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Civi protesters, repect and the CDS's speech merged topics

Do you think civilians have more, less or equal respect for the Forces as compared to a few years ag

  • Less respect

    Votes: 35 32.1%
  • More respect

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • About the same

    Votes: 30 27.5%

  • Total voters
NMPeters said:
Don't sweat it. The CDS can hold his own against a group of ignorant 17 - 19 year olds. My guess is that he'll even take the time to try to educate them.

Heck, if they closed thier mouths for 5 mins to listen to him, it wouldn't even be a fair debate....


For your personal entertainment (or motivation to bash one's head against a convenient cinder block wall :warstory:), here's a conversation I had today with a 'friend' of mine that goes to said university in question:


Her: Uh ohh.  The military is in trouble
Me: Over what?
Her: Killing ppl
Me: Um... In case you haven't heard... that's kinda why we have an army
Her: You're bad
Me: It's not like the army kills for fun and games
Her: (sarcastic) Sure
Me: Okay, explain your position
Her: ...
Me: I'm still waiting
Her: Paul Martin came on the news and it said he was in Gatineau, Quebec and I got so excited, and i was like OMG THATS NEAR ME.  But then i remember the PM lives a few blocks over from me.
Me: Ah well isn't that swell.  So anyway, stop stalling and explain
Her: No
Me: Then you lose.  Thanks for playing.

I wouldn't take the hippie peace crowd too seriously over there.
during gulf war 1 way back in the 90s i was on a long term callout with lfca hq, had a friend going to thru  Humber for Photography. it was wonderful day  in toronto, freezing cold and they had a peace march at city  hall down town toronto. my  friend wanted to go to take pictures for class, i went along because i thought it might be interesting to see and i like taking pictures of funny  stuff downtown.

here is what  i remember of the peace march

1) all the people wearing army  surplus winter clothes so they  could be warm.....various countries and canada's winter kit on so they  could be kept warm.
2) they  were passing around large buckets to toss money into and this was to fund the anti war movement. we could of bought a few new c7 s and bullets, and shot and buried the key  protesters with those buckets of money
3) watching guys i worked with from one of the HQ units running around taking pictures of the peace march, they  were all G2 people using it as a training exercise. learning to be uncover operators i guess or something
4) learned fast not to speak my  mind for fear of being targeted by  them as war loving freak of nature
5) most of them were followers and had no clue as to why  the world was upset and why  the US led forces were there to free the country  from Saddam the hero of the anti us movement
6) hotdogs went up in price for that  day  as it was the only  source of close and hot food

but most all i remember my  friend william saying to me, this was more fun then going to shoot the nude female models the school were having in for the class to take pictures of.
7) next time I will go to the nude model event over a peace protest march because at least at the model shoot you know the subject might not be the smartest person in the room but she is there for a reason
Ho hee ha. Talking to your average left wing protestor is like having an intelligent conversation with my youngest mini-schnauzer. I could talk to her all day long and at the end she will still bark at nothing and pointless things.

Protestors come in various breeds

(1) Protestor War-hate-ris; This species protest any military action taken by any NATO country but usually targets USA or UK and here in Canada the northern breed takes offence to any CF operation that is not the DART being deployed.

(2) Protestor Welfare-us; This species is probably a dying breed. The are usually recognized by long lives spent in collecting welfare and throw protest when told to do something like get a job because welfare cuts are coming soon.

(3) Protestor Globilization-is; This is a unique breed that usually appears at G7 summits and although they do not understand globalization they protest it anyways, this breed has a specific taste for OC (pepper) spray.

(4) Protestor Bush-eus and Protestor Harper-is; These two species of protestors are similar and sometimes overlap. They are characterized by their beleif that anything at all to do with Bush, Harper, Alberta or anything remotely conservative is automatically bad, bigotted, racist, pro-nazi and will turn their nation into the something akin to Emporer Palpatine's empire.

