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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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For myself I had a CLC, AVGP Dvr crse, Leo D&M Crse, and FMC Dvr wheel course along with about 5 years B class while in the Reserves.

Took a month for the paper work to clear and I was in A Sqn 8CH in Gagetown driving tanks. No doing over of ANY courses whatsoever.

Good luck to you RMF1, hopefully you don‘t have any problems.

Yeoman... not that I want to leave my $48,500 a year job in civvy-land right now, but about the CT... did you also NEED the comms and jump course to be considered and to skip Reg BIQ?

I have res BIQ, and will be taking a DP2A this spring. By that time I will have two years in, and could be promoted to Cpl at anytime.

If I did a transfer, would this mean I could skip reg BIQ as well, or do you think the other qualifications (comms/jump) are a factor in your case?

Did my question make any sense? Sometimes I babble incoherently.
This might be a long shot,but is there anybody out who was a sup tech in the res who transfered to sup tech in the regs? :)
Thanks alot guys! Best of luck to everyone else who is trying to transfer!
If you complete your BMQ, SQ and BIQ to technically be a trained private, then apply for transfer to the reg forces. Do you have to do the courses again as a Pte or are you still a trained private and carry on with your training? I am talking about a transfer to the same field (infantry).
Right now i am a Pte. in Res. with my BMQ, SQ, Comms and i have been in for almost a year. I want to transfer into another unit as a Reg force member. I know you are all going to shun me for this but i want to be a "Meat Head". How long do you guys think the process would take, and what do you think the chances are of me skiping QL1 and going straight into the 3‘s?
Nothing wrong with wanting to be a Meathead. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, every trade in the CF has its own unique challenges and opportunities. If you are interested in the military police, go for it.

Your best course of action is to go into CFRC in Calgary (I don‘t believe Lethbridge would have one). Most speculation on this site will just confuse you.

MPs are a specialist trade now and there are certain additional requirements that you have to meet. The key one being a 2 year college diploma in law enforcement. The course is run in Lethbridge and I hope you have graduated or are currently enrolled.
yeah I needed more then just the basic qualifications in order to skip some of the training. if I had just the basic three courses, chances are, I‘d have to do the sq again. but with time in and courses, I have to do just the biq. it really all depends on a) time in and b) the amount of courses you‘ve got.
generally from what everyone tells me; if you‘ve got say three extra courses, have had at least 2 years in, are a corporal, and is trained under the new course standards (not ql2/3, but sq, biq) you‘d be transfered directly into a reg force btl.
Ok just say a reservist who is, say a infanteer, is transferring to reg force does he/she have to do her CFAT again?
When transferring to reg force from the reserve what is the policy on having, or not having to, do BMQ again? Is it based on time in, rank , number of days on class B or on an indivdual basis?
Hey everybody, i‘m in the reserves right now and am now applying for the regforce. I just wanted to know if i would keep my rank. Or do I loose my rank and start over fresh. Also is should i be aware of anything else? Thanks.
Part of your application process for Component Transfer will include a Verification of Fomer Service (VFS). This stage will examine your qualifications and time served on Class A, B or C service. A determination will then be made of what equivalencies you will be granted and at what rank and incentive (effective years of service in that rank for pay purposes) you will be offered.

Your unit will be required to forward a package from your personnel file to the Recruiting Centre. Once you start the process with the CFRC, request to see your Chief Clerk through your chain of command to initiate the production of a Component Transfer Application. Ask the Orderly Room to review your file and indentify anything that might be missing so you can ensure they and you aren‘t waiting for it later. Some of the items that might need to be updated include:

- an Expres Test result
- current reliability screening
- official copies of high school transcripts
- official copies of university transcripts
- current medical status
- personnel security assessment

You unit clerks will know what each of these entails for you to make sure your file is up to date.

(These points are from some old notes, and may not be 100% accurate at this time.)
Thank you so much, umm do you have any idea of how long it normaly takes to do a transfer?
HAHA june 5 thats my birthday, im contemplating goin the Pres at the end of this school year. I Just have one question roughly how long would it take to transfer from res inf to reg inf ive heared it takes a long time can any one confirm this thanks alot.
i was told that it would be faster to release from the reserves and reapply to reg, rather then doing a component transfer, is this true, or what? also what kinda of differences will i notice in differences, thanks to everybody in advance. :D
lets put it this way, and maybe its different with the reserves.

I Had to wait for 7 months for my VFS before my file even got looked at and before the process even begain. i now am just waiting for a job offer and its now start of my 11th month,

All because I VR before(which was a huge Mistake)

I would speak to some CFRC personel and see what they suggest.
There‘s no guarantee it would be faster, whether you are working it as a Component Transfer or an an applicant with prior Reserve service, the file in both cases is held up by the same choke point: the Verification of Former Service (VFS).