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Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

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I agree that you should ask a recruiter this question, they will be able to answer it more clearly.

with that being said, I do believe that the application & security clearance forms ask if you have ever been convicted, or convicted for which you have not received a pardon. From what Bruce said it seems that offences under the youth offenders act are not 'convictions'

When in doubt over disclose. I do not believe you can get in trouble for telling them more than you need to, you will however get into trouble for not telling them something you should have. Personally I would bring it up in the interview, chances are if there is any record of it they already know about it ;)
11ruke1 said:
So should I reveal the offence in the interview?

Most certainly.

Lets face it, theres only two possible outcomes, either you  get in or not.

And the only way you'll find out, is like "agenteagle" said, get your Butt down to your local CFRC, only they can factually answer your question.

This question has been answered.....................again.


Milnet.ca Staff
Hey guys i just recently completed my aptitude test and was told i passed with flying colours and was eligible for all my trade infantry and artillery..and recruiter the asked which one i wanted i chose infantry...now getting to the point after that he went on to say that they could not scheduale me for my medical (everyone else that i wrote was schedualed)and said that they have'nt gotten my backcheck yet or have even processed it from my understanding...and told me if i do not hear anything in a month to give them a call back...now i do have a youth record and adult record...youth record being theft and mischef...adult being assault possesion of pot..failure to appear and served 56 days in custody..see i had a tough chldhood both my parents died in a housefire when i was a year and a half old and was thrown around from foster home to foster home..so i ended up breaking out of c.a.s at 16 and taking life on by myself...which was a wrong idea and ended up getting into this trouble which which carried over into adult...i learned from every single one the mistakes i made and am a better person now and am trying to get my life back on the right track and am follwing my dream of joining the forces and ecoming a soldier..i have been free of the judicial system for just over 5 years..now do you think i will still be accepted or will i be refused.....i waant to be in the military so bad and won't stop until i am...but as far as my current situation goes what r my chances and what do you think it will involve in getting that ERC??..thatnks in advance
There's five pages of the same stories, and five pages of the same answers. The first thing you guys have to do, if you want to join, is take some friggin' responsibility for your actions, fess up to the Recruiting Center, and let the chips fall where they may. Before that, read these five pages and let them sink in.

We can't tell you what your chances are!!! Only the Recruiting Centre can.

We're done running in circles for everyone that can't be bothered to come here and even do some minor research and a modicum of reading.


Milnet.ca Staff
Well... the past few years I have been thinking deep and hard about applying for a position in the army as a reserve.. and I REALLY want to join. I have started all the paperwork, but still hesitant about applying because of a number of factors. First, my age. I am just turning 33. I am fit, healthy, active, full of energy and believe I can handle the physical testing without any trouble. I am not worried about the aptitude testing and alike either. As for medical issues, I have one lazy eye and the other is not great but seems fine with contacts. I'm not sure if this will pose much of a problem.

Now the big issue... in my teenage years I dropped out of high school in grade 10, got into allot of crime and have a lengthy adult criminal record, mostly for theft, up to the age 25. My record has been clean for nearly 8 years but I have not yet applied for a pardon. I am aware that I'm not required to have a pardon as long as my background has been clean and I have no outstanding legal issues... which I don't. I have no negative credit with regards to my finances. I completed my GED in jail (with low 45-47 scores). They were low because I never studied and it was a reason to get out of jail at the time for a short bit. I wish now, with my knowledge, that I could retest tbut that isn't possible. I have regrets, but it's all in the past.

I believe I can pass whatever is thrown at me mentally and physically (excluding my eyesight issue maybe?). I have been employed for about 8 years now as a computer programmer/technician, so I don't think grade 11/12 mathematics will be an issue. I have great references and a excellent track record with my employer, co-workers, friends, etc.

Basically my age, low education, and criminal record seem to pose the biggest problem... at least to me. I really want to know what you guys think my chances are for getting recruited into the army as a infantry soldier or alike.

From what I've heard and read, recruiting is really a case by case thing. I'm sure people in a smilar situation have been denied and there are others who were accepted. There is really no one who can answer whether you can get in or not. Your best bet, if you really want to join, is to apply. There is really no harm in it if it's what you really want to do. Even if they reject you, if you can find out exactly why, you might be able to still make it if/when that issue clears up.
I'm no recruiting expert, but pretty much what Tophat said about a case by case basis seems to be the SOP for the recruiting centre. I know guys who have had a past on the same page as yours and I work with them on a daily basis. Don't not apply because you think you may not make it. Your chances right now are 100% until they tell you differently in my mind. Best thing is to be blatenly honest and show them how you've changed.
Only the recruiting folks can give you THE answer.....................there are stories here of people who thought they would be shoo-ins not making it and visa versa.

what are the chances of some one with a criminal record getting accepted(without pardon)? my charges were about 7-8 years ago and i was charged as a young offender when i was 16 , does the recruitment office just look at the information provided and judge you on that?
Talk to a recruiter. Nobody here can give you better information, only speculation.
It's possible that your youth record may have already been closed.  You might want to check with these people:

National Parole Board

They have a Pardons info line - 1-800-874-2652
Loachman said:
Talk to a recruiter. Nobody here can give you better information, only speculation.

