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Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

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Hey everyone!

I just have a quick question about my credit check. Here goes, I do have some debt enough so that a letter from my creditor was needed. I now have acquired this letter with that being done, will it allow my application to proceed normally?

Once again thanks in advance for the help!
Yes it should be okay. I did a debt consolidation loan. And gave a letter to prove it now it just shows I'm taking responsibility to pay my debt with a payment arrangement and everything went well. I wouldn't fret too much about it

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Good morning,

I just came upon this forum a few days ago and have been digging through all the posts regarding the reserves, BMQ and applying. I noticed that some mentioned their credit scores as hindering their application and that's not something I had heard mentioned before, even at the info session I attended, Can anyone shed some light on how a bad credit score can hinder a Reservist application? I have debts from years ago that I am slowly chipping away at but I know some of them are in collections. This would be really disheartening for me if I my financial history keeps me out of the reserves. Thanks!
milkduds85 said:
Can anyone shed some light on how a bad credit score can hinder a Reservist application?

Credit history: financial problems can slow the enrolment process or, if there are related legal obligations that prevent you from deploying, may even disqualify you from the Forces.  If you have any debts, you will be asked about your plans to repay them.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
Hello, I’ve been looking on the forums quite freaquently but couldn’t find anything for my current predicament.

So I was in the Forces as infantry  from February 2017 to August 2017 completing basic, going on to battle school, getting hurt, trying to vot, getting denied by my coc and ultimately told to vr and reapply in 6 months.

I was released under 4c, and I tried to reapply in 6 months in which I was told by my recruiting center it’s actually a year. So I waited exactly a year and reapplied, I’m going Navy, Electronic Sensor Operator. I’ve done every step of the process and been granted my recruit school by pass and the process went fairly quickly as I was told the occupation is a priority trade and they want to get bodies in there as soon as possible. Now I’ve been waiting two months for the credit check/reliability screening, I’ve been in constant contact with my mcc about every two weeks I shoot him an email. I was told that my reliability screening is actually done he’s just waiting on the credit check which usually takes 5 days, That was beginning of January. As it was taking much longer then usual my mcc tried to inquire and put a priority on my file to which he got back to me and said “It is an internal issue on their part, but there are several people looking into resolving the issue from both sides.” I was wondering if anyone else is having the same problem? I know credit checks are fairly simple as you can do it yourself on mobile within minutes, I’m sure the caf do more thorough checks as well. Anyone who can share their own experiences or shed some light on the problem would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards Kietan

P.s this is my first post so sorry if I put it in the wrong section or it was too long or anything!
Please keep in mind that the CAF does not do the security / finance checks for those coming into the CAF; it's done by a 3rd party company. So the "internal issues" would be with the company.
And yes it's a known issue that was being looked into, the volume of applicants that the CAF receives along with our own recruiting priority (i.e. in January-March time frame the push is on ROTP, in April the push is MOTP); so these priorities can cause hold ups in other files at times.
Today I hit a road block due to bad debts and bad credits. Got turned away when I went for my interview. I was told this affected my application so I have to wait until I make arrangements and pay off the debts I owe. The CAF has a minimum you need to owe, if it's more than 4k they will ask you to lower it until they proceed with your application. So please make sure you deal with the debts if you are in the same boat.
I'm really disappointed in myself. I should have known better. Anyway, I apologize everyone.
I think they may ask to pay back the debt first or maybe you need to write a clarifying paper to promise the debt would be on your own responsibilities.
Yes. That's what I was told. To come up with a plan, bring proof of receipts of the ones I already paid and lower down the ones I still owe to less than 2000. I have in total of 4k in cc debts. I'm kinda mad at myself because I should have prepared myself ahead of time for this. I should have asked when I went to see them and make them aware of my situation maybe I would have saved some time I wasted and time I am going to waste by having my application closed. But I'm a patient man I already waited 2 years so another 6 months won't kill me. I'm just gonna have to settle things I havent settled and keep preparing for BMQ. Now my only wish is that the fields I chose would still be open when I want to reopen the file. And I'm hoping they wont have to call my references again.
Hi, mates!
I'm new here. I've had been reading this post, since I am trying to enroll myself.
I also still have student loan to payoff, and the mine one have been send to a recovery agency. But if I get enrolled for an Officer job then I can pay all my debts in 18 months.
My question is: Is there any way to see how high security check is need for each job?
I mean, for Intelligence Office, I presume the security check would be Enhanced Top Secret (the 4st one, the highest one). But would it be the same high level for Logistics Officer?
macarena said:
Hi, mates!
I'm new here. I've had been reading this post, since I am trying to enroll myself.
I also still have student loan to payoff, and the mine one have been send to a recovery agency. But if I get enrolled for an Officer job then I can pay all my debts in 18 months.
My question is: Is there any way to see how high security check is need for each job?
I mean, for Intelligence Office, I presume the security check would be Enhanced Top Secret (the 4st one, the highest one). But would it be the same high level for Logistics Officer?