(5) Protestor Ridicolus; This breed is interesting. It could be some that feel someone is wrongfully convicted such as being associated with Al Queda and (How could that be bad?) or it could be some loving member of a criminal gunned by police fire and wonders why the police had to shoot because after all he only had a 12 inch knife... This species is not as frequently observed as the others.

(6) Protestor Poverty-is; This breed is known by its lead alpha male, John Clark, who comes to us from lovely old england to butt his nose in our affairs and wants VIOLENT demonstrations because each homeless bum is not entitled to $300,000 a year. How cruel of society to withold that money.

You also have to take into account of this; these people are young snot nosed punks in college or university and have this grand notion that they're so smart and have a complete grasp on all matters in the world.  They're young, and probably out on their own for the first time and I think they feel that this is the "in" thing to do.  They've heard all the old stories of Berkeley in the '60's, the Kent State massacre by the US National Guard and dozens of other stories of protests in the 60's & 70's at colleges and universities all over N. America.  Get it?  This is something you HAVE to do when at an institution of higher learning!  ::)  When I went to College, I got a chuckle out of all the losers who were trying so hard to be "individuals", finding themsleves and breaking out of the "trendy" way they used to be in High School.  All of a sudden, GAP, Levi's & Billabong etc. etc. are no longer cool.  The name brand trend that you needed in high school to fit in and be cool is now uncool.  Value Village retro 70's clothes are now cool, domestic beer is not good enough, now they need to drink Heineken & Corona because Canadian & Blue are standard "normal" beers.  It's just a phase that they have to go through so they can grow up (hopefully) and have some stories for the grandkids about how they tried to change the world and make a difference.  ::)  It's been said before, I'll say it again.  Those of us in uniform took an oath to give these poor ignorant oafs the right to protest whatever the hell they want. 

It does irk me however, that good men have paid in blood and with their lives to give these imbeciles the right to protest against us.  We all know the risk that comes with being in the Military and yet still we go - without question.  These granola-munching morons go stand on parliament hill and cry out that they don't want to see our boys coming home in coffins draped in a Canadian Flag. (They actually think they're helping!)  Do these tree-hugging idiots actually believe that if we disbanded the Army and no longer sent troops overseas that all will be well in the world?  As if the whole ostrich-head-in-the-sand approach is going to work? Wake up fools and thank your stars that you have men & women willing to put the uniform on and go defend your rights.  :salute:
So...today is 22 Sep 2005, and who is going to see Gen Hillier's presentation at Carlton U this evening?
You can bet I'm going...and I asked permission to wear uniform which I am going to wear with the pride, dignity, and the conduct of a CF officer.  I also wouldn't mind a chance to meet the CDS if possible and I wanted to present myself appropriately.  If those losers actually do disrupt his presentation...I think I might make like Superman, go and change into civvys and disrsupt the disruption.  Anyway, I'll let you all know about the presentation later this evening.

Yeah, thats a great idea. Charge into a group of civilians while in uniform. I am sure that at the very least you would leave a lasting impression on the CDS. Let us know how that all works out for you. Ha. That would be fine conduct for an Officer indeed.
jwsteele said:
I think I might make like Superman, go and change into civvys and disrsupt the disruption.   Anyway, I'll let you all know about the presentation later this evening.

Before attending, choose one of the following categories:

1-Civie - come dressed as such.

2-Soldier (ok, well, Officer Cadet) - act as such.


EDIT: actually, you are bound by the CF Code of Service Discipline, which means you have to act like a soldier (or someone worthy of a Commission) whether in uniform or not. Don't make an arse of yourself.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
1. Free Beer

2. Free Love

3. Free Beer

Wow, I could protest just about anything for that line-up.......

