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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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I put a CT 5 weeks ago and I havent heard anything from them, not an email telling me that they have receive it (wich would be nice) or a letter. is this normal or should I get a hold of somebody to ask them whats going on.  I went in to the CF website to talk with one of the recruters there buy they told me they have no conection to CT only the forms and where they have to be sent.
I am going from res. combat engineer to reg. f MSEop, I just finish my BMQ and BMQ(L).  any thought on this?
Hello, I'm a brand-new minted 2Lt in PRes Arty initiating CT to RegF Arty.
Currently I'm CAP qualified and current with medical and PT, having finished from BOTP 1&2 and CAP this summer and awaiting loading onto DP1.1 in summer of 2010. I'd like to get loaded to DP1.1 and 1.2 as RegF and get posted to Regt like someone doing ROTP and graduating this summer would. I'm currently exchanged to the UK for my 4th year and will finish in late May/early June.

After having searched the topic, I couldn't find someone (PRes Offr to RegF Arty Offr) in my situation in the last few years to gauge what sort of timeframe I should be looking at from now (having put in the CT app on the snazzy website today!) to CT completion. The last person who is close to my situation posted messages on this forum in 2003, so having read the CF MIL PERS INSTR 03/08, a lot has changed in the CT process.

Would someone aware of the issues be kind enough to advise a young officer? I'm told that 1 and 2 RCHA are short of Lts and Capt. positions so the jobs are there for people in my situation, but I understand that the people processing these are under heavy workloads and the process may be delayed.

Secondly is a PSO interview and additional med test etc. necessary if one is going to same MOC? I ask this because I really don't want to pay for a 15 min PSO interview from London to Toronto in middle of the Univ. year.
Alright. So I am currently a 19 year old Mobum combat engineer living with his parents working 20-25 days a month at my unit. I have been in for about 1 yr and half. Have QL3 and am a spr qualified CPL. About 2 months ago I put in a memo to CT to reg force engineer; specifically 1 CER (hopefully 11 Fd Sqn ;)). My sct cmdr and another sgt convinced me not to do the CT just yet. They recommended I get some more time in and some more courses. I am currently being loaded for my 5's, water purification and my mod 6 (yes I have completed most of the other PLQ mods, the reserves are desperate for leadership as you can see) this summer.

Honestly all I want is to get a tour to Afghanistan and then after that see what I want to do with my life however getting a tour is harder then I expected. I'm told to get a tour then switch but that is easier said then done, I first have to get a tour and I have limited chances left. I have no civilian job as I want to keep working at the unit and keeping them happy so if a tour position comes up they will offer it to me first.

I'm debating just CTing now and if I have to redo recruit school, my 3's big deal. I know I am getting paid and it's just more guaranteed opportunities to blow stuff up. However at the same time I think if I get a tour position on 1/11 I can keep my courses and my rank which would be Cpl.

I'm sorry for the rant but I want some people to chime in on what they would do. I really would like to stop wasting my life.
...my 2 cents.
hang in there apply for a CT after your get your 5s. It should give you a recruit school bypass, but only a MCC can give you the right info.
With the number of CT's in the system (approx 1700+) if you put it in now you might be done your 5's by the time you get an offer.  My advise stays the same - you have no garuntee of getting a tour with the reserves so why delay your career on a wish.  If your 5's will not carry over to the regs then no reason to wait on it either.  If you really want to be Reg F then put in your CT. Maybe you will get in and sent to Afghan.

Just to make everyone that is waiting happy - they have now put together a Tiger Team to work on CT's backlog for approx 6 months.  Hopefully this will mean all you that are waiting will be over to the dark side by summer.
How many/much Reserve qualifications/experience do you need to skip Regular BMQ if you are CTing and changing occupations?

I have heard stories of Reservists having to do Reserve BMQ and Regular BMQ when they CTed.
changing occupation shouldn't have any bearing - it would only affect your trade qualifications. 

Last I heard it was time in that made a difference.

Lot better than the 80's - buddy of mine had an ex reserve MWO and Capt on his basic at Cornwallis in 85.
With the current freeze with recruiting/downsizing does anybody know how this is affecting the CT for Res to Reg.
I have seen a few CT's recently, even after the Reallocation of funds began.  It depends on the need in the trade you are trying to join.  As always, a Trained Soldier is of more value than a recruit.  I know one School has a backlog of recruits waiting their Trades training, and I suspect it is not just a singular case.  St Jean is still pumping through the pers.
as they just put together a tiger team of 10 to help process the CT's that have built up I am sure that they will continue as needed.  The cuts have been to the reserve class b posns, the reg f strength has not been cut so the positions still need to be filled.  If anything I would think the budget situation would help the CT's as it is cheaper to take in someone already trained and able to go to work than to take a recruit off that street and train them. RMS Cpl releases, bring in a CT, no extra cost on the budget other than a possible move.
As I understand it, very few trades are actually full to the point where they dont want anymore pers.  Rather it is the training system that is full.  Case in point.  I am a reg force Int O.  However, I am on OJT, hence ineffective for at least 2 years while I wait for my trade course.  The reason I am waiting this long is because the training system cannot accomodate too many candidates at once.  Therefore Int O is closed and you cannot join it.  But, at the same time Int O is a seriously undermaned trade.  They have closed my trade temporarily as they get through the backlog of trainees like myself.  Once that happens, the trade will re-open.

