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Sapper477 said:
I'm a Sapper and I have recently returned from Afghanistan.   Its hot, it stinks and everyone hates you or wants something from you or both.   Did I fight?   No.   Its not the way the bad guys fight.   Although we practice WWII doctrine of bridging, minefield laying and clearance, crater charges and the like it is only because of a lack of vision in the rear ech of our Engineering Corps.   The bad guys kill us with suicide bombers and IED's.   They don't charge at us and try to take us out in strength.   They would lose and they know it.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I can't help but think there's some sour grapes in yours.  From your previous posts it looks like you have an OT in to Flt Engr. True? Perhaps you're not cut out to be in the Engineers?  Else, why not stay in and try to affect the change you so dearly desire?

As far as our doctrine being dated, agreed.  But so is everyone's.  Engineers, Infantry, Armoured and Artillery are all trying to come to grips with how we fight in this new battlescape.  Last I saw, the Infantry TTPs for fighting a LAV Coy have no relevance with what you were doing in Afghanistan...but I'm sure the Infantry School is working on it.  So is the Engineer School for that matter.  My contacts at CFSME tell me that they are trying to change the TPs to make them more relevant.  Regrettably, it is a long, drawn out process.  Finally, I just finished reading an article from the New York Times Magazine about the downfall of LCol Sassaman, the CO of the 1/8 Inf Bn (US Army) which is part of the 4th ID.  In summary, he and some of his soldiers lost their careers for actions that occurred in Iraq from 2003-04.  What struck me as particularly relevant for Canadian soldiers was that he said they were asked to fight a guerilla/insurgency war without doctrine and very little specialised training.

My point is - did you "fight" on your tour? No.  But there is a high probability that those soldiers about to embark on TF 1-06 will.  Some of them will be Sappers.  They don't have any doctrine.  Let's hope junior leaders like yourself prepare them properly.

If you wanna fight go Infantry.   They don't do the killing but they support JTF who does.   Their snipers and recce are invaluable to our SF guys.   If you can motivate yourself go JTF.

Couldn't agree with you more.  In fact, if anyone is so inclined the newest combat unit in the Canadian Army is standing up this summer and will be tentatively called the Joint Action Task Force (JATF).  Their mandate will be to provide direct support to JTF-2.  I am certain that there will be Sappers somewhere in the mix once they hammer out their ORBAT.

If I can't convince you not to go Engineer then atleast stay far away from 1 CER.   Go to 2.   Morale is a thousand times higher and the brass is a world above ours.

Again, I can't help but notice that you have never served in 2 CER.  How does that go again? Grass is always greener on the....

IMHO Sapper 477 needs to grow up. IF you have an issue with someone in 1 CER take it up with them. It is easy to hide in here and make comments that slag the whole Regiment.

I hope you get your re-muster soon.  You can take the attitude with you and I hope you are happy in the AF. I doubt that you will be, my experience has taught me that you are responsible for your own attitude.

If you have never been to 2 CER how can you state it is better? Unless you got something to add that is concrete and relevant I would hope you would not speak of 1 CER in that way again.  :salute: