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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Enforce higher PT standards in all cmbt arms trade courses...( I've seen only a small slice of them, so feel free to correct me if there are still bagdrives out there)

EDIT: sorry, it's off topic...just needs to be said.
popnfresh said:
Enforce higher PT standards in all cmbt arms trade courses...( I've seen only a small slice of them, so feel free to correct me if there are still bagdrives out there)

EDIT: sorry, it's off topic...just needs to be said.

- Then we are back to the bad old days - like BMI - where the clerks releasing fat combat arms soldiers were fatter than the soldiers were.

- If we do not have a basic standard, then lets adopt trade fitness catagories just as we do trade medical catagories.  Test upon component transfer.  Fail? Back to the Res Force.

- Note: you need a reservists permission to transfer them to the Regular Force.  You do NOT need a Regular's permission to transfer him to the Reserve force.
I'm currently considering a CT -  my question is if anyone knows if there has been any movement on the CL A = 1/4 when Cl B = 1/1 time consideration for going Reg force.
The reason I ask is I had picked up quite a bit of "fulltime" Cl A days for various projects at my unit in the last year. -Yes I was working beside some of my peers who were on Cl Bs, and doing the same (if not more) amount of work.
Spartan said:
I'm currently considering a CT -  my question is if anyone knows if there has been any movement on the CL A = 1/4 when Cl B = 1/1 time consideration for going Reg force.
The reason I ask is I had picked up quite a bit of "fulltime" Cl A days for various projects at my unit in the last year. -Yes I was working beside some of my peers who were on Cl Bs, and doing the same (if not more) amount of work.

Movement on Cl A time?  Why would there be any "movement"?  If you want your time to be considered 1-1, get a class B contract, plain and simple. 
Spartan said:
and doing the same (if not more) amount of work.

But you were not serving under the same conditions regardless of how much work you were doing.
The only difference was their conditions that in theory they could be sent away to CFB here or there.
I still attended all weekend and weeknight training; I still attended Tues from 8 - 1600 and then 1800 - 2200;  I still did all the ex prep/ advance party; I would get a lot of veh moves (due to being one of a few drivers available), and I would be working everyday, but you're right - they weren't the same conditions. 

I just don't seem to understand the concept that the work I do is worth a quarter of my peers - regardless of type of work ( and no I'm not talking about various make work projects). That in support of exes - both Reg (eg SERE ) and Reserve. unit functioning - ati / veh inspections /stores cleaning / admin / etc, all count for nothing - even though without it - things fall to the wayside pretty quickly. And no, I'm not trying to come off as any type of person with the expectations of being able to live off of Cl A time - I just happened to pick up quite a bit of it.  If I'm doing the same work as my peers, why not receive the same recognition as them.
Be glad they're giving 1/4 time for Cl A at all.  When I got in the Reg F they really screwed up calculating my former time in (Reg and Res) and my Cl A counted for nothing.

I thought people were only supposed to work 10 Cl A days per month.  Something about more days than that being subject to EI deductions.  That's how it was when I was in the ARAF.  Has this changed (since 1995)?
I remember when I was in the reserves of working more then 10 days a month on Class A... but as I remember each of us could only work a certain number of Class A days per year (80?).
Spartan said:
The only difference was their conditions that in theory they could be sent away to CFB here or there.

The guy on class B doesnt get to say " i'm not going in to the unit this weekend/night because i have other things i would rather do"
PMedMoe said:
Be glad they're giving 1/4 time for Cl A at all.  When I got in the Reg F they really screwed up calculating my former time in (Reg and Res) and my Cl A counted for nothing.

I thought people were only supposed to work 10 Cl A days per month.  Something about more days than that being subject to EI deductions.  That's how it was when I was in the ARAF.  Has this changed (since 1995)?

I don't know about EI, but units only have a certain ammount of money allocated per year for Class A days. If they need more, they have to get approval from Higher. I do know that you can't work more than 13 consecutive days of class A, otherwise you need to go on class B.
PMedMoe said:
Be glad they're giving 1/4 time for Cl A at all.  When I got in the Reg F they really screwed up calculating my former time in (Reg and Res) and my Cl A counted for nothing.

