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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Component transfer can take a very long time. A friend in the communication reserve left college and applied early in 2002. He decided to go to Bosnia, hoping some experience may speed things up. Two years later, he is still waiting, and has since gone back to school because he is running out of things to do between September and June.
im a private in the QoR i just finished my bmq.june 28th - august 20th i have my SQ and my BIQ then operation stalwart gaurdian.My question is if i take more courses throughout the year and then finish my jump course if i want to join reg forces will i have to take courses over again and do i have my own pic of reg force units to join (preferably PPCLI)? :gunner:
Pte_QoR said:
im a private in the QoR i just finished my bmq.june 28th - august 20th i have my SQ and my BIQ then operation stalwart gaurdian.My question is if i take more courses throughout the year and then finish my jump course if i want to join reg forces will i have to take courses over again and do i have my own pic of reg force units to join (preferably PPCLI)? :gunner:

Pte_QOR, if you Component Transfer as a Private or Corporal, you will most likely have to take all of your basic and trade courses again. (Of those you mention, the para course is probably the only one you wouldn't repeat.) During the recruitment process for the Transfer, you will be able to identify which regiment you want to join, and the recruiter will tell you which you are being offered when that offer is presented (which you can then take, or refuse and wait). Once you are in basic infantry training (regular), you will be asked which battalion(s) you would like to go to - and then the Career Manager will send you where the Regiment needs you, which may or may not match your preference.

Danny said:
When transferring to reg force from the reserve what is the policy on having, or not having to, do BMQ again? Is it based on time in, rank , number of days on class B or on an indivdual basis?

Call a recruiting centre.
Hey dose anybody know how long it takes for a component transfer from the reserves to the regforce? I'm applying for a Sig Op position.   So if anybody knows, or has any information on transfers please let me know. Thanks in advance! :salute:  Ohh and by the way dose anybody know if i'm going to have to redo my Basic and SQ. So one again thanks in advance!
Hey dose anybody know how long it takes for a component transfer from the reserves to the regforce? I'm applying for a Sig Op position.  So if anybody knows, or has any information on transfers please let me know. Thanks in advance!    Ohh and by the way dose anybody know if i'm going to have to redo my Basic and SQ. So one again thanks in advance!
For me and friends of mine who have component transferred it took (my first time (another story) and is taking) about as long as it would for someone off the street. The main difference I have observed is that the process involves some extra/different steps (like getting your pers file to CFRC). These steps greatly influence the overall time. I was lucky and had great cooperation from my Unit and all the people I came into contact with so things went smoothly. I did have to remain involved and monitor the progress however.
FX, have you read the FAQ's? this topic has been discussed in detail before.
Alright, I'm not in the CF yet (i hope to be soon :P) but I am looking ahead at my future. My one goal was to join the reserves at 16, and then when I finished highschool, transfer to regular force. This was all good, and I applied to reserves, and am awaiting my medfile to go to Borden. After reading posts, and hearing how long it takes, I was just wondering, is it possible to transfer right after I finish my BIQ (going infantry) if it takes that long before I get to take the course? I mean I'm grade 11 now, and wanted to at least get the ball rolling to get into reg force after I was finished highschool. I checked the FAQ, but didn't find this situation in any of the threads listed.

Thanks in advance.
FX said:
Thank you so much, umm do you have any idea of how long it normaly takes to do a transfer?

It takes FOREVER!!!  Here's something I wrote on another post dealing with component transfer:

Ok.. here goes. I've been going thru this for almost a year now. I have only Class A days. 492 to be exact. I'm doing a component transfer to Regs, and I've been told I must re-do my BMQ which I did on a weekend course Jan04-Jun04. I've also been told by CFRG (via CFRG HQ) that even though I've apllied for Recruit School By-Pass, I've been denied, due to the fact I have only Class A days. What DATES do they use this little formula to make these calculations? I was sworn in in May03 as PTE(0) and now that May04 has passed I'm PTE(1). I've been offered a conditional offer over the phone, so nothing is signed yet. I don't want to re-do BMQ, especially when I was told by recruiting and my unit it will go towards my transfer, which was initiated in Jan04. No one seemed to know of this Class B time requirement in CFRC until this week, and my file has been sitting around for a few months, and I could've done QL3 this summer.

