Never-ending war rages on bureaucracy
By Peter Worthington ,QMI Agency Sunday, October 09, 2011
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Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie’s vaunted report on restructuring and streamlining the Canadian military (mainly the army, it seems) is apparently causing shock waves among those who’ve read it.
Leslie is now retired, and can speak more freely. He’s quoted in Maclean’s as saying the “tail,” or administrative staff in Ottawa’s defence headquarters, has grown like Topsy and “we’ve got almost as many people in Ottawa as we have in the regular-force deployable army.”
One is tempted to ask, “what else is new?”
DND has always been filled with more non-combatant military people and civilian staff than those who actually serve in the field think is necessary. The tail wagging the dog is a familiar refrain.
More to the point, those who run the military and make decisions are traditionally staff people, far removed from actual operations.
Perhaps it’s always been this way. In the Second World War, Allied forces always had a larger and longer tail than the enemy.
In the U.S. military, the tooth-to-tail ratio is something like 10 behind the lines (including logistical support) to maintain one combat soldier.
(The better the logistical support, the more effective the combat soldier).
In totalitarian forces, the support system for combat soldiers is usually weaker.
Leslie knows this and wants a better “tooth-to-tail” balance.
He did his job, but is not convinced his recommendation to cut staff in Ottawa and other measures to improve efficiency will be acceptable.
In the past (the Trudeau years), austerity measures damaged the military and didn’t result in more efficiency. Cynicism reigns.
Maclean’s quotes Leslie recalling that when he laid out his efficiency plans to military leaders in Ottawa, their near-unanimous reaction was, “Andy, we support transformation ... but don’t touch my stuff.”
Military people are so conditioned to being picked on by politicians and bureaucrats eager to cut the defence budget that they’re wary of any proposed changes — which almost always include budget cuts for improved equipment.
But Leslie has a point when he notes that since Canadians began serious fighting in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan, spending on the rear echelon and support system expanded four times faster than spending on the fighting troops — whose numbers remained relatively stable during this time.
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