Enhanced Top Secret doesn't exist. The levels are Enhanced Reliability, Secret, Top Secret.

I cannot see the need for every Logistics Officer to need Top Secret, likely only required for very specialized employment.
PuckChaser said:
Enhanced Top Secret doesn't exist. The levels are Enhanced Reliability, Secret, Top Secret.

Hi, PuckChaser!
Thanks vey much for your reply.  :nod:
About the security levels, I don't master all of that yet.
But weeks ago when I was looking for jobs at the Gouvernment, then I've had read many civil job posts on IT (information technology) that asked for the levels specified below:

PuckChaser said:
I cannot see the need for every Logistics Officer to need Top Secret, likely only required for very specialized employment.

This was an example of mine. I agree to you.

Well, I am from IT and actually almost all of the IT jobs at the Gouvernment are asking for the highest level of security. And since I am living outside Canada for 10 years, then I am very afraid to have my security check denied.  :'(
This is why I've imagined if I could choose an officer trade based on a low security check and then, after some years inside Canada, ask to transfer to some IT trade.
macarena said:
Hi, mates!
I'm new here. I've had been reading this post, since I am trying to enroll myself.
I also still have student loan to payoff, and the mine one have been send to a recovery agency. But if I get enrolled for an Officer job then I can pay all my debts in 18 months.
My question is: Is there any way to see how high security check is need for each job?
I mean, for Intelligence Office, I presume the security check would be Enhanced Top Secret (the 4st one, the highest one). But would it be the same high level for Logistics Officer?

Hi Macarena,

I hope you’ve been finding a lot of useful information during your time on Army.ca. Please continue to read as much as you can and participate where you’re able.

I noted a point in your post above where you mentioned a “student loan” and “recovery agency”. In that sentence, are you meaning that you have debts/loans which have been sent to collections?

Be aware, if you have current bad debts that haven’t been taken care of appropriately, this may  (depending on the specifics of your situation—ie. amount, payment plans in place or not, etc. etc.) hinder you from being successfully recruited right now.

I’m not a recruiter, nor do I have any insight into your personal recruiting process. (Only your Recruiter can give you definitive answers when he/she has obtained all necessary info.) Rather, I’m letting you know because you seem very eager to get in, which is good. But it’s also important to manage your expectations if you know you don’t have a straightforward background.
BeyondTheNow said:
Hi Macarena,
I noted a point in your post above where you mentioned a “student loan” and “recovery agency”. In that sentence, are you meaning that you have debts/loans which have been sent to collections?

Hi, BeyondTheNow!
Many thanks for your message!
Yes, my debt has been sent to a collection agency some years ago, and it doesn't appear on my Equifax, nor on my TransUnion, credit reports. But it is a student debt with the Gouvernment, i don't feel myself properly by never paying.
I really appreciate your words. It is a very nice contribution when we can get advices from veterans, to help us to avoid the worst.
I am trying to communicate with the lender, to check if I can make payments directly to them for this debt.
Does anyone know what the deal is with bankruptcy and joining? I recently filed bankruptcy. Can I apply while i am bankrupt? After I am discharged of bankruptcy and debts all cleared in August, will I stand a chance at getting in if im very competitive on everything and the only black mark is a very recent bankruptcy?