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Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

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I have been told my my recruiter that my outstanding debt is going to be put up for Review unless I can get letters from all my creditors that I am paying them.  I have the option of not getting letters and going up to a review board, however I am being as proactive as I can in regards to this matter.

I have one quick question that I forgot to ask my recruiter during my file submission and I was wondering if anyone on here could help me out.

How much could a very low credit score affect your probability of being accepted into the Forces?

to quote the immortal words of Kenny Chesney, i was "living life in fast forward". during my early - mid twenties and am still in the process of paying off my debts.

Any help on the matter would be very much appreciated.

Merging with the long and informative thread that will supply you with answers to these and any other questions you may have.


Milnet Staff
The answer is yes, people with bad credit can join and be accepted into the army. Unfortunately for me, my credit has been going downhill. That being said, i've received a call a few days ago regarding my credit check and what not and all you have to do, is provide proof of an agreement of some sort with your creditors or collection agency if you are currently in collections. After that is done, you send the e-mail (to your RC) or any form of proof provided  by the company you are dealing with, and your application will continue further. All they need to see is an agreement, to make sure your current credit situation is being ressolved. Goodluck and all the best. YOU'RE WELCOME.

so is it debt like loans or is it debt like the collection agencies are after you? because i just did my cfat and i have a car loan. a bike loan and about 4100$ in credit card debt. bike and car are always paid for...credit card...well its hit and miss cause i work at walmart and hours fluctuate like a wave pool lol
I had a really bad credit and they gave me a date for my interview 15 Sept but the called me the 13th Sept to cancel because my credit was bad. I made arrangements with my creditors and the Fc asked me that i should pay 3 of 6 payments. I did it and i went to give the documents that prove it last week. Anybody in the same situation???? How long can take till they call me again for a date for interview and medical?????
I had my interview today for the Naval Reserves. I had unfortunately had some debt build up in early 2015, but I promptly got on a debt consolidation program, and I have been working on paying it off, the MCC still found me eligible but she was a little concerned with my debt, though I have shown that I am working on it, with back up from documents the credit counseling society had provided, the MCC also wanted me to send her a letter on how I managed to get myself in with collections, and how I am fixing it, and how I plan to keep it so that I will not end up in debt again. My debt is the amount of $4800.00 so it is very manageable to pay off, but I am taking it slow right now with the monthly payments of $100.00, the MCC said she was going to send it to her debt manager, and she is recommending me. Should I be worried at all, or is this a common thing with people who have to deal with collections?
Anira09 said:
I had a really bad credit and they gave me a date for my interview 15 Sept but the called me the 13th Sept to cancel because my credit was bad. I made arrangements with my creditors and the Fc asked me that i should pay 3 of 6 payments. I did it and i went to give the documents that prove it last week. Anybody in the same situation???? How long can take till they call me again for a date for interview and medical?????

I went through the entire process and was on my Final Interview when i found out the dreaded words suitable candidate but not ideal bec of my debt, i was informed you need to show 3 months consistent payments and a payment plan or pay them off completely. I have a meeting next week to consolidate my debt with a creditor and have it removed completely and setup a payment plan so i can have my application continued. Hope this gives you an idea.
So I am almost done my whole application. Just had medical and interview on Monday. All went well . the recruiter said he is going to skip my competition interview as the CAF needs me for the position. ( Armoured Soldier ) the last step they have to do is do a Reliability Screening which as I know reviews a credit check. I don't have good credit at all my cards and debt went to collections. The only thing I have done to correct it was back in November I have went to a credit counseling program to manage my debt and now its on track but stuff may show in collections still. I have given the recruiter a letter from the debt management program stating I have taken measures to pay my debt. Do you think they will still deny me as a recruit because of that. They said I would hear back in 3-4 weeks. Just nervous as this is something I really want to do.

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So I am almost done my whole application. Just had medical and interview on Monday. All went well . the recruiter said he is going to skip my competition interview as the CAF needs me for the position. ( Armoured Soldier ) the last step they have to do is do a Reliability Screening which as I know reviews a credit check. I don't have good credit at all my cards and debt went to collections. The only thing I have done to correct it was back in November I have went to a credit counseling program to manage my debt and now its on track but stuff may show in collections still. I have given the recruiter a letter from the debt management program stating I have taken measures to pay my debt. Do you think they will still deny me as a recruit because of that. They said I would hear back in 3-4 weeks. Just nervous as this is something I really want to do.

