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Civi protesters, repect and the CDS's speech merged topics

Do you think civilians have more, less or equal respect for the Forces as compared to a few years ag

  • Less respect

    Votes: 35 32.1%
  • More respect

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • About the same

    Votes: 30 27.5%

  • Total voters
jwsteele said:
I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to "fight, kill, and die" for these people but they really need to wake the frig up.  

For the most part they will, in time.
Gramps said:
To reitterate paracowboy's post here. That form you signed upon enrolment and the oath you gave means that you are bound to protect their right to protest. I got into the same argument a few years ago about a peace rally. A coworker of mine at the time had mentioned how angry and annoyed he was because of this little peace rally and march until I reminded him that he is bound to protect that right. What a boring place this would be if we all thought the same or wre gagged and prevented from the "Freedom of Expression" that is covered in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Now, as for the " It's all you see on MTV and hear in a lot of "punk" music today." remark from J. Gayson . I would suggest you listen to some old school punk, you will find the attitude was the same in the 70's and 80's with this type of music. Try listening to some Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Exploited, Dead Kennedys, and the list goes on. heck, if you want, I can even send you some because it seems to be all I am listening to lately. Cheers.

Gramps, I believe you have misinterpreted my post.

I'm not saying that punk artists are writting anti-war music because it's the cool thing to do.  I know a lot of "true" punks who know a thing or too about Canada in the world.  

What I was trying to point out was many kids follow the anti-war movement because they percieve it to be the "cool" thing to do.  The media is saturated with many such things and I believe that a lot of kids follow the "movement" because it is what they see.

When I mentioned punks who aren't, or skater who don't.  These people see punks and skaters and follow these trends because it is what they percieve to be the social norm, afterall, everybody wants to fit in right?

This sort of reminds me what my Course Warrant told me during my basic when I asked him why he joined the Army

"When I joined everyone was trying to be different, they didn't want to follow the system or the man.  I to wanted to be different, so I decided not to follow the common trend of the day and joined the Army."
jwsteele said:
I grew up in a military family, none of which were officers, so I know how hard the bulk of CF members work

A little dig at the officers, eh?  ;)

[quote author=2332piper]although its more often anti-americanism and anti-bushism. [/quote]

Yes, that's been my experience too.
As well, I'd say the attitude of "shoot them all" is about as immature as the "CF are a bunch of killers" one - playing right into their stereotypes aren't you, Mr Steele?

This thread was a gongshow from the start....
In response to the officer/NCM comment...I was referring to the BULK of the CF and that they work very hard for little reward.  By the way, I realize we can't shoot them all nor do I want that...they pay my salary...it would be foolish  ;).  I just don't get where they're coming from.  If you heard the stuff this girl was spouting off, I guarantee it would infuriate any CF member.  She was the dumbest, most irrational moron I have ever heard and she was actually getting support.  I mean....holy shit.
Agree with the point that some young university students, 17-25 years old, do not have any real life experience, do not know any better, and feel the need to prove themselves by taking up an antagonizing cause. [The War in Iraq, why the university administration called in the police during their last protest, etc.] This group of individuals may be loud in their protests, but they are a minority, albeit an overzealous, and obnoxious one. But the remainder of the student body only need to listen to their soap-box-podium-debate/rant, for a few stanzas, to figure out that it is all unproductive rhetoric.

"Actions speak louder than words"

If all of these left-winged-radicals can do is b*tch and complain about an issue, no one will listen to them for long. Talk, the only thing they can do. The rest of the student body have the sense to figure that out.

When I went back to school, it didn't take long for people to figure out that I was ex-CF. [Didn't mention it until I was asked; odd bits of kit gave me away.] Most of the student body didn't have any qualms with it. Thus, I didn't feel the need to get into a long winded, public debate in defence of the military, whenever the odious protestors began to talk.

Let the protestors say what they want, and only get physical with them if they get in your face.
jwsteele said:
In response to the officer/NCM comment...I was referring to the BULK of the CF and that they work very hard for little reward.  By the way, I realize we can't shoot them all nor do I want that...they pay my salary...it would be foolish  ;).  I just don't get where they're coming from.  If you heard the stuff this girl was spouting off, I guarantee it would infuriate any CF member.  She was the dumbest, most irrational moron I have ever heard and she was actually getting support.  I mean....holy crap.

I think you'll find that there's more than a few of those at Carleton.

