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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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i didnt find a subject dedicated to this and i was wondering what to expect when you put in a CT from reserves to the regs if you are the trained pte/cpl type, for example what should you expect to happen in the first few months when you get thru? how different is the atmosphere and treatment? is there really drive by jackings?

And weekend warrior - try a few more capital letters and some more punctuation where appropriate, please.

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weekend warrior said:
i didnt find a subject dedicated to this and i was wondering what to expect when you put in a CT from reserves to the regs if you are the trained pte/cpl type, for example what should you expect to happen in the first few months when you get thru? how different is the atmosphere and treatment? is there really drive by jackings?

My best friend in the reserves went sigs -> sigs, he says it is awesome and he loves it. He suggested I do it as well. He also said that admin side of the reg army is very switched on.

I also have other friends from various courses, Arty, Inf and Sigs and I don't know of anyone who is having a bad go. From their FaceBook pages they seem to be having a grand ol time. As are my friends who joined the regs from civy land.

The challenge is to actually get an offer  >:D

While I personally haven't transferred, I reckon as long as you aren't incompetent and don't walk around with a chip on your soldier you'd have a good go. I have attached posted in the reserves, the first two months where weird as I had to "relearn" how to do my job and various admin procedures because each unit functions differently. I'd imagine that regs would be just that.

Your mileage may vary
Anyone familiar with the overall wait time to do a component transfer from Primary Reserve to Reg Force? Currently QL3 Qualified as of March and Green on all related courses for deployments. I personally love my unit and get 7-8 Months of Class B, sometimes 10-11 depending on taskings throughout the year but I am stuck back in my hometown. One thing about all my training so far that I enjoyed was getting out of my comfort zone and seeing the rest of Canada. I'd like to see and do more, but going through the process is going to upset people at my Unit and especially my friends. I just want an idea of how long it will take before I go and talk to my Clerks and CO.
that's the million dollar questions.

Wait time can be ANYWHERE between a few months to couple of years.

I personnaly know people that waited for 4-5-6 years ...

And I also know people that CT in 6-7-8 months ....
krimynal said:
that's the million dollar questions.

Wait time can be ANYWHERE between a few months to couple of years.

I personnaly know people that waited for 4-5-6 years ...

And I also know people that CT in 6-7-8 months ....

I can see DND taking half a year to do so, but all my MCpl's and SGT's on course were trying to convince me sign a contract when I was in Borden, made it seem like a painless process considering most PRes members have the same training as Reg force already. If it legit takes that long regularly then waiting doesn't sound like a good idea.
It depends on a lot of things.  Depends on your current files.  If you simply want to CT or OT.  If you are already trade qualified.  If the trade is currently hirring.  ETC.

But like I said , it can take ANYWHERE between a few months to a few years , sadly no one here knows the exact lenght since EVERYONE applicating is different
krimynal said:
It depends on a lot of things.  Depends on your current files.  If you simply want to CT or OT.  If you are already trade qualified.  If the trade is currently hirring.  ETC.

But like I said , it can take ANYWHERE between a few months to a few years , sadly no one here knows the exact lenght since EVERYONE applicating is different

Thank you for the timely response, I decided to just go ahead and ask our unit's recruiter, just wanted to avoid that in case a couple of my coworkers found out. Going for Air Pres to Air Reg is just a simple form my clerk will take care of apparently, once he starts it then the process could be as you said. Going to try and figure out some last minute details before I bother to send it off but I'm seriously considering switching over while I am still fairly young.
Loggy709 said:
Thank you for the timely response, I decided to just go ahead and ask our unit's recruiter, just wanted to avoid that in case a couple of my coworkers found out. Going for Air Pres to Air Reg is just a simple form my clerk will take care of apparently, once he starts it then the process could be as you said. Going to try and figure out some last minute details before I bother to send it off but I'm seriously considering switching over while I am still fairly young.

Now that's funny!  Your ARAF Unit has no input into a CT application, it's all done online by you, directly to DMCPG with no CoC involvement.
and trust me ....

NOTHING is "a simple form" in the Canadian forces.  When I applied for a CT that's what they told me too ..... trust me , it's not true
krimynal said:
and trust me ....

NOTHING is "a simple form" in the Canadian forces.  When I applied for a CT that's what they told me too ..... trust me , it's not true

It is a simple 1 page form. Your name, rank, trade preference, entry plan, deu preference and posting preference and contact information.

