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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Hey guys. I am considering transfering from Res. to Reg. I am almost done BMQ and will obviously wait untill finished to proceed. I am just wondering if anyone has done a similar transfer and can give me an idea on how long the process takes.
See the threads on Component Transfer in the Recruiting FAQ:

I don't know how many of the reg force infantry guys check out the recruiting forum, but I will try here first before I go into the other sections of the site...

I am in the reserves, and I just put my component transfer in. I have 5 yrs mo' experience and I want to try doing this for a living, instead of trying to cram a full time job plus endless army time into my schedule. I'm hoping to get 1 or 3PPCLI.

I just have a few basic questions that I wanted to ask...so if any of you reg force infanteers are willing to admit you were once part of the reserves, let me know, and I will let loose with my questioning.

or try the search term "Component Transfer"
Component transfers eh? a pain in the a$$ if you ask me. I started mine a little over 3 years ago. It was a long drag but its almost over. Have been merit listed for 6+ months, but the hope is still there. I have been working at the school for the last 3 years and seen many ex-reservist candidates.
My advice is (1) DO NOT quit reserves.(2) DO NOT turn down courses in waiting for a transfer and (3) DO NOT plan on not taking the courses again.
If you're doing R031 into 031 you will usually get a BMQ by-pass after you have done SQ and BIQ in the reserves.

(1) If you quit reserves that won't do any good to you because of Previous Service Verification, and because your old unit will have to initiate paperwork if you haven't been out for more than 2 years (please correct me if I am wrong on this one but I am 110% sure thats how it is.)

(2) I suggest to everyone who thinks of doing a transfer into 031 never turn down any courses. When you do get to go on Reg SQ and BIQ, keep it down and do what you are told. Help out your friends and don't be a hot shot.

(3) Your courses most likely won't count when you get in the regs but you get the experience that will help you when you are doing the REG Force course. So if you're starting CT around this time of a year and you're being asked to takes SQ/BIQ in the summer TAKE it.

Just my 2 cents
MikeL said:
DjC, first, I don't think you can start a componet transfer untill you have your BMQ completed.

To begin the process, you have to send a memo up your chain of commend saying you want to transfer to the regular force, into whatever trade. Eventually it will get to the BOR an your start the application.

Your first basic engagment in the regular force is 3 years.

He can start it anytime he wants but he shouldn't expect a glowing recommendation from the CO and if he has completed less thatn 56 Class B days he has to do BMQ anyway.
Component transfers eh? a pain in the a$$ if you ask me. I started mine a little over 3 years ago.

It took me a couple months shy of 4 years, two requests for a CT(because the first one went missing) to get my transfer to the regs. My luck started to happen when I went to St-Jean to teach BMQ. My transfer was going nowhere because my file was sitting on someones desk for a long time. My unit wanted me to come back to them but they could not offer me a contract so I stayed in St-Jean and received a lot of help from the chain of command there to push some buttons and make some calls for me and finally a couple months ago I transfered to the regs.

Some transfers take a long time, I think it is because the units do not want to let their "good ones" go, and I have seen some CT's happen in a few months.

For anyone that is taking a long time, My advice to you is to not give up. make sure you track the progress of your file so it does not sit in a drawer somewhere. Get all the contracts you can if you don't have a civi job because remember Class B days are one for one so you will have that many more credited to you when your call comes.                   

Good luck.
It can be assumed that most people don't want to do courses over again when CTing, but does anybody know if you can actually request to do a course over again, say BMQ? even if your told you don't have to.
I have a question about what happens to your papers once they arrive at the recruiting center.  It took me 3 days ,18 phone calls, 5 messages, and talking to 9 different people to find out that my papers were not getting processed yet, but they were there, sitting along with other files since Feb 4th.

I was told to wait out for a phone call when my file gets started processing, but since they are really backed up, it will be some time.

I was just wondering if there was any work needed to be done by the folks in Recruiting center before I was able to book tests? ( does it take awhile to imput file into comp?)
And also what steps do people Component transfering have to do at the Recruiting center? (medical? physica?,etc.)

I will most likely phone the CFRC again, but if i could get some answers here it would really help :)
Bob the builder said:
I have a question about what happens to your papers once they arrive at the recruiting center.   It took me 3 days ,18 phone calls, 5 messages, and talking to 9 different people to find out that my papers were not getting processed yet, but they were there, sitting along with other files since Feb 4th.

I was told to wait out for a phone call when my file gets started processing, but since they are really backed up, it will be some time.

I was just wondering if there was any work needed to be done by the folks in Recruiting center before I was able to book tests? ( does it take awhile to imput file into comp?)
And also what steps do people Component transfering have to do at the Recruiting center? (medical? physica?,etc.)

I will most likely phone the CFRC again, but if i could get some answers here it would really help :)

Since the last two months the priority has been ROTP and Reserve applications.   Your recruiting centre should be getting around to the other files now.   I know that we are backed up about 65 files and we will do those in April.   What processing has to done for CTs is definitely applicant dependant. Possibly CFAT, a CT medical, an update ERC and an interview and possibly another Express Test.   They may need a qualification assessment done by the applicable school and that will take a while.   Once everything is done then they will merit be listed.
thank you very much for the reply, exactly what I wanted to know.

Heres to hoping I have tests waiting for me when I return from Cougar Salvo over spring break.
I put my transfer in almost a year now, and I've done all the testing I'm just waiting for a unit to pick me up, but I still Haven't  heard anything, I've phoned my recruiter various times and I've had no help, does anyone have any advice or know how long it took them?
all i can say is, it takes along time for the transfer to go through, I have met alot of ex reservists lately who have transfered to the regs and they all said the same thing, they wait a long time. hope you here somthing soon, good luck!
So, just got the call from the career counselor at CFRC Det Edmonton, because I scored V4 for vision I can't go into a combat arms MOC (my first choice was armour) and apparently my two other choices (supply tech and mse op) are pretty competetive an I might have to wait awhile to get into those trades. So he said some other army trades that I qualify for, an ones that can get me into a combat arms unit(I'm hoping I can get into PPCLI), and I did well on my apptitude test so I got offered Signals Operator. So shoulden't be to much longer(maybe a week) untill I get called in to sign my contract, etc an leave for my training. My componet transfer just took 10 months which I'm happy about, especially since I started my transfer a couple months after a friend of mine an he's still waiting on his(he's  going infantry).

I might have to redo basic though, since I'm a few days sort of the required amount for recruit school bypass, not something I really wanted to redo, but whatever.
Congrats on your future Componet Transfer, the most important part of it will be your TCP the CFRC will be giving you. This will depend how much Class A/B/C time you have in the Primary reserves that will count to you getting your Cpl's (and a higher pay  raise). This will depend on the time you spent in the Reserves.
also does anybody know if i have to exchange my kit? I've heard by people that when you transfer you turn in your kit and get re-issued
CPL said:
also does anybody know if i have to exchange my kit? I've heard by people that when you transfer you turn in your kit and get re-issued

If you are staying in the same element than you keep your issued kit except for any regimental/unit specific kit issue
Not trying to hijack but would it be faster to just leave the reserves and reapply for the regs?