To make matters even more confusing, when and if I do get this whole situation figured out, because of the competition, I have QL6A, and considered a semi-skilled member. This seems to mean nothing to CRFC.

I will be transfering into the reg force as a infantry officer when I finish my degree in 18 months. I am doing infantry NCM in the reserves. Should I quit the reserves and start a new file or do a component transfer which one is the better way. Also can you put in for transfer during your last term if you only have three or four courese left so that by the time you graduate in the four month period you would be able to slip quickly into training
IVe read alot of posts about how long the process is going to take, and do i get to keep my rank; but , can anyone explain to me who i would go see to start my paper work for my component transfer from R031 to 031.  Should I speak to the recruiting center, or to someone in my regiment?( and if so who?)  I know my training won't be carried over, seeing as I have only completed BMQ.  It's just I was planning to attend college then university while being in the reserves, and switch over after that .  I just realise now that the army is the only thing I want to do, and I want to figure out what my first step is. ( and Im not going to quit and rejoin... Id rather be doing something rather then just sitting at my house waiting for call)

You put in a memorandum to your section sarge. (we call them div po's I don't know what you army types call them)
Here's my advice, based on my own transfer to the Regular Army in 1982, after eight years in the Reserve.

It's great that you have some prior service. Don't let that go to your head. While you're going through Recruit and DP1 training work hard, keep your mouth shut, and use your knowledge to help your buddies who aren't doing so well. The staff will quickly see who is squared away and who isn't. Nothing is hated more than some loudmouth former Reservist who keeps yipping off about "Well, when I was in the Humptyville Fusiliers, we didn't do it that way..." Nobody cares what you did.

Mike O'Leary and I know a fellow Inf Offr Candidate who went through with us, but could never keep his mouth shut about his time as a Res Sgt. He had very strong arm muscles by the time the course was over. 'Nuff said. Good luck. Do well. Cheers.
Yea I asked a similar question a while back, your situation was similar to mine, except I haven't done BMQ yet, but I still have a year and a little bit before I graduate so I'm sure I'll get it done in that time. Do they care if you haven't completed any other training courses in the reserves (SQ, BIQ) before you put in a component transfer?
IF you transfer over as an officer I would think you would have to start trainig from scratch. My question is should you quit the reserves first or do the transfer. I have read on this forum that It can take a year or two to do the component transfer is this true? I would think the corses you do as a ncm would help you in the regs because you have gainied some experince. I also think that when you apply as a officer if you have done well in the resrves it looks good for you. If it makes no difference to them the system is flawed
Aaron White said:
You put in a memorandum to your section sarge. (we call them div po's I don't know what you army types call them)

Yeah or whoever is in charge of you, also do not forget to keep ALL copies of memos/e-mails you send in that regard. It may help you later if things go not as smooth as may have expected.
As I'm doing one now I can tell you it's a bit lenghty process. I've completed everything now so I'm just waiting for my offer so I can tell you how it works. You put in a memo asking for a component transfer and stating what trade you'd like. Then what happend for me I had a interview first with my Sgt then with the SSM. Nothing big just a 5 mins talk if I knew what I was getting into. Then you got alot of paperwork to do. Some at the unit, some my sgt emailed me. Then I did the PT test. Not the step test anymore you do the normal fitness evaluation that is good for a year ( beep test ) . Then my file got sent to CFRC. Until that moment it took about 6-8 weeks to get everything done. I then had to book a  medical at the CFRC. You know that they're always booked so another good wait. Did the medical no biggie. Then to the interview. Whoops, interview available only after my QL3 starts. Call and book after I've come back from kingston. So after coming back and booking an interview and going thru it I'm waiting for the offer. I was told I'd be credited bmq and sq and a very strong possibility my QL3. So I might start right on the job but that's for comms which is a diffirent world from the militia. And all it took was about 5 months to get to this point. Now the wait begins for the offer.