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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Wow, thanks for passing along that info, Hatchet. And yeah, I meant CFRC, whoops. My plt cmd is on the ball, so I hopefully won't get too much grief. My friend is OT & CTing to LOG, and he's not had any trouble from the regiment, I don't expect any either. Thanks for the advice, and once I get that memo I'll be able to get this show on the road.
Castus... your unit has not been in habbit of holding onto files - thereby blocking CTs
That's what I gathered from my friend, a Corporal, doing his CT & OT to Log without much grief. Did you  CT from the RMR, Geo?
Nope - but was there for many good years
I still know most of the "head shed" & they're a good bunch
Wow, thanks for passing along that info, Hatchet. And yeah, I meant CFRC, whoops. My plt cmd is on the ball, so I hopefully won't get too much grief. My friend is OT & CTing to LOG, and he's not had any trouble from the regiment, I don't expect any either. Thanks for the advice, and once I get that memo I'll be able to get this show on the road.

Castus, just to emphasize the point, you don't have to wait for anything to make the application - you are able to use the weblink whenever you like.  You do not need to go to the CFRC either, unless later on there is something that they need to do for you, but you'll receive direction on that if necessary from the staff at Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA).

Not sure when your friend started the process, however it has changed quite a bit in the last months so what he is doing might not be what you need to because of those changes.
My platoon LT had me fill the application in on the intranet tonight, which I obviously didn't have access to. He's a "Reserves exist to augment the Reg Force" kind of guys (thank god) and gave me some info packets on how the whole process works, again, off the intranet. So it's all in the works.

Thanks for the help, everyone!
Glad all went well
Not much is going to happen at this time of year (XMass block leave is coming up)
Have a good XMass break & you should hear back from them in the new year
Yes you can. I had my paperwork in before I went on a QL3 and all I had left to do before the summer was the interview.  I had the choice of not going on my QL3 and just doing the interview or go and do it after.
I know in the infantry you can CT from res inf to the regs and keep Cpl in some cases...and yet still have to redo DP1.
meni0n said:
Yes you can. I had my paperwork in before I went on a QL3 and all I had left to do before the summer was the interview.  I had the choice of not going on my QL3 and just doing the interview or go and do it after.

Did you go through the CFRC or DCIM (or whatever)?  If you don't have a Trade, you are still basically a "Recruit". 
popnfresh said:
I know in the infantry you can CT from res inf to the regs and keep Cpl in some cases...and yet still have to redo DP1.

Yes.  We know that.  That is what a Component Transfer (CT) is.  Depending on your Trade, Qualifications, and Tours, etc. you may keep all your qualifications and rank.
George, it was thru CFRC as it was more than 4 years ago but you are still a Pte(R) within the MOC you signed up with. That is why there MOC reassignment in the regs, you're not just a Pte(R) with no assigned MOC. You're just untrained in that trade but you are still part of it. That is why a reservist with only BMQ/SQ can go thru the CT process. I don't see how someone can get to be turned away from transferring to the Reg Force from the Reserve only because he's qualified BMQ/SQ.
meni0n said:
George, it was thru CFRC as it was more than 4 years ago but you are still a Pte(R) within the MOC you signed up with. That is why there MOC reassignment in the regs, you're not just a Pte(R) with no assigned MOC. You're just untrained in that trade but you are still part of it. That is why a reservist with only BMQ/SQ can go thru the CT process. I don't see how someone can get to be turned away from transferring to the Reg Force from the Reserve only because he's qualified BMQ/SQ.

That was four years ago, well before they changed their procedures.  Now Trained Reservists do not go through the CFRC when they do a CT.  The CFRC has nothing to do with the processing of Reservists doing a Component Transfer, until they receive the file for Enrolment.  If you do not have a Trade, you are just like anyone else off the street, untrained.

Why someone would do a CT before they get through BMQ, SQ and get a Trade in the Reserves is beyond me.  Shows poor decision making on their part.
The CT process for Trained Reservists is no longer handled by the CFRC.  As a Reservist you are expected to go through your Chain of Command to start this process.  Read the CANFORGENs that relate to the process, and then with the help of your OR access the necessary documents on the DWAN.  DO NOT go to the CFRC to start this, as it will only create confusion and delays (due to your mistake).

For more information go to the New CT process and start reading.  It contains the CANFORGENS and links that you will need to find the information you require.

PuckChaser said:
Hatchet Man said:
Here is the new form, you fill it out save as an email attachment and send to one of the emails at the bottom of the form.

http://hr3.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/dgmc/engraph/ComponentTxfer_e.asp if you have access to the DWAN, or click on the link in the quote above to find the file here.
George, when you are not MOC trained but have BMQ/SQ , you are semi-skilled, therefor you would not be treated as a untrained person off the street. Even if there is a new process in place, what the member is doing is just what a CT means, transferring components, from the Reserve to the Reg Force. I know about the new CT process, you asked me which process I used and I told you. I don`t see how that changes the fact that a semi-skilled reservist can do a CT to the Reg Force.

As per ref http://hr.dwan.dnd.ca/docs/instruction/instructions/engraph/pdf/CF_Mil_Pers_Instr_03_08_e.pdf

2.4 Definition of
Transfer (CT)
Component Transfer (CT) is defined as the administrative process by which
a CF member voluntarily changes components with no break in service and
remains a member of the CF.
CT is characterized as follows:
·  it continues service because it does not involve release from the CF;
·  it is an administrative process that facilitates the transfer from one
component into another component;
·  the member must consent; and
·  the member must be accounted for on the gaining component’s

And entry reqs:

3.1 Member
All currently serving officers and non-commissioned members of the CF are
eligible to apply for CT if the member is eligible for release under one of the
items of the table to QR&O 15 article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Noncommissioned
Members), except for the following Release Items: 1, 2, 3a, in
some conditions 3b, 5d, 5e, and 5f (refer to Table 4 for details). Overall, to be
eligible members must:
·  meet the minimum DMP POL MOSID Entry Standards for the
target occupation(s);
·  meet the medical standards for the target occupation(s) IAW A-MD-
·  not be subject to a restriction on a right to release as a result of,
QR&O articles 15.07, 15.071, and 15.075, or
·  signed Statement of Understanding; and
·  have a current Reliability Status (RS).
George Wallace said:
The CT process for Trained Reservists is no longer handled by the CFRC.   As a Reservist you are expected to go through your Chain of Command to start this process.  Read the CANFORGENs that relate to the process, and then with the help of your OR access the necessary documents on the DWAN.  DO NOT go to the CFRC to start this, as it will only create confusion and delays (due to your mistake).

Just a point there George, as was pointed out in one of the other CT threads (any chance these can all be merged?), there is no need or requirement to notify your CoC (as a reservist) if you intend to CT, as they have no control.  You can give them a little FYI memo if you want, or you can let them find out when Ottawa emails them ;).
You only need to give your CoC 30 days before the effective date of your transfer to start and finish your reserve release paperwork. If you're nice and don't want to burn any bridges, I'd suggest letting them know as soon as you accept the offer.