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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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smile said:
As a reservist I've been told that its much faster to get into the regforce by releasing and rejoining. Can anyone confirm this to be true? I've been told this by multiple people and judging by the 1 1/2 year wait into a trade that is always "hiring" I think I should have taken the advice.
My issue is that I recently added to my application to get into Marine Eng, which is the trade that I now want. However I was told that there is only 1 spot available this year, even though my local recruiting center and CF website states that its in demand. Any advice would be appreciated.

I was told to consider releasing and re applying from DMCPG-5 (the people who process CT's) if I wanted to go for MARS/LOG. Alternatively they told me I could become trade qualified in either trade and then reapply (impossible, because I can't get the time off work, and this would take years) or to pick other trades.

I presently have a CT in for Nav Comm which I've given up on. Though I did check the DWAN the other day, 50 or so spots off the street and 1 CT (U) ;D.

If you can get ahold of your broker they can tell where you are on the list. It is a first come/first served basis. Once you know how many spots there, and where you are on the list you can make a decision. Like Krimynal said it is a gamble. I've heavily considered releasing and reapplying for LOG/MARS, however two things are stopping me: A) I love the reserves B) I need the money (student loans aren't going to repay themselves). Luckily I've got a job  and it is also in my field of study so it likes I'll stick around in the reserves for a few more years. Once I repay my student loans, i'll likely release, depends if I have a serious girlfriend or something by then. If not I'll stick around until it is no longer fun.

If it is a short list and you can get a CLS B or something that might be something to consider as it is all pensionable time. It also depends what you have going on outside of the reserves, can you get a full time job to occupy yourself while your application goes through?

Good luck.

So a trade has 50 spots available for new recruits and yet only 1 for reservists. So I guess the best and fastest choice for spots like these are to release and rejoin. Thanks guys. I'll be reading further inputs but I think I've made up my mind.
smile said:
I'll be reading further inputs but I think I've made up my mind.

You may also find discussions such as these of interest,

Release and Re-apply or wait it out ??? 

quitting reserves to join reg 

smile said:
So a trade has 50 spots available for new recruits and yet only 1 for reservists. So I guess the best and fastest choice for spots like these are to release and rejoin. Thanks guys. I'll be reading further inputs but I think I've made up my mind.

Im sure other trades are different and may have more favourable outlooks. Check the SIP, look into what repercussions exist for releasing and reapplying.
smile said:
So a trade has 50 spots available for new recruits and yet only 1 for reservists. So I guess the best and fastest choice for spots like these are to release and rejoin. Thanks guys. I'll be reading further inputs but I think I've made up my mind.
Remember, a CT (untrained) is basically just a recruit school bypass, and it might not even be that if the member doesn't have a lot of PRes time in. They're going to process CT (Trained) a lot faster, especially for red trades (not using the in demand crap from the website).

They'll also time CT(U) offers to get people in the door right before a course starts, so if they only run 1 a year with 3 spots, you'd better be competitive.

I know a few people who have gotten out and reapplied, and they only did so because they could afford not having the reserve pay. It's also going to complicate your pension calculations because there's no continuous service.
smile said:
So a trade has 50 spots available for new recruits and yet only 1 for reservists. So I guess the best and fastest choice for spots like these are to release and rejoin. Thanks guys. I'll be reading further inputs but I think I've made up my mind.

PuckChaser has some good comments and information above.  Also, here's something to contemplate and help you out with deciding on which path to choose.

If you decide to release 4.c. (voluntary) from the Reserves with the intent of applying for the Regular Force, here are the current restrictions:

a.  If you are already occupation qualified (ie; OFP, QL3, DP1, etc) in your current occupation and release 4.c., you cannot re-apply for the Regular Force until 6 months after the effective date of your release.

b.  If you are NOT occupation qualified in your current occupation and release 4.c., you cannot re-apply for the Regular Force until 12 months after the effective date of your release.

The CT processing time can be long but like previously mentioned, it's pretty much first come, first served, so you wait your turn.  Regular Force is much more competitive these days and on a "National" level, so it's a "roll the dice and takes your chances" sort of thing, just like everyone else.

Good luck!
as no one else has gone there -

Submit your queries but don't turn down the offer or delay the enrolment over the issue.  You mentioned you were hoping for IPC 3 which is only 3 months after for you so really not worth delaying for as a review could take 3 months on its own.  After you are in you can still request a review of anything you want, maybe have additional course credit and rank amended to Cpl.
I understand there is plenty of information on CTs in other forums.
However, I have searched endlessly and have not found a clear answer (and up to date answer).