The problem is that takes forever to  be processed receive an offer because they don't really want to because now they need to replace your spot in the reserves. (Was told this by CFRC)

Personally, I applied in mach 2014 for an ot with two choices, lost one due to vision requirements 6 months after. Then a year later got told my there were no spots for the other trade. Tried switching to two officer trades and got told I couldn't apply to those trades for 5 years as they are full to "CT/OT". Was suggested to release, remuster, or pick another trades. Tried to do engineering via ROTP and got declined a few months later due to low HS marks (fair enough). Lost my spot in the que and switched back to the trades I had before. Had of I waited patiently who knows I might of been close to to transferring now as it is a new FY.

The CT/OT process is pretty frustrating I just wish that I could apply against those off the street. But it is what it is. I'm gainfully employed  in my field of study for the time being so I can't complain too much.

It literally is a first come first served process. There are far too many applicants for the amount of staff they have working at DMCPG-5 to properly asses all of the candidates. If I had my way DMCPG would handle CT (T) and and anyone who wanted an CT/OT would do so at the recruiting center.

If you can get that much CLS B though you might as well apply, stay the course as it is all pensionable time.

I know friends (Sigs) who recently went over in a few months, the last infanteers I talked to said a year but that was close to 1.5 maybe 2 years since. It really does depend.
runormal said:
The problem is that takes forever to be processed because they don't really want to because now they need to replace your spot in the reserves. (Was told this by CFRC)

Actually, what takes forever, is that it's an online application and people aren't aware of that.

It's "point and click", fill out the boxes on the online form and your'e done.  If a Unit has you completing forms and or applications, then you are pursuing the wrong route.
runormal said:
The problem is that takes forever to  be processed receive an offer because they don't really want to because now they need to replace your spot in the reserves. (Was told this by CFRC)

This is not the case, CFRC has about 0 visibiltiy on DMCPG 5. The reason it takes so long to process is because the cell responsible for every CT in the CF is about 5-7 people large at DMCPG, they don't give a rats ass about filling or not filling your reserve position, it's not even on their radar. However they are SEVERELY undermanned, and many trades don't have many spots by their AMOR (which dictates how many CTs are allowed) IE Logistics has 5 spots at the Capt Rank a year for the next 3 years and you must be fully trained with the desired degree. If you don't hit this box, you won't hear from them until you do, meanwhile there are well over a hundred applicants.  You do the math.

In reality, it is MUCH easier to release and re-apply if you have the skills, but your career takes a bigger hit and you get to start training allll over again. Still using the logistics example again they have around 50+ spots a year for off the street DEO/ROTP, and 5 for CT. That's a 10-1 Ratio.
Does anyone know the CT Numbers for untrained Infantry Officers? Here is my Dilemma, if I release and undergo the Recruitment process at CFRC will I have to undergo PRESEC clearance again? which takes about a year. Or should I attempt a CT, but the issue is I dont know how long it would take to CT from an NCM to an Officer from a different trade to an Infantry Officer. Combat Arms to Combat Arms if that makes a difference. Thanks. 
The other part that takes long sometimes is that when the mbr does the online application they don't know who their chief clerk is and put the wrong information in so when the email gets sent out requesting information or documentation from the unit it doesn't reach the right people.  Of course the email goes to the mbr too and they assume the clerks who don't know anything about it are taking care of everything for them. Really like it when they come in complaining that their CT hasn't happened because the clerks didn't do things for them when they ignored the directions in the email themselves.
NSDreamer said:
IE Logistics has 5 spots at the Capt Rank a year for the next 3 years and you must be fully trained with the desired degree. If you don't hit this box, you won't hear from them until you do, meanwhile there are well over a hundred applicants.  You do the math.

I will point out that people can and do refuse their CT offers and the next candidate on the list will get the call.  The CT offer is tied to a position, and there's no room for debate if you find that position unpalatable.  I was #6 on the list and 5 offers went out.  I ended up receiving an offer and subsequently my CT, because I was willing to try. 

I think for me the process took less than 6 mo.  But I was fortunate in that I had Reg Force qualifications.


So I graduate BMQ today, in five hours to be exact. I wish to transfer from Reserves to Regular force after I get home next week, my BMQ course is literally the same as the 13 week course that's in St Jean, so I will be Regular force basic qualified. Do I just put in a request at my home unit about transferring? Also if I wanted to do QL while waiting for the transfer to go through, is that permitted? I would ideally like to get on a regular force cook course.
AlphaBravo said:
I wish to transfer from Reserves to Regular force after I get home next week,

For reference, perhaps,

Res to Reg, and QL questions

will be merged with,

Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Q&A
44 pages.