That said, if your trade is currently open, and you want to CT reg force then the time to do it is NOW.  If your personal situation permits, DO NOT delay your CT.  There is no good reason for it and you run the risk of having your trade closed in the future.
Just wondering how the whole system works, I mean is there a point system or something like if member A) is ql3 qualified (reg F standard) and has 5years in, through the reserves, vs member b) who is only BMQ qualified and has 2 years in the reserves...

I'm guessing there is some kind of framework for evaluating who they want, and who to give offers to.  Just curious what an avg timeline for a ql3 qualified LS (NavRes) would be to transfer over to the dark side, same trade, for arguments sake lets say Log trade/purple trade.
I know alot of guys who CT'd to the reg force and stayed in the same trade they were in on the reserve side.  Most of them went through pretty quick.  In fact, one of them only had to wait two weeks.  However, now that CTs have skyrocketed, everything has changed.
Hello all,

I put in my application for component transfer (to Reg Force) in Sept, 2009. I got the confirmation email regarding my application 2 wks later. Since then, I haven't heard a thing from my unit or any emails from Ottawa.  Does anyone have any idea on how long  does the whole process take ??

I put in my application Mar 09, completed with interview in Aug 09. Patience is all I suggest. It can take a year, as you see (and my file is not complicated: junior officer, less than 3 years in). Expect significant delays on the part of DMCA. Expect them to take 6 weeks to call you back. Expect DMCA and CFRG to be the right and left hand who don't communicate very well. My advice to you is this: don't put the rest of your life on hold in anticipation, don't make plans in anticipation, and hound DMCA every step of the way. This process can take as long as, or longer than, recruiting off the street. My advice to anyone reading this who is considering a CT: don't wait! If you change your mind about it later, that's fine, but do not put off the application because it's a long, long time between application and offer. Feel free to send me a private message if you need info about the process and my experience.
Here is an email i received from DMCA 2 weeks ago. My application has been in since Sept '09.

"All occupations are closed until the new fiscal year.  We have been directed to stop processing files until we are presented with new intake numbers for next year starting in Apr 10.  In the mean time be sure your fitness test and medical do not expire and that all information is correct on your MPRR.  We don't want any stumbling blocks when the time comes for you to transfer."

Average time i'm told is 3-4 months.  A friend applied same time as myself, he was v-tech res going v-tech reg, and was gone in 5 weeks. 

Every situation is different.
21trucker said:
Here is an email i received from DMCA 2 weeks ago. My application has been in since Sept '09.

"All occupations are closed until the new fiscal year.  We have been directed to stop processing files until we are presented with new intake numbers for next year starting in Apr 10.  In the mean time be sure your fitness test and medical do not expire and that all information is correct on your MPRR.  We don't want any stumbling blocks when the time comes for you to transfer."

Average time i'm told is 3-4 months.  A friend applied same time as myself, he was v-tech res going v-tech reg, and was gone in 5 weeks. 

Every situation is different.
ALL occupations?  That's odd, I applied around the same time as you, and just got the green light. 

Then again, I'm RMS and I'm pretty sure that's a red trade in the Regs.

Just curious what an avg timeline for a ql3 qualified LS (NavRes) would be to transfer over to the dark side, same trade, for arguments sake lets say Log trade/purple trade.
Depends.  From what I've seen, perhaps a few months, perhaps a year.  I applied in Sep for the same trade,  got my acceptance two weeks ago, and ship to the west in May.  I have 5s behind me and I keep pretty much everything; I only have to learn Reg F pay from the Reg F's 3s/5s and voila.......

All sorts of factors come into play....
- How much demand is there for qualified ___s?
- Are the QL3s for both Reg and Res ___s very similar, or completely different? (I believe most LOG trades are pretty good for that, such as mine).
- If you have to do a course: Is that trade's training pipeline overburdened?  If  yes, you may have to wait.
- Are there any admin issues holding you back? (Outdated fitness or medical)
- Suddenly, a whole boatload of people want in the regs.  Therefore putting more burden on D MIL C's  CT section, meaning you may have to wait a bit longer.

21trucker said:
Here is an email i received from DMCA 2 weeks ago. My application has been in since Sept '09.

"All occupations are closed until the new fiscal year.  We have been directed to stop processing files until we are presented with new intake numbers for next year starting in Apr 10.  In the mean time be sure your fitness test and medical do not expire and that all information is correct on your MPRR.  We don't want any stumbling blocks when the time comes for you to transfer."

Average time i'm told is 3-4 months.  A friend applied same time as myself, he was v-tech res going v-tech reg, and was gone in 5 weeks. 

Every situation is different.

Surprizing we are full in the MSE Trade until April time frame. I was just talking to the CM yesterday, unless some how the information magically changed.