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Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Havok
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Well first off, don't lie.

By the sounds of it, because you were a minor you had a juvenile record, which generally "disappears" when you reach the age of majority. It doesn't actually disappear, but it won't show up on the criminal record check.

Anyway, if you are asked about it, don't lie. Whatever you did, doing it once is a mistake. Lying just proves you're still going to keep making mistakes, and then it's no longer a mistake, it's a problem.
Good point. It's better to be straight about it.

Also, the fact that I've kept my nose clean since then goes to show how much I've changed since then.
I had a similar issue with my application.  During my interview when I was asked about any criminal history I stated something along the lines of,
"I was involved in an incident when I was 16 years old.  I -"

And the MCC cut me off and said,

"If you're under 18, I don't want to know. Thats a tricky area.  If it comes up in your background check we'll deal with it then."

Tell the truth but don't make yourself look like a sadistic killer either.  Pretend you were arrested for vandalism, you don't have to tell the MCC, "Oh yeah, I spray painted swastikas on cars and houses etc.", you can just say, "When I was younger I was arrested for vandalism.  I was hanging out with the wrong crowd and after my arrest I straightened out and got my life back on track etc."
Silverfire said:
Tell the truth but don't make yourself look like a sadistic killer either.  Pretend you were arrested for vandalism, you don't have to tell the MCC, "Oh yeah, I spray painted swastikas on cars and houses etc.", you can just say, "When I was younger I was arrested for vandalism.  I was hanging out with the wrong crowd and after my arrest I straightened out and got my life back on track etc."

Say that if it's the truth, but don't "pretend" anything.
Sorry, to clarify, I meant pretend as "For example."  It's late and I type to fast without rereading aha.
Definitely be honest when asked. Even though it may not show up on the initial background check, if in the future you need an advanced security clearance as part of your career advancement, they will go back through the records, and also when they are interviewing others.
Hey guys so i decided to apply to the cf about two months ago, just waiting for my application to sent to my local cfrc. My qeustion is most likly not easily answered by just anyone. As i read through peoples experiences ive heard "background check" and "criminal record check" and im not sure everyone knows the difference, as ive just learnt through personal experience recently. The difference being that a background check is a list of your name, physical features, tattoos, every place you have ever lived, every number youve had, every job youve had, every friend youve had, every girlfriend, as well as the obviouse criminal convictions, it also has a list of every time you have contacted police and why, and every time someone has contacted police and referenced your name and why. A criminal record check is purely of criminal convictions. The reason for my concern is that if joining the forces is anything like trying to obtain PAL was a year ago concerning this type of check, im worried. As a 20 year old ive now made better choices in life such as friends/aqaintences i associate with as well as women from my highschool years. I was in shock as the firearms officer asined to me began to ask me if i ever fought with my brother as a child or with old girlfriends or that party i was at as a highschool football player, things i even had trouble remembering. Keep in mind a criminal record check is started anew at age 18 once considered a legal adult, where as a background check will never go away as long as you may live. Anyone know anything? And no i have never been convicted, or processed at a police station let alone be handcuffed and placed in a police cruiser but ive accepted i wont have my pal in the near future i just hope to god i wont have to accept that from the cf.
You're getting all worked up over something over which you have no control.  Your past cannot be undone.  The best thing to do now is fill out the form.  Answer all the questions HONESTLY and hope for the best.  If there are issues, you should be given a chance to explain.

Keep calm.  Carry on.

PS:  We really don't care if you fought with your brother (we assume that you did).
I made some bad choices when I was young.

Nobody gave a single crap as I had cleaned up my problem areas over 2 years before even touching an RCMP/CBSA or CF application.

Pusser said:
You're getting all worked up over something over which you have no control.  Your past cannot be undone.  The best thing to do now is fill out the form.  Answer all the questions HONESTLY and hope for the best.  If there are issues, you should be given a chance to explain.

Keep calm.  Carry on.

PS:  We really don't care if you fought with your brother (we assume that you did).

