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  • Thread starter Thread starter mellow_minded
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Well, some people will never let go of the 042 label.
s'ok, they're changing our trade numbers again...........
now that I'm at a Puzzle Palace, not certain what 043 will equal..... but they're 5 digit numbers

Sigh........ another string of numbers to memorize
Cbt Engr is 00339-01 for regular force, 00339-02 for PRes, and 00339-03 for Sup Res.
00339 ok tks..
(musing: don't they have more important things to do?)

geo said:
don't they have more important things to do?
There was a whole thread dedicated to that question:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/26340.0.html
Chimo said:

Earl you obviously didn't get the memo, as of 01 Jan 04, we are all Combat Engineers 043.   :salute:
Yup I'm aware of said memo but it does not erase my feelings,I started out as a F.E. and will always be a F.E.. ;)

Over too McG, I have and never been an 042,just filled in due to lack of dump drivers. ;D
When I joined in 76 we were all one as we are again and I disagreed with making heavy a separate sub trade with in the Corps way back when as many did at the time.Hope this clears up the misunderstanding. ;)
Quick questions guys, what is the vision req. for Combat Engineer? I think I'm sitting at a V2 right now and going to BMQ October 31st and doing training for Infantry. and if my eyes get worst than V3...I might consider becoming a eng...since I quaflied if you can have V4 that is.
scottyeH? Most of here are Old Sappers and don't know the knew qual.'s.
I suggest you try the Recuting thread.

Good Luck
scottyeH? said:
Quick questions guys, what is the vision req. for Combat Engineer? I think I'm sitting at a V2 right now and going to BMQ October 31st and doing training for Infantry. and if my eyes get worst than V3...I might consider becoming a eng...since I quaflied if you can have V4 that is.
Bad news for ya Scotty...... Vision requirements for Engineers are higher than those for the Infantry...
Hey, after about a 6 month application progress i have finaly gotten word that i will be leaving  for occupational training at gagetown new brunswick on oct 30th :D the course starts nov 4th and i cant wait.

HOWEVER, I do have some concerns. Last year i was in the reserves (infantry) and i completed my BMQ and SQ course in meaford, then i had to leave the reserves because i was moving to BC (family issues).. and I am told now that i am a recruit school bypass for the reg force, and here is my concern.. i will be training with a bunch of guys who are fresh out of recruit school and have at least 4 months more training then my 2 months that i had over a year ago.. Plus many reg force guys seem to look down on reserves.. will i be at a huge disadvantage for at lease the first little while or is this just me being paranoid?
A little bit of paranoia mixed in with real concerns............
note that mixed in with the SQ & BQ courses being given to the Regular force are a lot more personal admin, physical fitness and indoc. where two lessons might be given to the Reg, the Res might only get one..

The career manglers have looked at the material you covered on your courses and feel you have eraned your "pass" - so they know and appreceate what you have done and feel you are ready to move on.

Your concerns need to be adressed though, contact the recruiting centre and get some details.... and ........... START doing some serious PT so you aren't driven into the ground by instructors who believe you are fresh off your basic course.
Well when i first found out I would be skipping recruit school i called the captain who had been working with my application and his only suggestion was to focus on the PT.. I didnt know I would be going straight to MOC then but I still dont know what i should be trying to find out... my flight is booked for new brunswick so i doubt very much they will be switching my courses..
So, based on your career mangler, you're good to go.... work on your physical conditioning cause that's where you'll see a big difference on the 1st day... if you let your body go.... you'll pay the price.

  Well being an instructor at the school of Military Engineering and teaching DP2 crses, like the one your about to find yourself on, don't worry.  If you show that you have the heart and the drive, your good to go.  It's the one's who arrive, and it does'nt matter from where, who think they just have to be in attendance.  Show up give a shit, and your on your way to becoming a proud engineer who any seargent would want in his section.
think this fella is headed for his DP1, basic trade (QL3) combat engineer course.
DP2 will be for another time
( If I understand his position right )
sapper07 said:
  Well being an instructor at the school of Military Engineering and teaching DP2 crses, like the one your about to find yourself on, don't worry.   If you show that you have the heart and the drive, your good to go.   It's the one's who arrive, and it does'nt matter from where, who think they just have to be in attendance.   Show up give a crap, and your on your way to becoming a proud engineer who any seargent would want in his section.

As an guy who fairly recently left his position as an instructor at CFSME.....i would agree.
thanks alot guys.. i figure if i really step up the PT i should be alright.. they will still run me into the ground the first few days but haha thats to be expected i guess.. 
Alright Mellow, here it is laid out for ya.  Yes, the secondary role of the Engineers is to fight as Infantry.  Ya know what?  So is everybodies!  We just put it on paper to instill a false sense of pride.  If you wanna fight, go Infantry. If you have ever witnessed an Engineer section or Troop attack you would know what I am getting at. 

I'm a Sapper and I have recently returned from Afghanistan.  Its hot, it stinks and everyone hates you or wants something from you or both.  Did I fight?  No.  Its not the way the bad guys fight.  Although we practice WWII doctrine of bridging, minefield laying and clearance, crater charges and the like it is only because of a lack of vision in the rear ech of our Engineering Corps.  The bad guys kill us with suicide bombers and IED's.  They don't charge at us and try to take us out in strength.  They would lose and they know it.

If you wanna fight go Infantry.  They don't do the killing but they support JTF who does.  Their snipers and recce are invaluable to our SF guys.  If you can motivate yourself go JTF. 

If I can't convince you not to go Engineer then atleast stay far away from 1 CER.  Go to 2.  Morale is a thousand times higher and the brass is a world above ours.