I agree talk to a Military Career Counselor...
But, from my experience it has to be looked at by one person in Recruiting HQ and they determine if you can join or not based on the nature of the offense (sexual/violent/Grand theft etc...) and on the severity and the type of crime they make a determination of whether you can join or not. It is done on a case by case basis... They take this very seriously even though you were a young offender.

Also, they only look at it once you have applied, and done a Criminal Records Name Check (That security form with the address boxes, and asking about your particulars)

Hope that Helps
We will NOT "just rely on what we've been told" ... we do a Criminal Record check and we DO find out about youth records (they are NEVER completely "closed") ... the only way to completely remove a record is to obtain a pardon.

HOWEVER, having said that, everything depends on the offence, how long ago it was, what the 'punishment' was, how long ago the punishment ended, etc. (do NOT reveal any further information here ... I don't want to know)

The BEST thing to do is put in your application, reveal what you can in your application and let us do our job. Very little will cause a complete rejection of an application. When you do your interview with the Career Counsellor, he/she will quite likely advise you if you need to do anything prior to being accepted. When you do your interview, don't try to hide anything.Be honest about what happened and everything and let the chips fall as they may ... usually it will go in your favour (remember, we're trying to find reasons to hire people, not reasons to reject them)

Good luck, whatever you decide to do!

Here's another thought:

All you potential applicants out there with previous youth (or adult) criminal records - I think you're going about things completely the wrong way if you're asking your future employer what effect that record will have on your application.

It would be wise for anyone in this position to seek a legal opinion (from a lawyer), or talk with the people at the Pardon Information Line.  They would be the best people to advise you to what degree your records are sealed, and if it is possible for you to take any actions to minimize the effect of the criminal record on your application.

To me, it just seems silly for someone with a youth criminal record to go to their potential future employer and freely offer up the fact that they have a record, when it's possible that your particular record may be sealed and not need to be disclosed.

In short - be honest, but seek professional legal advice if there is any element of doubt as to how you should answer the question "Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?".


Both Otis and I actually work for the Recruiting Centre, the advice as kind as it may be is not going to assist you with getting into the CF

Regardless if a Pardon has been granted we still SEE the criminal activity even if it was though it occured while you were a minor.

The check mark box question is more to allow us to expidiate the process and ask you to provide fingerprints up front as we would have to eventually. There is no going "AROUND" if you do have a blemished record...

If what you did was "So Bad" then as the military says "take your shit" and you don't get in, but the more you help us determine whether it was "So bad" it looks good on you.

I don't recommend you seeking legal advice for something that we will find out anyway. YOUR CALL.
Hello Everyone

I have made my search of all discusions but have yet to find my answer.

I have done my CFAT and my medical. I had to get my finger prints taken digitally by the comissionaires as I declared my criminal record. After a long wait, they got my finger prints back and shecdualed me for a Interview.

At my interview, I was asked if I was ever convicted ( they allready knew) but I answered yes as I am a very honest person. He asked me if I was cleared of all court Obligations, after I said yes, he simply answered " oh ok good" and countinued on.

Now after he writes his report, he will send my file to Ottawa.

Can I still be denied because of my record?
Do I have to me 6 months free of any judical problem or wait 6 months after court Obligations were done?

All my Court obligations were done before applying but were only 5 months ago to this day.

Thank you so much in advance for everyones responce.
Search the forums, been discussed before.

Also, to get info that is related to you call the CFRC you are dealing with and ask.

After having a couple of my other trade choices fill up i have decided on Sig op, my interview is coming up on November 12. Now i have looked at some other post's regarding getting the necessary level 3 clearance,  and they mostly deal with people being born out of Canada or having relatives out of Canada.

but my question is what about criminal record? will this prevent me from getting my clearance for Sig op? I have no obligations to the courts and it was over 6 years ago i was convicted on some charges ( theft and fraud), i have gotten my check through the cfrc already so that is fine.

But my main concerns are i hung around some undesirables and was one myself back then, so getting a neighbour or friend from more than 6 years ago to say a decent word about me might prove challenging and i moved alot .

i have become a completely different person in the past 6 years, and i have many good references now but will this time in my life hinder me?
You could read some of the topics on CRIMINAL RECORD, SECURITY CLEARANCES and PARDONS to get a better idea.