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CPC Leadership Discussion 2020-21

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dapaterson said:
I briefly dated a Dal Law grad.  That likely has influenced my perception of them...

And possibly of all lawyers, too.

FJAG said:
And possibly of all lawyers, too.


Plenty of other lawyers have also shaped my views on lawyers... the one who hated his clients and yelled at them for actions well before his clients were in positions to change things; the one who sent a nice, folksy letter announcing his retirement dated the day before he was disbarred for conspiring with clients to defraud banks.  You know what they say, crooked lawyers give the other 2% a bad name.
Just looked it up and found the other contender is a Dalhousie Law grad as well.  :facepalm:

That explains a lot.


^ A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.  :)
Scheer didn't follow through on renouncing U.S. citizenship

Outgoing Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer still holds his U.S. citizenship, after stating during the 2019 federal election campaign that he was in the process of renouncing it.

In an interview on CTV's Question Period with Evan Solomon, Scheer said that after deciding to step down as leader, he halted the process.

"Knowing that I won't be prime minister, I discontinued that process," Scheer said.


O'Toole has released his platform and on the Defense front I like he wants to take everything defense procurement related and put it in one department for everything. How that would actually work is any ones guess but not having public works, treasury, and dnd all adding layers of tape may make things easier.
MilEME09 said:
O'Toole has released his platform and on the Defense front I like he wants to take everything defense procurement related and put it in one department for everything. How that would actually work is any ones guess but not having public works, treasury, and dnd all adding layers of tape may make things easier.

Those layers are relatively straight forward, (but TBS wouldn't be rolled in); when you get over $40 million you get IRBs under ISED, and on something like the NSS, fighter replacement etc there are something like 7 departments involved (with their own Ministers).

Personnel wise the majority involved work on it full time anyway, but all report back up different chains, with all kinds of fingers in the pie. With no single decision maker, it can mean a whole bunch of competing priorities and delays in all the project decisions.

There is enough work there could be a dedicated assistant minister (like a deputy MP) responsible for procurement, but there are so many layers of bureaucracy it would probably take a decade to rejig everything.
MilEME09 said:
O'Toole has released his platform and on the Defense front I like he wants to take everything defense procurement related and put it in one department for everything. How that would actually work is any ones guess but not having public works, treasury, and dnd all adding layers of tape may make things easier.

Things Like SSC and Phoenix were supposed to do?  No thanks.
So have now watched both the leadership debates and was actually quite surprised at how well Sloan and Lewis came across (well in English anyway) Their platforms don't pull me in at all but they carried themselves much better than I thought they would.

So. As to O'Toole. I'm not too far off his platform but don't really like the man. First I find him divisive in that he seems to take as much time in attacking MacKay as Trudeau. Obviously taking shots at the leader to try to cut him down but it grates on me. His emails have been exactly the same. Hard to come back as a team player with that. Second, I'm amazed at how often he drops the "I'm a veteran" card. I think he can be proud of his service but he makes it sound like he's been at the heart of the nation's defence policy rather than having had a career as a journeyman navigator who has never seemed to hold any significant staff positions. Strikes me as well that while he disputes cuddling up to the social conservatives, he'd be prepared to make a devil's compromise to get them on his side.

MacKay has his past problems but at this point in time seems to be pushing a good broad economic policy. I like both his experience in Defence and his promise to up spending to 2%. (Hopefully he can do that to boost equipment and O&M and no further full-time salaries. - especially at NDHQ/CFHQ  ;D) I liked particularly that notwithstanding OToole's constant barbs, MacKay didn't rise to the bait. He's maintaining a conciliatory tone and his promising to be a unifier of the party.

So. Pretty much made up my mind.

Someone posted on FB:

Quote of the night from Erin O'Toole in the Conservative Leadership debate:

"You can't scare me; I used to fly in Sea Kings!"
Colin P said:
Someone posted on FB:

Quote of the night from Erin O'Toole in the Conservative Leadership debate:

"You can't scare me; I used to fly in Sea Kings!"

Yup. He said that.

FJAG said:
Yup. He said that.


I honestly have to wonder if that would have meaning to any one outside Canada, but that is certainly a blunt way to get the point across!
Colin P said:
Someone posted on FB:

Quote of the night from Erin O'Toole in the Conservative Leadership debate:

"You can't scare me; I used to fly in Sea Kings!"

MacKay didn’t quip about preferring Cormorants? :D
“... who has never seemed to hold any significant staff positions”.  On the other hand, he’s never had any staff positions. This is more of a plus if he’s avoided the NDHQ virus.

Right now this party needs to get unified more than anything else.  I don’t see another leader who can do that other than McKay. So it makes sense to get McKay in the driver seat for the good of the party, but I don’t feel he can beat Trudeau because: yep, legacy Harper and that’s all the Libs will need to win again.

Lewis could probably beat Trudeau if the party could get behind her and give her a good campaign team, but it’s likely the dark forces would probably skewer her in the middle of an election.
The Machiavellian thing to do would be to go with Lewis. A black, female, successful immigrant. Use the Liberal's playbook against them. She would, of course, be challenged to renounce her birthright citizenship, but that's no great thing.
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