under art 5 ? It certainly looks like we will keep moving downhill... what do you all think ? :cdn:
Unfortunately Jungle, youve hit the head of the nail with that one. With the successive almost anti military governments we‘ve had, I think our NATO allies already know that they will all get the song and dance from our beleoved Jean Cretin(yes, spelt correctly from my perspective). I heard Mr Cretin himself ordered a batalion of Van Doos on 4 hr call up and 100 man coy on 1 hr notice......but I firmly believe he only did that to save face. Looks like Canada may be delagated to provide the moblie Tim Hortons unit once again.......seems to be the only thing we can muster these days..........

Apparently we‘ve got our cf-18s ready to be comitted... (of which 26 are ready to ‘protect‘ any airliners, domestically)

They‘re pretty much all we really have to comit...
What about the possibility of using Reg or Militia troops for domestic ops (security assistance at important public places, etc.) in Canada and/or the US, the "homeland defence" thing?

Rob :cdn:
Rob D, the CF is not in favour of using trained soldiers to be security guards or ever law enforcement officers (peace officer status). There are not enough soldiers to honour our current commitments, much less, join a US led coalition force against terrorists or governments that back terrorism. Our contribution will be in the form of a small army commitment working with another NATO country (probably the UK or Dutch), a ship or two, and some CF 18s.

it seems no matter what canada is involved in this whether we want to be or not. we have been trained to die for others and to function like a true soldier we will have to die for others. i will not back down from this fight. but with the canadian government cutting funds on damn near every military project canada is going to fight i different war then the americains: with out super weapons or swarms of airstrikes.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his"
-George S. Patton

Is the function of a soldier really to die? I‘d say that it‘s to try and stay alive, whilst and in order to omplete a mission/fulfill orders that may require you to ‘administer lethal force‘...
It looks like these events were intended to be a part of more than just A Day of Terror . . . they may be part of an intended reign of terror.

Investigation points to more violence
Wednesday, September 19
Associated Press

Washington — There is evidence of plans for a second wave of violence on Sept. 22, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

Authorities have grown increasingly certain about the planned attacks, as they collected intelligence intercepts, interviews with witnesses and evidence gathered from the hijackers‘ cars and homes during the first eight-days of the massive joint-forces police investigation led by the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Authorities arrested three Detroit airport employees on Tuesday on charges of identity fraud and misuse of visas.

According to court records concerning the arrest, the FBI seized documents from a Detroit-area apartment that included information about an U.S. military base in Turkey, a U.S. "foreign minister," an airport in Jordan and diagrams of aircraft locations and runways.

The documents also showed that the three men worked in airline food preparation.

U.S. Attorney-General John Ashcroft was not ready, however, to call the arrest a break in the eight-day investigation.

The arrests occurred after FBI agents raided a residence looking for one of the nearly 200 witnesses being sought in the investigation. Instead, they found the three men and a cache of documents. The trio were charged Tuesday in Detroit with fraud and misuse of visas, passports and other immigration documents.

The Sept. 11 attacks were "part of a larger plan with other terrorism acts, not necessarily hijacking of airplanes," said Democratic Senator Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "Those acts were going to occur in the United States and elsewhere in the world."

In the face of the evidence, Mr. Ashcroft vowed to wage a "concerted national assault" on terrorists.

The investigation has detained at least 75 people for questioning and has four people under arrest as material witnesses, law-enforcement officials said.

The government also announced a new policy that gives immigration authorities 48 hours, or longer in emergencies, to decide whether to charge an alien with status violations, up from 24 hours. Many of those questioned in Tuesday‘s attack were being detained on immigration violations.

Mr. Ashcroft said Wednesday that the terrorists behind the attacks in New York and Washington probably received support from foreign governments.

Emerging from a visit at the Pentagon that was badly damaged by last week‘s attacks, the Attorney-General raised the possible involvement of foreign states.

"It is pretty clear that the networks that conduct these kind of events are harboured, supported, sustained and protected by a variety of foreign governments," he said.

"It is time for those governments to understand with crystal clarity that the United States of America will not tolerate that kind of support for networks that would inflict this kind of damage on the American people."