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk

Paulyduch said:
So I am almost done my whole application. Just had medical and interview on Monday. All went well . the recruiter said he is going to skip my competition interview as the CAF needs me for the position. ( Armoured Soldier ) the last step they have to do is do a Reliability Screening which as I know reviews a credit check. I don't have good credit at all my cards and debt went to collections. The only thing I have done to correct it was back in November I have went to a credit counseling program to manage my debt and now its on track but stuff may show in collections still. I have given the recruiter a letter from the debt management program stating I have taken measures to pay my debt. Do you think they will still deny me as a recruit because of that. They said I would hear back in 3-4 weeks. Just nervous as this is something I really want to do.

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk

See also,

The Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics 
Paulyduch said:
So I am almost done my whole application. Just had medical and interview on Monday. All went well . the recruiter said he is going to skip my competition interview as the CAF needs me for the position. ( Armoured Soldier ) the last step they have to do is do a Reliability Screening which as I know reviews a credit check. I don't have good credit at all my cards and debt went to collections. The only thing I have done to correct it was back in November I have went to a credit counseling program to manage my debt and now its on track but stuff may show in collections still. I have given the recruiter a letter from the debt management program stating I have taken measures to pay my debt. Do you think they will still deny me as a recruit because of that. They said I would hear back in 3-4 weeks. Just nervous as this is something I really want to do.

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk

See also,

mariomike said:
See also,

I can't check it. It says server too busy

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I had a 409.00  bill in collections from 8 years ago and my whole application was froze till it was payed;  Hope yours doesn't.      Good luck

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PuckChaser said:
There's a specific reason there's a credit check, the CF doesn't want or need administrative burdens due to personal finances, or worse: individuals who can be persuaded by criminal elements/foreign intelligence due to their poor financial state. Work at McDonalds, or move if your local job market is terrible, but doing nothing will look terrible on your application.

Read this and just thought I'd mention, someone who is unable to find work because of a crappy local job market, more often than not can't /afford/ to move. As moving requires first and last months rent somewhere, moving expenses (gas, rentals etc) and is often difficult to do even for people with a steady financial situation, suggesting this to someone who is unable to make minimum payments on a credit card, is probably not helping much. I only felt the need to mention this because that is the exact situation I am in now.
DAHOK987 said:
Read this and just thought I'd mention, someone who is unable to find work because of a crappy local job market, more often than not can't /afford/ to move. As moving requires first and last months rent somewhere, moving expenses (gas, rentals etc) and is often difficult to do even for people with a steady financial situation, suggesting this to someone who is unable to make minimum payments on a credit card, is probably not helping much. I only felt the need to mention this because that is the exact situation I am in now.

The idea is that you should be living within your means.  Simply not having employment is not enough to be refused entry into the CAF, many applicants are currently unemployed or just graduated from school.  However if you have no employment and debt to the point of being in collections (or not being able to make minimum payments), that could cause your application to be closed.
Hi! I am currently in the process of the whole recruiting fun. I take my aptitude test next week.

I am just wondering (further down the road if all goes smoothly with the CFAT)
If having tax debt to Canada Revenue will be a problem. The debt itself was because of an employee error made by my current company.  They claimed respomsibility for it, but as far as the debt goes there was nothing they could do to help me.The debt is about 8000. I understand that they will like to see a payment plan etc.

I am 20 years old
No credit card
And no other debt

Do you think this Canada Revenue Debt will give me trouble?
Connor_96 said:
Do you think this Canada Revenue Debt will give me trouble?

You find this discussion helpful,

The Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics 
17 pages.

Connor_96 said:
The debt is about 8000. I understand that they will like to see a payment plan etc.

•Tell us about any personal debts you have and your plans to repay them.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
I have a small student loan debt (Under 6000) and a good credit rating, im just wondering if the student debt will cause me any issues?
FinnO25 said:
I have a small student loan debt (Under 6000) and a good credit rating, im just wondering if the student debt will cause me any issues?


"Tell us about any personal debts you have and your plans to repay them."