Make sure it is also complete.  Nothing holds up that kind of paperwork more than having gaps in your history.  Overlapping is fine, giant unexplained holes is not.  Also it isn't exactly like applying for your PAL as that is a lot more cover your arse by the CFO.
What am i making sure is complete? Maybe thats a stupid qeustion or i havnt reached that point. I applyed online and still havnt been contacted by the local cfrc, im guessing its some forms there your refering too?
During your application, be honest about everything and don't try to hid anything. If you do, they will find out through your Background and Criminal Record checks.

Secondly, when you do the medical questionnaire when the ask what drugs you've done, how many times and how much alcohol you drink and how often... don't bullshit your way through it.

There's two things that everyone in the military hate most - Liars and Thieves.
Ok, calmed me a bit. Luckily for me i can say ive never done any drugs, smoked ciggs and only drank twice when i was 15
roadrunner60 said:
Hey guys so i decided to apply to the cf about two months ago, just waiting for my application to sent to my local cfrc. My qeustion is most likly not easily answered by just anyone. As i read through peoples experiences ive heard "background check" and "criminal record check" and im not sure everyone knows the difference, as ive just learnt through personal experience recently. The difference being that a background check is a list of your name, physical features, tattoos, every place you have ever lived, every number youve had, every job youve had, every friend youve had, every girlfriend, as well as the obviouse criminal convictions, it also has a list of every time you have contacted police and why, and every time someone has contacted police and referenced your name and why. A criminal record check is purely of criminal convictions. The reason for my concern is that if joining the forces is anything like trying to obtain PAL was a year ago concerning this type of check, im worried. As a 20 year old ive now made better choices in life such as friends/aqaintences i associate with as well as women from my highschool years. I was in shock as the firearms officer asined to me began to ask me if i ever fought with my brother as a child or with old girlfriends or that party i was at as a highschool football player, things i even had trouble remembering. Keep in mind a criminal record check is started anew at age 18 once considered a legal adult, where as a background check will never go away as long as you may live. Anyone know anything? And no i have never been convicted, or processed at a police station let alone be handcuffed and placed in a police cruiser but ive accepted i wont have my pal in the near future i just hope to god i wont have to accept that from the cf.

There is a Criminal Records Name Check (CRNC) + Credit Check as part of your reliability screening.  You will do that only if you actually pass the CFAT.  Any criminal contact (Charges/Convictions) you have had in your life (young offender or adult) WILL be flagged for review.  A more indepth background (for security clearance purposes) check ONLY occurs if based on a standardized form filled out with you and recruiter, + a query sent to Ottawa you may be concern based on foreign "ties"  (ie you lived/worked/went to school outside Canada in certain countries, for certain lengths of time, you have close family you contact regularly in certain countries.).

Depending on resources there is also employment/education verification either done by third party contractor, or your MCC.
lethalLemon said:
There's two things that everyone in the military hate most - Liars and Thieves.

Actually Liars are thieves.  They have stolen your trust. 

roadrunner60 said:
Keep in mind a criminal record check is started anew at age 18 once considered a legal adult, where as a background check will never go away as long as you may live. Anyone know anything?

This is not 100% true if you are convicted of a crime within a year after you turn 18, your young offender record will be braught forward onto your adult record.
tanman89 said:
This is not 100% true if you are convicted of a crime within a year after you turn 18, your young offender record will be braught forward onto your adult record.

That is also not correct. It's not necessarily 1 year. It could be less, it could be more.

Will my record be destroyed when I turn 18?

Not necessarily. Your record may be closed before you are 18, stay open after you turn 18, or even become an adult record – which is permanent. How soon your record will be destroyed depends on the sentence, how serious the crime is, and whether you commit another crime while your record is still open. The period during which a record is open is called the access period.
tanman89 said:
This is not 100% true if you are convicted of a crime within a year after you turn 18, your young offender record will be braught forward onto your adult record.

It doesn't matter, all records will be searched YO and Adult, if anything comes up it will be flagged and dealt with. 