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Comparing the Combat Arms (Inf vs. Engr vs. Armd vs. Arty)

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Sappers are chosen from individuals with the highest medical standards - I will hav you know!

Sappers do set up camps, dig holes & prepare fortifications .... but that's even before everyone else shows up.

With respect to having demolition charges & "blowing things up".... we do & you won't
Is it a bad idea to try and go for the engineers if you have a somewhat crappy back?  Anybody have any thoughts on this?

A dodgy back will never get any better as a Sapper, that's for sure... Not too bright, but we can lift heavy things.
geo said:
I can gripe....... Yes, the FEBA is somewhat theoretical in defenition and even the truckers & storemen are within harms reach BUT, for the most part, the Gunner's infantry training is a little thin.

Arty Ubique = All over the place
Engineer Ubique = Everywhere!


OK sarcasm aside, what makes you say the Artillery infantry training is a little thin?
OK sarcasm aside, what makes you say the Artillery infantry training is a little thin?

Because they spend the vast majority of their time doing artillery training - Being Artillery an all I would think that it would be the smart thing to do.
I passed my cfat and did good on my intervew last week.  The recruiter said I can call in and change my job anytime I'd like to.  I have Combat Engineer as number one and Infantry as number 2.

I'd like to know if Combat Engineers would be doing a lot of work with bombs and mines.  I know that they work with them, but how much?  I'm not too much into mines and bombs, if yes, I'd rather go as an Infantry.
sanhvn said:
I'd like to know if Combat Engineers would be doing a lot of work with bombs and mines.  I know that they work with them, but how much?  I'm not too much into mines and bombs, if yes, I'd rather go as an Infantry.

I am biased and would say that you should go Infantry as well.  But, I will be honest and open.  While Cbt Engr implies that you will be dealing with building things and blowing things up (ie. explosives and such) your secondary job as Cbt Engr is Infantry.  We both deal with bombs and mines and crazy stuff on deployment, you need to decide (if this is what is driving you) do you want to be the one who is general in control of the explosion (or dealing with it when it is found) or do you want to be the one who runs into it (or if you are lucky...avoids it)...ie the Infantry and IED's.  I know some great Infanteers and Engineers and both jobs are really good.  Engineers are very precise, Infanteers are the driving force of the Army.  We both work together, it is generally a much more demanding job in the way of technical expertise to become an Engr.

My advice is to research it and if possible get out and talk to real Cbt Engr's and Inf.  At the end of the day it is your decision and you are the one who has to live with it.  Don't pick one and go in thinking that you can change if you don't like it.  While this is a possibility, it is never an easy thing unless all of your ducks are in a row and the stars align in their precise path to allow it.  And, don't just talk to people on here...no offence to anyone...but you can never be 100% guaranteed on the info that you receive.  Get out to an Army base and take a look and talk to real soldiers.

Good luck
I'm having troubles between picking from engineers or infantry also. I have 2 friends who are in infantry, one officer, one ncm, and I'll be joining either Engineers or Infantry (noting else) in the winter. They try to convince me to go infantry, but I'm not sure which one.
Here's a video i found on the combat engineers, http://youtube.com/watch?v=ixT2kTk-F90, looks cool eh?  :cdn:
I think I'll be joining the engineers,  but if anyone could try and convince me the other way, it would be greatly appreciated. =)

We don't like to get into the business of promoting one branch over another (it's best that a person pick one that best fits themself).  However, perhaps you would like to enlighten us as to why you are leaning one way over the other.  We can at least fix any misconceptions which you may have.

. . . and you'd best start doing more investigating if a cool video is the principle factor in your choice.
Sukintu, the "cool video" that you are situating your plans on is pretty cool stuff.  Just understand that pretty much all of that stuff (minus the explosive parts) the infantry does.  And, in fact the Cbt Engr's do the majority of that cool stuff in support of the Infantry.  Not to bash engineers...their the best guys to have supporting you, because they have some cool stuff that goes boom when you want it to.

