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Combat Engineers

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Welcome to the new army Kat...........

But its more like 1.5 to 2 yrs.
Kat Stevens said:
Hold on a sec,  you go from QL3 sprog to a qualified section 2I/C  in a year?  Holy crap.

It all depends how fast you complete your courses. Usually you would complete your A's in one summer, B's in the next and your 5's the next summer but now that they offer the A's and B's back to back you can do it the next year. Reserves just wants train soldiers as fast as they can. I know guys who are on their PLQ and have been in for just over a year.
Unfortunately, it has to be like that for the PRes units.
A lot of the units have grown (on paper) from a FES to a CER - 31 wasn't even an Engineer unit not too long ago.
33 just added a new Fld Tp - and both Tps were recently out on Ex at the same time!
So, with the natural attrition and the new demands for sappers and NCOs, we have to train people as quickly as possible - lots of theory but not much experience; eventually things will settle a bit and pers will get more experience before loading an the next course.

And if any of those guys just sitting in the cage went to their section commander and told him they had nothing to do, I'm sure he'd be happy to find them something.

A few of us did. Aside from 'sweep the floor'  for the fifth time in one day, it took a number of times of us going back asking for something to do before they finally broke down and found something actually productive.

It was hard for them to do that because despite our QL3 there was not much we could do in the regiment, aside from clean and organize equipment. Those kinds of jobs only take so long to do. That is why I still feel there should be some quals in a QL3 course that will enable Sappers to be more useful when showing up to regiment. Just my lowly Sapper opinion of course.

I'm curious if any universities offer enlisted co-ops with combat engineering units for while still in school getting a degree.
WannaBe7 said:
I'm curious if any universities offer enlisted co-ops with combat engineering units for while still in school getting a degree.

No.  Universities do not offer co-op programs with the Reserves.

By the time you are in university, you are expected to be an adult and be able to make up you mind whether or not you want to be a Reservist or not.  If you choose to be a Reservist, then you are expected to be dedicated and responsible enough to attend Training.  Any lapse of over 30 days between Training events will make you NES, which will result in a 5F Release that will have a negative effect on any application you may make to a Government job.
I was just wondering because the university I'm planning on attending has mandatory co-ops and I was planning on joining at some point in my life. I thought it would be convenient if it were possible but I suppose that may be tedious to arrange if they did offer that. Also thought it would be a little more interesting then working in Fort Mac or something.
I think I'll just wait until I finish post-sec and then I can decide on what to do from there.
There's no reason why you can't be a member of the reserves while attending school or your co-op placement, unless your programme does not give you the summer term off.
Hello everyone. Im currently an infantryman in the Reserves transferring as a Reg force Combat Engineer. What I would really like is to become a breacher. Is there such speciality in the units? Thank you
pascalywood said:
Hello everyone. Im currently an infantryman in the Reserves transferring as a Reg force Combat Engineer. What I would really like is to become a breacher. Is there such speciality in the units? Thank you

No. All engineers are breachers but not all breachers are engineers.....
pascalywood said:
Hello everyone. Im currently an infantryman in the Reserves transferring as a Reg force Combat Engineer. What I would really like is to become a breacher. Is there such speciality in the units? Thank you

You will get trained as one.  Breacher is a small part of the trade.  If you are joining just because you want to be/employed a breacher; you should look again at what we do.

Edited for spelling
I've tried searching, read most of these threads, etc... At my wit's end trying to find the answer.

I love camping, like building things, have been hunting/shooting since I can remember, LOVE the outdoors, have a brilliant mind for all things math/science/technical. Also, I like to work, and there's no quit in me. I'm going to join as an engineer, but the only thing that I, and a couple other friends looking into enlisting, sometimes wonder about is the body type/muscularity. At 6ft 170/180lbs, I'm not exactly the biggest lad out there. Conversely, I'm not the smallest.

So, simple yes or no question.

Assuming you're able to soldier through all of BMQ, will "they" help make sure you're strong/fit enough to meet the physical demands of basic MOC training?

[PS-> Please, don't offer to coddle me or hold my hand. Yes or no answer would be preferred, and I'm not gonna be following up with any "Are you sure? What if I do (such and such)" BS to drag this out any longer than it needs to be.]
As someone who is now 5' 10" and 170", and used to be about 15 lbs lighter when I was a Cbt Engr (well, at the time we were Fd Engrs, but that's neither here nor there) I will say that yes, you could be a Cbt Engr.
Hi Folks -
I've been kicking around the idea of joining the Combat Engineers for oh... quite awhile, and quite frankly I'm pretty much sold on it.

My only question about this trade is do all combat engineers spend time disarming, and clearing landmines/IED's?

I understand that all combat engineers have some initial training in this area, as well as with explosives. Just wondering about afterwards.

This is something I'd like to do for a few years, I was just wondering how much choice / options folks had in this trade with regards to their career progression? If I wanted to specialize in the removal of, or on the other hand wanted to totally avoid that area of work would I be able to?

I took a look around the forums for awhile and wasn't able to find anything specific. My apologies if I missed it. Thanks for the info.
anacondatmz said:
My only question about this trade is do all combat engineers spend time disarming, and clearing landmines

Yes, training for that task is a core Engr responsibility. Do we do a lot of it on operations? Not really. Without getting into a breaching vs clearance task discussion, most of the landmines encountered on operations are currently disposed of explosively, so there is not really any Disarming or Neutralizing going on.

No. Some have the aptitude to specialize in this area, most do not. Search my previous posts about EOD / IEDD and you'll find quite a bit of info about it. That being said, IEDs do sometimes get disposed of explosively by straight up Engr-types, however, that is not the norm and the circumstances will dictate whether the EOD team gets to deal with it or not.

Sure seems to be a lot of prospective Engrs this time of year  ???