Here it goes:

I want to transfer from reserve force infantry to regular force infantry.

What is the first step to doing a CT for this?

Must I submit a memo through my CoC or go to the recruiting centre?

If submitting a memo, what is the proper format for a CT?

P.s. Just finished DP1 summer 2016.

The document you need is CF MIL PERS INSTR 03/08 – Canadian Forces Component Transfer and Component Transfer Career Programs.
mikegf6 said:
I understand there is plenty of information on CTs in other forums.
However, I have searched endlessly and have not found a clear answer (and up to date answer).

Here it goes:

I want to transfer from reserve force infantry to regular force infantry.

What is the first step to doing a CT for this?

Must I submit a memo through my CoC or go to the recruiting centre?

If submitting a memo, what is the proper format for a CT?

P.s. Just finished DP1 summer 2016.

All your questions were answered in those threads you mentioned above.  Unlike what you just did above, YOU WILL HAVE TO READ the following publication that you have been directed to.

dapaterson said:
The document you need is CF MIL PERS INSTR 03/08 – Canadian Forces Component Transfer and Component Transfer Career Programs.
For reference, perhaps,

CT- Reserve to Regular Help 

will be merged with,

Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Q&A
45 pages.
mikegf6 said:
I understand there is plenty of information on CTs in other forums.
However, I have searched endlessly and have not found a clear answer (and up to date answer).
Here it goes:
I want to transfer from reserve force infantry to regular force infantry.
What is the first step to doing a CT for this?
Must I submit a memo through my CoC or go to the recruiting centre?
If submitting a memo, what is the proper format for a CT?
P.s. Just finished DP1 summer 2016.

From a DWAN Computer, search for "CMP Component Transfer" or just go to cmp.mil.ca and search their site.  The CT Application process is done online and at your leisure.
mariomike said:
For reference, perhaps,

CT- Reserve to Regular Help 

will be merged with,

Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Q&A
45 pages.

Agreed, my bad, should be merged.

DAA said:
From a DWAN Computer, search for "CMP Component Transfer" or just go to cmp.mil.ca and search their site.  The CT Application process is done online and at your leisure.

Perfect, thank you for the clear answer.  [:D
mikegf6 said:
Agreed, my bad, should be merged.

Perfect, thank you for the clear answer.  [:D

I didn't mean it that way. It was a good question and well answered. It's worth adding.  :)

Thank you for the replies,

I have put in my CT for reserve infantry to reg force infantry.

I was told that the process should not be complicated and since I am not doing an OT it should go through.

However, my question is, when do they start to look at your file and assess it? I've read on here and talked others that it could take 3-4 months or some had waited 3 years!

Also, Ive read on here that you may be able to retain your rank but I've also heard that you could lose your rank? Still not sure what the CLEAR answer is to this. I am Dp1 qualified, would I retain my rank?
mikegf6 said:
Thank you for the replies,

I have put in my CT for reserve infantry to reg force infantry.

I was told that the process should not be complicated and since I am not doing an OT it should go through.

However, my question is, when do they start to look at your file and assess it? I've read on here and talked others that it could take 3-4 months or some had waited 3 years!

Also, Ive read on here that you may be able to retain your rank but I've also heard that you could lose your rank? Still not sure what the CLEAR answer is to this. I am Dp1 qualified, would I retain my rank?

Welp it took me 5 years to CT after application, soooo I'd say there is no set timeline. Did you successfully PLAR the reg force DP1? Or is it the same?
NSDreamer said:
Welp it took me 5 years to CT after application, soooo I'd say there is no set timeline. Did you successfully PLAR the reg force DP1? Or is it the same?

I literally just submitted the online application, would I get contacted for a PLAR anytime soon? 
mikegf6 said:
I literally just submitted the online application, would I get contacted for a PLAR anytime soon?

You should be receiving an email response from DMCPG 5-2 with further details.  You'll need to keep an eye on your DWAN email for this I believe.
DAA said:
You should be receiving an email response from DMCPG 5-2 with further details.  You'll need to keep an eye on your DWAN email for this I believe.

I didn't have a DWAN email, (though my chief clerk made one but will take a while for it to be accepted) so the clerk put his email in and said he would forward any email to me on the CT that he receives... Hopefully he checks it often.  Do they usually email you pretty soon?