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Common Army Phase


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I‘ll be heading off to Phase 2 in Gagetown this summer. I have a very slight build (115 pounds, 5‘6"). I‘m pretty nervous about CAP, because I think that there are 5 weeks of field time, and I tend to lose a significant amount of weight while in the field. The longest I‘ve ever been in the field up until now, is for five day exercises, but not for five weeks in a row like CAP will be. I was hoping someone could suggest any helpful ways for me to not waste away while in the field (particular foods or protein bars?). Thanks.
It‘s not five weeks in a row, non-stop, you‘ll be back up top every now and then. Eat all your IMPs and you‘ll be fine.
I was med RTU‘d last year on CAP. I‘m schedualed to be there this summer if I can convince my doctor that my knee is fine. Try right now to gain some muscle mass ie. protein shakes.
Just a thought, but maybe you aren‘t eating everything there is to eat in your IMP? I know some of it tastes like crap, but if it‘s edible, it‘s there to be eaten.
See if they will allow you to eat the Winter Supliment Packages as well for energy...They do help some.
CAP is physically demanding. It is doable though. Last summer, when I was CAP there was this small girl ‘Queenie" - she was maybe 5 feet and maybe 100lbs. She had such heart and drive. She did it. She proved to me that it was just a mental effort. You can overcome the physical.

If you have any CAP-specific questions, ask me. It‘s still fresh in my mind.

Tree hugger... Who are you? Were you on my course?
Grab a bottle of "Nlarge" at a bodybuilding store. Slam back some of those and you‘ll be beefier when you leave.....as a side note I put on 15 pounds in BMQ.....A quality whey protein will help you out as well. Avoid SOY protein powder. Its harder on your stomach to digest and absorb.
Good day,

How much field time is there on the Reg Force CAP? Is it 5 weeks (?) spread out into like 3-5 exercises?

Any other advice from ppl who did the course?

Habitant, altho you may have been on the Res CAP (?), how did the weekends work on your course? I assume a few of the weekends are in the field.. Just wondering if its worth it to bring my car or just take the free transportation.


In the 6 weeks of the course we had every OTHER weekend off. But it was a full weekend - Friday Eve until Sunday at 1800. It is not necessary to bring a car - it saves cab fare to Freddie... but you‘ll be so sleep f‘d you won‘t want to go anywhere execept to bed.

Tree hugger- you RMC?

Any other questions? Please ask!
Other than physical training, do you have any other preparation advice for CAP? Is there anything posted online like there was for BOTC? I‘ll be in Gagetown this summer too.
Exodeus....when you here the tanks rolling about in the dead of night....


That‘s all you really need to know. Have fun ;)

Eat all your rations, get in the best shape possible and bring a little extra to the field. If you can, put on some muscle mass not fatty weight.

But, as long as you are well prepared physically for the course, its all mental. Just play the game, Good luck!
For anyone going to Gagetown for CAP(R), BE PREPARED FOR THE WEATHER!!!! I can‘t stress that enough.. oh and the bugs too.

EMEgirl, I lost 20lbs in 5 weeks on that course. You‘re not going to spend the entire 5 weeks in the field, but you are going to squeeze for time, especially meal times.

I would also recommend bringing extra stuff like protein with you to the field. I didn‘t and I paid for it. But just remember, you‘re going to have to hump everything that you bring.
So aside from getting physically fit, there‘s not much else we can do to prepare?
Determination is more important than muscle mass, and just as important as fitness. It is about toughness vs fitness - both mental and physical. Don‘t give up, look after yourself, and learn from others - you will be fine.
I‘ve got a question... Do every army officer have to do the CAP? My MOC is health care administration officer (48) and i‘m doing my botp-r this summer.

They are so messed-up at my unit... they dont know what is the steps for training an officer...