If you'd been sensible you'd have picked a school a bit further north along the canal.  :dontpanic:
Mr Steele if I got upset and angry every time someone said something that upset me I would probably end up in the bell tower with a high powered rifle and really losing it. Life is way to short to get upset by the idiotic ramblings of some obviously immature people. You are going to have to learn to just ignore these types and carry on doing the job that they pay you to do. ;D
2 Cdo said:
Mr Steele if I got upset and angry every time someone said something that upset me I would probably end up in the bell tower with a high powered rifle and really losing it. Life is way to short to get upset by the idiotic ramblings of some obviously immature people. You are going to have to learn to just ignore these types and carry on doing the job that they pay you to do. ;D

That's some pretty good advice.

Thanks Caesar, if anyone else needs any problem solved feel free to ask. ;D
2 Cdo said:
Thanks Caesar, if anyone else needs any problem solved feel free to ask. ;D

Why does my Daddy drink so much?

Why does my Mommy go on so many 'dates'?

Why does it hurt when I pee?
Daddy drinks too much because mommy is going on dates! Mommy is going out on dates because daddy drinks too much! You, Caesar, will have to leave the sheep alone in the future and take this ten day cycle of tetracycline. :o
That will be $75.00 please. You can't get this high level of treatment for free! ;D :blotto:
Thanks 2Cdo! Do you take PayPal?

I didn't know that about sheep. Dirty bastards. My friend tells me you can get wool from them too!

Tetracycline, eh? So, no foot powder? Must be the new Army.

Surprisingly, this little factoid hasn't been raised thus far, so I will say it.  You attend Carleton U jwsteel?  Well, surely you must have read in their broshures that they are quite proud of their Communist Club.  A "Little USSR" right on Campus, complete with huge portraits of Lenin & Stalin.  Surely you must have realized that there was going to be some odd balls in this school?  ;)
Way back when George Bush (Senior) was getting ready to move on Kuwait, the same thing happened on every campus in Canada. Drove me crazy, but what can you do? Logic doesn't mean as much as emotion to a lot of people. Maybe these jokers at Carleton are the sons and daughters of those Birkenstock-wearing goofs(?) Which just goes to show you that these protests aren't going away any time soon.
Part-Timer said:
Way back when George Bush (Senior) was getting ready to move on Kuwait, the same thing happened on every campus in Canada. Drove me crazy, but what can you do? Logic doesn't mean as much as emotion to a lot of people. Maybe these jokers at Carleton are the sons and daughters of those Birkenstock-wearing goofs(?) Which just goes to show you that these protests aren't going away any time soon.

They're on every campus I've ever seen (ok, admitidly not very many, but I assume). They're also in virtually every 'ethical' coffee shop, vegan restarant, and even in the sub-urbs! They're everywhere!

Life would be pretty boring if we didn't have losers to point and laugh at, eh?

I don't know about you, but I don't want everyone to agree with me (no danger here), or have the same view as me. That'd be like talking to yourself, (which is fun in it's own right).
Ah, university students.

Speaking as someone who joined the CF at 17 and did a BA and MA, once my university peers graduated and started paying taxes, their views shifted very quickly from the political left to the centre right. Those who stayed in to do their PhDs are still on the left, and very rapidly becoming nothing more than Chomsky-quoting chatterboxes.

As an OCdt, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Or, if they get pushy, ask for their GPA. I think you'll find you're not dealing with the A team here.
jwsteele said:
......   If you heard the stuff this girl was spouting off, I guarantee it would infuriate any CF member.   She was the dumbest, most irrational moron I have ever heard and she was actually getting support.   I mean....holy crap.

I could use a good chuckle this evening......what kind of crap was she spewing?
I remember being at McMaster during Gulf War 1......

I remember clearly the "mass protest movement", the chanting , singing parades and the "peace-ins" not to mention the totally narrow minded viewpoint held by "open minded" anti war types...

There was ONE count 'em ONE violent incident.........and it occurred when a group of ferverent anti-war types took it upon themselves to rough up a lone pro-war guy......As I recall they sought to inform said "misguided fool" that they were on the side of peace....and righteousness......then proceeded to pummel him.,....

I also recall that they had a big "peace camp" on the Campus...chock full of folks doing their bit for peace and free-love....of course only on the campus where they couldnt be prosecuted.....

Funnily enough, a former member of my unit, then a long haired member of a rock band;  chose to hang out at the peace camp  for three reasons:

1. Free Beer

2. Free Love

3. Free Beer

And he said as much to the pro-activist CBC reporter that interviewed him.....

"naw man, I'm not here cause of the War..I'm just here for the Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll just like the rest of these guys"

Trouble is..he was exactly right....the whole thing was a sham........just a bunch of posers....
1. Free Beer

2. Free Love

3. Free Beer

Wow, I could protest just about anything for that line-up.......