But if any of this is happening...post photos    ;D  
Tough crowd...obviously I'm not going to change clothes half way through a CDS speech to make an ass of myself.  Just joking around guys.  Seriously though...what do you guys think of wearing CF's to the speech?  If there is a chance to meet him I'd like to present myself properly.  Your thoughts?
jwsteele said:
Tough crowd...obviously I'm not going to change clothes half way through a CDS speech to make an *** of myself.   Just joking around guys.   Seriously though...what do you guys think of wearing CF's to the speech?   If there is a chance to meet him I'd like to present myself properly.   Your thoughts?

There's a good chance you'll look like a tool, but hey, have at 'er if you really want.

Wear a suit instead.
I wouldn't for the above reasons. Chances of meeting him are slim. Chances of getting involved in some sort of stupidity forced on you by an idiot are far greater. It's not worth it for you, or the CF. Go in appropriate civilian attire, and if you get an opportunity, shake the man's hand.
It was a great presentation...90% of the attendees were in support although there were some very rude disturbances.  The CDS handled himself well.  Some moron asked him if he would resign...CDS response="No...next question (with a big grin)."  Some other dumbass asked how the CDS planned on handling the defense of Canada from the biggest WMD of all...American foreign policy.  His speech talked about the new threats, how we intended on handling them, and the priorities of the CF.  He received a standing ovation twice.  It was nice to see all the support.  The protestors lost this battle...they all looked like fools and I'm pretty sure they knew it too.
This was in my junk mail, don't even know why I pulled it out

<< please distribute to all your contacts, e-mail listservs, friends
and lovers... thanks! GO GENERALS! >>

Generals Against Democracy Who Want To Shoot All The Terrorist
Scumbags (GADWWTSATTS) will be at Carleton University Thurs. Sept. 22
to ask Gen. Rick Hillier to be our new leader.

Why: because the head of Canada's military is giving a speech there at
7:30 on "Canada's Military in a Dangerous New World"

Please come out and support us... Hillier's talk is free and we need
to (non-violently) confront him and his dangerous way of thinking.
Canadians will not stand silently by while this Master of War spouts
off at the mouth. We're going to be there to ask him some tough
questions, and following that we're hoping to show a brilliant
documentary in a room nearby. The documentary is called The Power of
Nightmares (more info below).

Please plan to attend this important event, and tell all your friends!

brought to you by members of SCAW (see more details below)

info about Hillier's talk at Carleton:

Thursday Sept 22
7:30 p.m.
Alumni Theatre, Southam Hall
Carleton University
Admission is free
Parking: pay and display, Lots 1, 2, 6 and the Library

GADWWTSATTS is going to be at Hillier's talk in order to invite him to
be our leader... he'd be the perfect spokesperson. In fact, you could
say we're almost like his fanclub. Go Generals!

<< original e-mail sent to people about the idea for the event >>

(Backgrounder for those who weren't out for beers Tuesday
night: Gen. Hillier is speaking at Carleton Sept. 22
about "Canada's military in a dangerous new world"...
a few of us were thinking we should try to shut his
talk down with non-violent civil disobedience, but
we've changed our minds/hearts).

We believe he has the right to free speech...

But that doesn't mean we can't take the momentum away
from him or his ideas.

We are attempting to book a room nearby to where his talk is
taking place. Our event will be organized/hosted by
Generals Against Democracy Who Want To Shoot All The
Terrorist Scumbags (GADWWTSATTS). We will dress up in
army fatigues and then talk briefly about how we want to kill all the
terrorist scumbags
and that democracy is for weaklings, in reference to Canada's
destruction of democracy in Haiti, for example.

We will march around before Hillier starts talking
and shout orders like "Shoot the terrorist scumbags"
or "We love George W. Bush and his doctrine of illegal
preemptive war".

We will do this while handing out flyers telling
people to come to our documentary screening which
will begin at 10 p.m.