I thought people were only supposed to work 10 Cl A days per month.  Something about more days than that being subject to EI deductions.  That's how it was when I was in the ARAF.  Has this changed (since 1995)?

EI&CPP rules have changed several times over the past few years.

You can get your prior service re-examined, and possibly buy back more, but caveat emptor the rates will be different, and you could end up owing significantly more than you think reasonable for a negligible increase in future benefits (of course, your situation may vary).  In addition, there are currently significant delays in processing Reserve pension elections (March '07 files are now at the top of the pile).  Sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.

(Edit: Bizarre timeout ate my original post)
Spartan said:
The only difference was their conditions that in theory they could be sent away to CFB here or there.
I still attended all weekend and weeknight training; I still attended Tues from 8 - 1600 and then 1800 - 2200;  I still did all the ex prep/ advance party; I would get a lot of veh moves (due to being one of a few drivers available), and I would be working everyday, but you're right - they weren't the same conditions. 

There are a number of differences between Class A and Class B, that fact that you think "in theory" a person on class b can be task last minute to where ever, illustrates that you fail understand these differences. 

I just don't seem to understand the concept that the work I do is worth a quarter of my peers - regardless of type of work ( and no I'm not talking about various make work projects). That in support of exes - both Reg (eg SERE ) and Reserve. unit functioning - ati / veh inspections /stores cleaning / admin / etc, all count for nothing - even though without it - things fall to the wayside pretty quickly. And no, I'm not trying to come off as any type of person with the expectations of being able to live off of Cl A time - I just happened to pick up quite a bit of it.  If I'm doing the same work as my peers, why not receive the same recognition as them.

See above.  Your coming off as a whiner.  Either ask to be put on/seek out a class B, or stop your bitching.  No one is forcing you to do all these "extra" Class A days.
dapaterson said:
You can get your prior service re-examined, and possibly buy back more, but caveat emptor the rates will be different, and you could end up owing significantly more than you think reasonable for a negligible increase in future benefits (of course, your situation may vary).  In addition, there are currently significant delays in processing Reserve pension elections (March '07 files are now at the top of the pile).  Sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.

It was already done once.  As far as the pensionable time, I am quite happy with that.  It was the time towards promotion that they lost me on.  It changed not too long after I got back in the Reg F but it was too late for me (and not retroactive).  Oh well, it would have only made a difference by about a year, no biggie.  :)
I am currently in the Reserve Force with no training. Recently applied for a CT to Reg F after a change of heart. I have heard that the new CT process that was put into effect on 01 Feb 08 will help speed things up and make it easier. I applied for my CT on 19 Dec 08 and since then have only received one email from the DMCA in regards to my MPRR and keeping it updated. Since I have no training, anyone know from experience how long the CT's take? Would my lack of any formal training make things easier/harder? I understand that it may be a weird circumstance, and I also understand that my local CFRC will know best, but frankly the CFRC has been no help.

From the time I applied to the time I received my first offer, it was 2 months almost to the day. You applied just before the Christmas break, so its doubtful you got processed before then. I would expect an email within the next few weeks, not your offer but an acknowledgement that the process has started.
Does one still need the reserve unit CO to sign off on the CT/OT, even with all the processing now being external? In other words can it be nixed by one's CO?
Senor Mono said:
Does one still need the reserve unit CO to sign off on the CT/OT, even with all the processing now being external? In other words can it be nixed by one's CO?

No, read the first page.
Still waiting on a CT from PRes to REG. I am currently  in Basic weekend course but applied for a CT in Oct 08. Nov 08 a SGT O? unsure of the rest of his name emailed saying to wait out still processing lots of applications. Anyone know how long this process averages?
Sgt Orcutt is who you're thinking of, and the process took approx 2 months and change for myself. Your results may vary as you do not have any courses in the CF yet, and will probably not get a recruit school bypass.
thanks, that's the man! I'm not looking for recruit school bypass. Very willing to go through it. I think that is part of the life, bypassing just wouldn't be for me, as crazy as that sounds! Anyone else have comments? Is there still the med/Interview/Physical testing after Sgt. has the application?