What you need to decide is if you want to be the guys that take and hold the ground or the guys that help us take the ground and hold it.  We both dig dirt, fill sand bags, live in austere conditions when deployed, but when I, as a Inf Pl Comd didn't have a warm and fuzzy about something that might go boom, I sent in the Engineers and they did an outstanding job and I was able to keep moving forward to do mine.

Pro Patria and Chimo
if anyone could try and convince me the other way, it would be greatly appreciated.

Why would we? We don't have to live with your choices, so other than pointing out they are both excellent trades, grow up and make your own decision.
Hours of boredom punctuated by seconds of adrenaline pumping excitement.....

Plenty of sittin down and waiting to be done by all branches of the combat arms.
Armoured, Artillery, Engineers & the Infantry
I didn't care for being in the infantry reserves 8 years ago. Was in for 2 years and didn't much like it, seem to be too much make work (polishing/cleaning gear constantly, etc) and I didn't like some other things about it also (it all seemed pretty mundane for me).

I'm a guy that likes ot use his brain alot, do technical things and so forth and don't like sitting around doing bland boring things (computers/electronics/precision work isnt boring to me like it is some). Is Combat Engineer the right job? I've been merit listed for pretty well all the trades in the forces barring certain Gr12 credits (biology / chem) so as it comes crunch time Im trying to see if my decision is the right one, before I get into a possible trade I really don't enjoy.
RT.... having doubts?
As per my post above, there will be some hurry up and wait in all four main combat arms trades.
Cleaning gear is all part of the game.  It's gotta be done every time the gear has been used.... part of the job.

Engineers are team players - we are thourough in looking at a problem & arriving at a decision on how best to address said problem... We're mothodical & Dont't (usually) go off half cocked.

In the end.... it's a personal choice that you & the Mrs will have to make....
Say.... aren't you supposed to be going down to the Recruiting centre with the Mrs?... Talk to them there.
Well, the trade decision is mine in the end, my wife will go along with whatever I choose.

I called the recruiting center and asked them if they had any combat engineers there, but they told me the closest they had was a armored officer. Not much help there. So I jumped online to talk to the recruiters on the online chat but that was a no go.

Just how close are hte Combat Engineers duties to the Infantry? From this thread they seem fairly close, except for some parts of the trade that differ (explosives, bridging, clearing).

It's not the exercise I am worried about, it's mainly the fact I don't want to be bored most of the time.

Do you have any info on the SigOp Geo? Like what do they do in garisson?
RTaylor said:
Well, the trade decision is mine in the end, my wife will go along with whatever I choose.

I called the recruiting center and asked them if they had any combat engineers there, but they told me the closest they had was a armored officer. Not much help there. So I jumped online to talk to the recruiters on the online chat but that was a no go.

Just how close are hte Combat Engineers duties to the Infantry? From this thread they seem fairly close, except for some parts of the trade that differ (explosives, bridging, clearing).

It's not the exercise I am worried about, it's mainly the fact I don't want to be bored most of the time.

Do you have any info on the SigOp Geo? Like what do they do in garisson?

RT,infantry is our second roll but our main roll in life is to support and clear the way for the Army, weather it be obstacle clearance as assault Sapper's or building road's,air field's etc. our trade is multi faceted.
It is trade were one uses ones brain it can be so dull but exciting at the same time as with every trade hope this helps.

Im looking to become an Officer in combat arms..

I have been wondering about what an Artillery or Armour unit does when they are not doing their usual line of work when on tour.
(Using Afghanistan as an example... )

I know infantry help with protection and reconstruction and civilian matters correct? I was wondering if Artillery or Armour would do the same type of community help.?

Its a part i am interested and just wondering if its more in the infantry's line of work (or maybe its another jobs work?)

note that i DO want to be Combat Arms.. And i am having a VERY hard time choosing hehe.

Thanks for the info.