The spoof event will be followed by a screening of
the documentary "The Power of Nightmares" (which I
will be getting a copy of, see info below), where we
can hand out information about Canada's role in Haiti
and the Bush Administration's new doctrine of
preemptive nuclear weapon use. We will
also have copies of the following article:


And we will pose the question to people in
attendance: who are the real terrorists in the world
today, who is a bigger threat to world security? (The
obvious answer is George W.). And the follow-up
question is, why isn't Canada, or Hillier, or Allan
Rock our rep. at the UN, working harder to stop the
Bush Administration's insane policies and

Even Robert McNamara believes the U.S. is currently
going too far:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? context=viewArticle&code=MCN20050506&articleId=149

We will ask Hillier what he thinks of McNamara's
article, or at least hand out copies of it to people
who listen to him talk.

We will use the event to flyer/handbill and build momentum for the
Sept. 24 action, "No To Bush's Wars"

All war is terrorism... if we going to arrest the
terrorists, we should arrest the generals and the
heads of state, like Bush, who have dropped or have
authorized the dropping of more bombs that have killed
more people than any terrorists ever will.

What about Bush's war crimes in Fallujah, what does
Hillier have to say about them?


Pretty good story, I missed how Canada destroyed the Democratic process in Haiti though, I thought they did that themselves?  Must have been sleeping when it happened

Bomber tired, Bomber now watch Nanny 911*

*reference "equipment, what you carry" thread if this sounds like a strange ending to a post
reccecrewman said:
You also have to take into account of this; these people are young snot nosed punks in college or university and have this grand notion that they're so smart and have a complete grasp on all matters in the world.   They're young, and probably out on their own for the first time and I think they feel that this is the "in" thing to do.   They've heard all the old stories of Berkeley in the '60's, the Kent State massacre by the US National Guard and dozens of other stories of protests in the 60's & 70's at colleges and universities all over N. America.   Get it?   This is something you HAVE to do when at an institution of higher learning!   ::)   When I went to College, I got a chuckle out of all the losers who were trying so hard to be "individuals", finding themsleves and breaking out of the "trendy" way they used to be in High School.   All of a sudden, GAP, Levi's & Billabong etc. etc. are no longer cool.   The name brand trend that you needed in high school to fit in and be cool is now uncool.   Value Village retro 70's clothes are now cool, domestic beer is not good enough, now they need to drink Heineken & Corona because Canadian & Blue are standard "normal" beers.   It's just a phase that they have to go through so they can grow up (hopefully) and have some stories for the grandkids about how they tried to change the world and make a difference.   ::)   It's been said before, I'll say it again.   Those of us in uniform took an oath to give these poor ignorant oafs the right to protest whatever the heck they want.  

It does irk me however, that good men have paid in blood and with their lives to give these imbeciles the right to protest against us.   We all know the risk that comes with being in the Military and yet still we go - without question.   These granola-munching morons go stand on parliament hill and cry out that they don't want to see our boys coming home in coffins draped in a Canadian Flag. (They actually think they're helping!)   Do these tree-hugging idiots actually believe that if we disbanded the Army and no longer sent troops overseas that all will be well in the world?   As if the whole ostrich-head-in-the-sand approach is going to work? Wake up fools and thank your stars that you have men & women willing to put the uniform on and go defend your rights.   :salute:

Well said......Reccecrewman !
I'm sorry I missed the speech, but was at a higher prioraty function  ;)

No matter what is said or done, many of these "protesters" are in the grip of some alternative view of reality and nothing, not even slamming airplanes into tall office towers, will make them change their minds. Horrifying as it seems, these events actually seem to have hardened the world views of many of these people.

Since they are inpervious to logic, facts or hard proof, short of dropping them into Jihadi controlled areas in the Sunni Triangle (where they can meet their heros on an up close and personal basis, and discover how they are REALLY viewed in that part of the world), there is nothing any of us can say or do to change their minds. They will either fall into the holes in their own logic, or eventually grow up and grow out of it.

BTW, they can't have Gen Hillier as leader of their organization, he is already leading mine!