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Comparing the Combat Arms (Inf vs. Engr vs. Armd vs. Arty)

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We all just sit around and do terrible things to our dogs with a fork.

Holy crap Bruce!  Steve Martin just called from 1979, he wants his joke back.
Kat Stevens said:
Holy crap Bruce!  Steve Martin just called from 1979, he wants his joke back.

Yup,...just listened to it on my Ipod, thought it fit just right.      And if not,..well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuusse me!!
Well, since I used to be a ground pounder (Arty) I can speak from that side of the fence.  In the down time, they do much the same things as the INF, ARMD and ENGR's do.  In Arty the work on the guns, trucks, organizing stores, etc and do a fair anount of exercises.  When those things are not being done, from time to time there are in-house training sessions on such things as drivers courses, foo tech, etc.
... know infantry help with protection and reconstruction and civilian matters correct

With all due respect to my infantry brothers & having served in the infantry before seeing the light....
but it's the engineers who provide the reconstruction - you might find that the Infantry contributes to some of the initial destruction which the engineers end up having to fix :)

Blowin' crap up is only a radio transmission away!
I would highly advise against throwing some reg force time into your University time. You will be out for 3+ years before you get back to University. If I were you, I'd finish school while being in the reserves and then component transfer into the reg force. Also if you do a tour while being a reservist, you will keep your rank so you will be ahead of the game when you switch.
I was hoping, if someone had some spare time, if they could list some pros and cons of their
experience in the Armoured leg of Combat Arms? I have been a long time reader of this forum
and finally made an account to ask questions that I haven't come across using the search.
Any input, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I was hoping, if someone had some spare time, if they could list some pros and cons of their
experience in the Infantry? I have been a long time reader of this forum and finally made an
account to ask questions that I haven't come across using the search. Any input, positive or
negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I was hoping, if someone had some spare time, if they could list some pros and cons of their
experience in the Artillery leg of Combat Arms? I have been a long time reader of this forum
and finally made an account to ask questions that I haven't come across using the search.
Any input, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Eric 182,

Eric182 said:
I was hoping, if someone had some spare time, if they could list some pros and cons of their
experience in the Artillery leg of Combat Arms? I have been a long time reader of this forum
and finally made an account to ask questions that I haven't come across using the search.
Any input, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Eric182 said:
I was hoping, if someone had some spare time, if they could list some pros and cons of their
experience in the Infantry? I have been a long time reader of this forum and finally made an
account to ask questions that I haven't come across using the search. Any input, positive or
negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Eric182 said:
I was hoping, if someone had some spare time, if they could list some pros and cons of their
experience in the Armoured leg of Combat Arms? I have been a long time reader of this forum
and finally made an account to ask questions that I haven't come across using the search.
Any input, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Apparently you are not a long time reader of this site as you'd know not to spam the boards with the same post. You agreed to this when you signed up.

One more stunt like this and you're gone.

The Army.ca Staff
Which of the combat arms is the most popular among new NCMs? New officers? which one should be the most popular? which has the highest retention rate? and which is in demand most often?
Who cares....more reading less posting....we really don't need the energizer bunny running around with nooby questions that make no sense.
GAP said:
Who cares....more reading less posting....we really don't need the energizer bunny running around with nooby questions that make no sense.

That was it's own topic but it was tacked onto this post
Tuna said:
That was it's own topic but it was tacked onto this post

As it should be.  IMHO,  you should try the search function or just browse thread titles before starting new threads.
The story: I'm currently processing to be a reservist. I recently wrote my CFAT here in Edmonton and did just fine. The recruiter told me that my first choice, infantry, would be closed for at least a few months and that only my second choice, armoured, was available. I asked to continue processing and that if I changed my mind, I'd let her know. The two units are South Alberta Light Horse aka SALH (Armour) and the Loyal Eddies (Infantry).

The question: I've done a lot of research and both sound amazing, but I want to be sure because I plan on doing this for a while. Does anyone have any experience with either unit? Is there a night that I can go in and check each out? In the end I'll be able to work with anyone, but if one unit is a group of guys that I'd get along great with and the other is a group that's very different from me, I'd like to know.
Both units parade on Wedsnesday night at Jefferson Armouries (besides NAIT).
Best thing to do is go to them on a parade night,  talk to them, ask questions, etc  Both are good units, and you won't be dissapointed with either,  just make sure you pick the one unit/trade you want to do.  Armour Recce(aka Motorized Recce/G-Wagons) or Infantry.

Also, the unit is not 4PPCLI(LER),  it is Loyal Edmonton Regiment sometimes the (4PPCLI) is added as they are affiliated with the Regiment, but they are seperate Regiments with their own capbadge, history, etc. 

Personal/Pet peeve point If you do join the LER,  don't be like some of the soldiers there who wonder around the mall across the street before the training night starts in uniform.  And you don't need to wear a gucci DZ Smock to patrol the mall with or goto a training night.. issue rain jacket works great for garrison wear.  Keep the non issue stuff for the field/training.
Thanks for the info. I'm leaning more towards Armour at the moment. One quick question: Will I have the same oppurtunities to get specialty training (Mountain Warfare, Jump Wings, etc.) as an infantry soldier? Or is that type of stuff basically off limits to reservists?

I'll remember to address the LER properly from now on. Thanks for the correction. I'll also make sure to remember to save my uniform for when I'm on duty. However, I must admit that, after a quick google search, that DZ Smock looks awesome lol ;D

Thanks again for your help.
For courses like Basic Para, don't get your hopes up and expect it.  There is limited number of positions on the course that will be givin to the Brigades and you will be competing against others.  You could get on that course, but you may not.  With a lot of the courses that are run out of area, it really comes down to right place, right time, being in good standing with the unit, and being fit.  Also, you don't need to be Infantry to get this course,  it is open to all trades.

Basic Mountain Ops,  if your unit runs it,  very good chance you can get on the course.  Otherwise you will have to wait if another unit in the area is running it and offers positions to the unit.

For right now,  just focus on the short term, ie getting into the Reserves, then doing BMQ and DP1, everything after that is far away for you at this point.