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Combat Engineers

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CE Clarke, I too am going to St. Jean for BMQ on January 7, '08. Combat Engineer as well. What part of the Country u in? Halifax here. Can't wait, took long enough. I put in my application on January 31, and it took this long to get in. Lost Docs in the bowels of a building in Ottawa. Getting sworn in tomorrow.

lovinlife said:
What ever happened to the days where planning and design were part of the 6A course or do they not have that course anymore.

I was on the last 041 QL6A...after that the course was broken in 2 seperate courses
MCG said:
WTF is that ?There has been talk of one of these for a few years.  It's supposed to create a specialist who can run with bridging tasks (in theory so not every Sr NCO needs to be trained to the depth that have been gone to in the past).  The course will go detailed into design & planning.  However, I've not heard that any such course has actually been run as of now.

I believe that the first serial ran last summer.
Well, I am now a member of the "Mob". Got sworn in, then Celebrated St. Barbara's day. Great timing on getting Sworn in, then an excuse to pig out. I do find it odd that the Combat Engineers don't have their own Patron Saint, but borrowing the Artilleries Saint will have to do I guess.

Anyone know where they are running SQ this spring? Or where I can look up to see?

Blackjack.... Engineers don't borrow ......

Saint Barbara became the patron saint of artillerymen, armourers, militaty engineers, gunsmiths, miners and anyone else who worked with cannon and explosives. She is invoked against thunder and lightning and all accidents arising from explosions of gunpowder. She is venerated by everyone who faces the danger of sudden and violent death in work. The magazine of a fort or warship is called santabárbara in Spanish language.

Gunners would have it believed that they found her 1st..... but, given that this lady was born sometime around 300AD, the guns weren't invented yet and there were no gunners around to father their kin......
geo said:
Blackjack.... Engineers don't borrow ......

Gunners would have it believed that they found her 1st..... but, given that this lady was born sometime around 300AD, the guns weren't invented yet and there were no gunners around to father their kin......

there were however, sappers......

When the Waters were dried an' the Earth did appear,
("It's all one," says the Sapper),
The Lord He created the Engineer,
Her Majesty's Royal Engineer,
With the rank and pay of a Sapper

meant to add -

finally got offer, AL/Cpl, incentive 2, straight to 2 CER, swear in tomorrow, report in next monday to at least clear in before xmas leave!

Many thanks for all the advice and help I've received through this website!

Still to collect my thoughts and post hints for any other transferees, will get to it one day!!!

If you are in Gagetown this spring/summer look me up and we'll go for a pint.

Congratulations TTG
Hope that 2 CER is all you expect it to be.

Best wishes to you, the Mrs and the little sappers


That's awesome. Congrats. I am leaning toward 2 CER myself, for a posting, but I will take whatever they give me...um... like I would be able to say no. Nothing against the other areas, but Pet would be better for my wife, not too far from her home, give her some support while I am away, and the way you guys are talking, I'm going to be away a lot.

Best of Luck Gap, hope it's everything you hope it is. I am sure I will read all about it in the months to come.

just a silly question I was reading that there are Regiments and Squadrons when done BMQ,SQ and MOC what do you get posted too a Regiment or Squadron? thanks for your time.
You are posted to a Regiment.  The software that manages people probably has you in a specific job, but in reality the regiment will use you where & how it needs.
Totally pumped about joining the ranks of a Combat Engineer this is going to be the best experience only second to my son.
8)I have also just been reccomended for employment in the Canadian Forces as a Combat Engieer NCM.  I should be getting my job offer within a few weeks and off to Basic at the end of january. I can't wait
Welcome to the family Stout.

As a sapper, you will never be bored.... maybe weary from all the work that has to be done, but never bored.

Have fun in St Jean for your BQ and Gagetown for your BMQ and we'll see ya on the other side
I'm just awaiting my call for Basic now too...wish I coulda gotten in on the Jan 07 BMQ...oh well. Hopefully I'll hear from them in a week or 2 to get sworn in and so forth and start basic soon.

Can't wait to become a Combat Engineer. Got a ex-combat engineer here at work that calls me Sapper every time he sees me lol...people look at me like I have 3 heads.
fusilier said:
I am currently in the middle of a component transfer from reserve infantry to reg force field engineer.  Can anyone give me an idea of what to look forward to/ prepare for?

I will always be a Field Engineer,I dislike the nomenclature "Combat Engineer" ,it make us distructive instead of consctructive and it also removes our sence history ,what is next? The loss of Sapper?

I was sad when the Reserve units started to drop their Field Engineer Regiment in favor of the current "flavour of the month" Combat Engineer Regiment.  Thank the lord they let us keep our "Field Squadrons".

Loss of Sappers?
Not a chance, no way, I signed for them that way & will return them that way

geo said:
I was sad when the Reserve units started to drop their Field Engineer Regiment in favor of the current "flavour of the month" Combat Engineer Regiment.  Thank the lord they let us keep our "Field Squadrons".

Loss of Sappers?
Not a chance, no way, I signed for them that way & will return them that way


LOL, just like there is a cost code for M113 with Troops  ;D