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Combat Engineers

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Words of wisdom?...
Pay attention to what your instructors say . 
Don't second guess them, make sure the instructions you receive are clear in your mind & do as you are told.
You aren't a one man army, you are a member of a team.  Look after the section and the section will look after you.

Yes, there is plenty of need for EOD types - but each unit has different needs - based on the personnel they have & the qualifications / capabilities they need to build.
Thanks again Geo.

Looking forward to becoming a "Thumperhead" "Sapper" and whatever else we (soon to be me too) get called. Getting excited about BMQ, I know its a little step but its the first, and the begining of a new life. Soon I too will be in the 'mob' and the CF will own my soul. Hell in two days the CF will own my soul, atleast for the next 5 years.

I have read a lot of talk about retention problems. But other than guys saying that the tempo is high, and the equipment sucks, no one is saying much of why, or where they are going. Are the 'demobbing' or CT? And Why? All of the forces have old used up equipment. But I hear its getting better. Any words? Anyone?


A game, a drink, a weapon also called a Sapper. And now a person...BlackJack, Soon to be a Sapper too.
Equipment sucks?... No!  We are getting the gear we need to do our job.  We don't necesarily have tons of gear, but we do have enough to do our job. 

The CME family is a small family.  because it is small, we are called upon to deploy more often than some other trades - but, it isn't exclusive to us either...  You will probably find that there are more infantrymen who are looking to CTs or releasing at the end of their contracts... but there are plenty of reasons for that.  Remember, the Economy around the country is good for well trained and qualified tradesmen.... so there are times when it might be tempting to look at what industry can offer.
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if Reserve Combat Engineers sound as great as the regulars. Right now I'm having troubles decide to either go QOR of C or 32 CER in Toronto, both reserve units. I don't find the bridging part very appealing, but EVERYTHING else is. As for infantry, I like the section attacks, kicking down doors, and shooting things aspect of it. I've spent almost 24 hours combined, reading stuff about Combat Engineers, and they both sound convincing. I was just wondering if anyone could share a reserve combat engineer experience, like how training/ training nights. How are the demands of combat engineers vs infantry, like who needs more people?

-thanks in advanced.
Briding is just a small part of what the Sapper is able to do. 
Matter of fact, it is probably one of the things we probably don't do enough of.

I could opoint out that as a sapper, you are expected to fight as an infantryman, when required, but we have plenty of other things to do asside of that.

If the Infantry or the Armoured are tied up by a minefield or IEDs, who do they call for?
If the Infantry or the Armoured are tied up by a river - which prevents them from moving their gear, AFVsm etc... who do they call for?

If someone decides that a strong point is to be built at grid 123456, guess who does the honours?
You want clean water, guess who does that?

Need I go any further?...
Sukintu said:
I don't find the bridging part very appealing,

Whats wrong with bridging ?  From being the muscles that build them to the guy who designs them and runs a build site, its alot of intersting work. Theres a sense of accomplishement to be had when the entire brigade is help up at a river and the only reason the advance continues is because you just put an MGB there. Some of the best times i have had were on Cultus lake and Swan lake building rafts and floating bridges and during a hot day jumping in the water and cooling off. The bridging boats are fun to operate. Bridge classification was something i liked doing and teaching. And its not always the prefabricated bridges either.  Non-standard bridges are alot of work to build and design. Dont forget the 3-rope bridges and aerial ropeways......

like who needs more people?

Who cares ? If you decide what trade you will get into based solely on that, you will be the guy, in 5 years, who walks into the armoury and says " i should have joined another unit/trade".  Pick a trade based on what YOU WANT to do.......not on some missguided notion that whats "in demand" will get you in faster.

CDN Aviator.......a former bridging instructor

I can't speak of Combat Engineering, as I am just joining myself, but I was Reserve Infantry quite a few years ago, PLF, Halifax, and it was great. Lots of Drill, but lots of fun too. The exercises were a blast. Got to do some really cool stuff, ie. grenades, machine guns and the lot. But what I have been reading here, the Engineers do all that stuff and much more, thats why I signed up. I don't want to be just a Grunt. Don't get me wrong I wanna be in the Shiite, but I wanna be the one they turn to when they need something done. Not just another gun. "Hey Sapper, breach that door! And if they don't survive on the otherside, even better." Well I wanna be that Sapper. I wanna make things go Boom! From what I hear, from talking to friends in the Infantry, the ones they have the most respect for are the Sappers. I haven't heard one of them who hasn't said, "Damn those boys are hard. Good in a Fire Fight too." Well to the Sappers in here, I have been in some of the thickest of the Shiite Civy life has to offer, and I am hoping to be as hard as you guys have become known to be, soon. Not trying to suck up, just trying to give props where they are deserved.

So Sukintu, hope that helps some. From my limited point of view.

....speaking of bridging...

Royal Engineers from 34 Fd Sqn (Air Support) compete in a 5 bay Medium Girder Bridge race.


now tell me what's not to love about the sport of gods!!!!

P.S. I'm on right of bridge (left hand side as you watch the video)

Heh... such a nice way to spend an afternoon!
(Nobody dropped a bridge into the gap I notice... Bravo!)

BTW.... which Troop were you with TTG?
I love bridging, too bad it has become the lost art  :crybaby:; I'm just hoping to get my advanced bridging course.

CDN Aviator said:
Some of the best times i have had were on Cultus lake and Swan lake building rafts and floating bridges and during a hot day jumping in the water and cooling off.

So you like swimming in Swan Lake?  or how many CF98's do you have in for all the falls into said lake  ;D
geo said:
Heh... such a nice way to spend an afternoon!
(Nobody dropped a bridge into the gap I notice... Bravo!)

BTW.... which Troop were you with TTG?

the staffy who did the video got the troops mixed up, I was in 3 troop which is labeled 1 troop. second troop to go on the video anyways. we came second by 20 secs I think, I believe our time was somewhere around the 13min mark.

CDN Aviator said:
WTF is that ?

After that course, MGB panels are a two man load, and Bailey roller layout is done by eye.  Also there is a wet gap profile laser beam eye package, I believe.
Kat Stevens said:
After that course, MGB panels are a two man load, and Bailey roller layout is done by eye.  Also there is a wet gap profile laser beam eye package, I believe.


I guess i learned the hard way then
I am going to basic for Jan 7,2008. I am severly pumped to know I will eventually be a Combat Engineer. I dont have the dexterity that is required but I am willing to learn and I am up for the challenge. You guys have the skills I want to obtain in life. Building stuff , distroying stuff, the physical labour my kind of job. I am honored to stand beside you .
Heh... Dexterity VS a Ball Peen hammer :)  /  Round Peg & Square hole..... oh yeah - been there and done that
CDN Aviator said:
NL_engineer said:
I'm just hoping to get my advanced bridging course.
WTF is that ?
There has been talk of one of these for a few years.  It's supposed to create a specialist who can run with bridging tasks (in theory so not every Sr NCO needs to be trained to the depth that have been gone to in the past).  The course will go detailed into design & planning.  However, I've not heard that any such course has actually been run as of now.
What ever happened to the days where planning and design were part of the 6A course or do they not have that course anymore.