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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

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I dunno, these days where you want to go is where the CF needs you is the same place.
Art, go easy on the guy. He just asked a question that a lot of "old timers" would be hard pressed to answer fairly, so don‘t expect Brian (as a civilian) to have it all worked out...
Mike I agree with you and I am only trying to shake the stars out of his eyes. I believe he has his priorities backwards. Imagine this; Pte. Smith arrives at his chosen regiment and the Adjutant says to him, "Why did you choose our fine regiment Private?" Private Smith says "I like hunting and fishing Sir." The chill in the orderly room drops perceptively as the Adjutant says "I see." Brian would be much better advised to do some reading on his prospective choices and then make a choice. Then when he is asked "Why did you choose our fine Regiment" he could say " I have read their history and I wanted to become one of them."

Pro Patria
I simply asked a question as to the diffrences between the two regiments. In no way did I "whine" in any of my replies. Nice try Art. Instead of going off on a rampage on how I would never make it in the Infantry, you could have tried giving me information on the RCR, which I assume is the regiment you have retired from. I work in a very physical blue collar job right now, I come from a farm backround, so I don‘t think the Infantry would be such a huge shock to me. I‘m not some snot nosed, nintendo playing high school kid who thinks that joining the military is like applying for a job at IBM. Info, on the two regiments, before I make a choice seemed like an important question to me!
Brian, as Gunner said there is not too much difference between the two regiments as far as training goes. I get the impression that the brass are trying to stamp out any difference between units and make them a homogeneous blob. Basically the difference would be their traditions and attitudes. You mentioned that you had heard that Pettawawa was not that great. I gather by that you would not like to go there, maybe you think it would be too much of a hardship? One of the reasons the Army put training camps in out of the way places was to get the recruits away from civillian life so they could concentrate on learning to be a soldier and become a member of the family.
Take a look at The R.C.R. Association board and read some of the comments. One recent comment is from a RCAMC chap who was attached to The R.C.R. he said it was the best time that he had when he was in the Army.
Regimental life there is no life like it you should make friends for life.
Here‘s the deal,

If you‘re young, I‘d say PPCLI. Nightlife in Edmonton to say the least is quite pleantiful. Petawawa isn‘t bad, you just have to drive to Ottawa (2 hrs) and Montreal (4 hrs). That is the perspective if you‘re young and just getting in. However, if you like outdoor life, the beach, cottage country......... Petawawa just might be the place you‘re looking for.

-the patriot- :cdn:
Edmonton‘s also about 4 hours away from Jasper and Banff, 2 awesome mountain parks. If you‘re into skiing, that‘s a plus, or if you‘re into hiking/backpacking, it‘s also a plus. I‘m into both, so I spend like every second weekend in the mountains over the summer break and winter...

I‘m not sure what Petawa has in the way of things like that, though.
While Pettawa can not compare with the mountains it is righ beside Algonquin Park which would certainly be a paradise for hikers. There is lots of X-country skiing I took a Pre-Arctic course there in ‘48. If you like downhill skiing the Laurentians are not that far away. What‘s with all this amenities B/S are you guys joining thr Army or a Country Club?

Pro Patria
I wanted Petawawa to get out of the West...see a different part of Canada, meet new people, and live in Ontario. Petawawa is nice for fishing (ahhh the famous Bass that got away), camping, Black Bear Beach etc...The Algonquin Park...Sec Lake, Lake Travers etc... Night life is cool at first, then tapers off seeing the same women and the same dudes, your choice is two bars on the Fri, Sat, Sun night. Greg lives at one of them for sure... For a better time...more people and less military dinks around...a 1.5 hour drive and your in Ottawa for a good time. Many buddies left Pet as early as they could on a Friday for Toronto, Montreal, Barrie, Sarnia, Sudbury, etc... The jr. ranks was the craps...nobody had any esprit de corp anymore. Guys tried to be joe civi on the weekends...to get out of Pet. Nice bldgs on base though. Have fun on RCD Hill if you do go to Pet.
You get somewhat of a choice - but in the end, the needs of the army prevail. Usually you can choose your regiment. But, which battalion is more iffy. If a battalion is going on Roto soon, you‘ll likely end up there. With the move of the battalion from Winnipeg to Shilo a lot of guys have quit, so it‘s expected that most new recruits will be funnelled there.
Most PPCLI battle school/PAT platoon guys I‘ve talked to were hoping for a battalion in Edmonton - army friendly, great night life, lots of girls and clubs. Then again, I know a guy from BC that joined and ended up in 2RCR.
What I notice on a lot of these threads, is that a guy asks a simple question (like this one) and there always a few boneheads that jump all over him. For people unfamiliar with the military and are looking at the site out of interest, or perhaps with a view of enrolling this can be a real turn off. Instead of jumping all over the person (is this your way of showing off?) why not just ANSWER HIS QUESTION?? :mad:
Hoo Ahh, XCam

You‘re absolutley right! I think the reason is because of something called "Aluminum Pot Syndrome". Caused by spending too many years eating meals made in canteen cups and mess tins, cooked over heat tabs. Compounded in modern times by making coffee with the water IMP‘s are cooked in. You‘ve all seen the symtoms, I‘m sure. Waking up in the middle of the night, 10 years after retirement, gonna send the Fire Piquet to jail for not waking you before you pissed yourself. Right dressing the hydro poles cause some drunk knocked one out of line with his car. Cursing the Post man because he reported to your office with out his gators or his webbing cappoed that nice shade of green. Gives that twisted neck, wandering eye, denture projecting jaw thrust kind of stature. Some CSM‘s even develop this malady prior to retirement. Don‘t be to hard on them, it‘s mostly not their fault.
Thanks for all the replies. They were very helpful. I just got offered a posting with the RCR, from CFRC. Are there any RCR guys out there that can give me some info on RCR Battleschool?

I guess thats to be expected. When do you find out which battalion you‘re going to? Is there any differece between a winter battleschool, and a summer battleschool?
Centurion Och Aye. Gaiters, gee you must be a sailor or a real old fart. In our regiment gaiters went out in ‘47, and as to the Fire Piquete the last time I was on one we actually had a fire. The paint stores went up. This thread for me has been enjoyable and despite some of the criticizim probably quite instructive to a potential recruit. Brian and I have coresponded off line on this subject and we both agreed that we got off to a bad start and for that I appologize.

Pro Patria
Hi, I am joining up soon. Just have the interview to do and few small admin things. Will be going off in May to basic. I don‘t know what to choose, PPCLI or RCR..What is the difference between these two units, if any. I am lookin towards PPCLI...Anyone know?
You will hear mostly Opinonated answers, RCR members will claim they are best, PPCLI will claim they are best. Its really personal choice on where you want to go.