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Choice of Reg Force Infantry regiment ( merged )

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From what I understand, you can claim a preference towards a regiment when you apply, such as the RCR, the PPCLI, or R22R. What I‘m wondering, though, is can you indicate a preference towards a certain battalion, like 3 PPCLI over 1, or is it up to the Regimental command to determine where you end up?

Somewhat related to the above question, and perhaps much stupider, but is 3PPCLI a light infantry battalion? I realize that the LI stands for Light Infantry, but their website seems to indicate mechanized infantry...
um, well i dont think i should be commenting on this, for frankly, im a bit of an idiot. lol. But the officer that i was talking to about transfer from res. to reg. said taht if you were to transfer rite out of the Canadian Scottish (BC) you would go rite into the PPCLI. and that basically its mostly geographical, like the PPCLI is western, and well, we only have three basically so do the math.
The recruiter I spoke with said my options were RCR and PPCLI, depending on if I wanted to be in Eastern Canada or Western. I guess if I actually spoke French I could ask for R22R, but I don‘t think counting to 10 would do.

I screwed up my original post: I know 3PPCLI is light infantry, but the 1PPCLI page looks like they‘re still mechanized. Is that the case, or are all the PPCLI battalions light infantry like their name indicates?
3 PPCLI is a Light Infantry Bn. 1 PPCLI and 2 PPCLI are Mechanzied (LAV 3).

For regimental affiliation there are usually a number of factors which determine where you are sent, of course they do ask your preferance. One of the factors is the current regiment manning numbers. Far as I know at this time RCR are at or above their paper manning numbers (Don‘t quote me on this). Therefore they will run less BIQ‘s, only to cover their attrition losses. The PPCLI have been running nonstop BIQ‘s since the fall because of the shortfall in pers. There have been 8 BIQ serials that have been or are being training for 3 PPCLI as we speak. I think that last one for the 3 rd Bn is ending in Sep. After that they will start going to the First Bn. For choice of which battalion you are sent to it is usually determined by the Operation cycle of the Batallions. The Battalion that is in the ReOrganization and Reconstitution cycle get the pers (That is where a person will be sent). On rare ocassions you can be sent other units. For example on the BIQ that I finished instructing, we sent 2 to 2 PPCLI, this was due to personal reasons. There were three troops that wanted to got to the RCR after completing the course, but they were told that the RCR was MOC overborne. Hope that helps a bit.
That‘s more help than I was hoping for. I guess I‘ll have to speak to my recruiter and see what she can do for getting my package processed quickly as I‘d much prefer light infantry over mechanized. Though if the last BIQ for 3PPCLI is in September it looks like that may not be an option as long as I choose the PPCLI over the RCR...
Im in final stages of a component transfer and I was wondering if I have any choice in which reg force battalion I go to. Is that in the contract or you just go where they tell you to go.
Search Page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Search words - choose battalion

Threads found:

What base do you get posted to? Do I get any say in what base I get posted to? - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22867.0.html

Locations - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/13059.0.html

Placement choice - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/13587.0.html

Search words - choose regiment

light or mech....again maybe, but still can't find my answer! (already searched) - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34830.0.html

Welcome to Army.ca, you will find that many of your concerns have been discussed in detail, and the information can be found through searching and browsing the FAQs. I would suggest you start by reviewing the many threads linked from the Recruiting and Infantry FAQs:

Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Infantry FAQ  - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412
Just a question, tried the search but couldn't find anything. Just wanted to know if I can choose what regiment I would like to join. I know they will send you where your needed but if people are needed in more then one regiment, can you have the choice where you would like to go? Joining Regular force Armoured and would like to go RCD. Also what are the chances they will station you in 12e Regiment blindé du Canada at Valcartier, Quebec. I'll go where they send me but I figure it will be hard not being from Quebec and speaking French and all. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks  :cdn:
Short answer. They'll put you where your needed. You can ask, but they don't have to accomodate. If you're a french languge speaker, you'll likel;y end up with the RBC. If you don't speak french, and are not enrolling as an officer, you'll likely go to an english regiment. No guarantees one way or another. There's lot's of threads on this, try the 'advanced search'.
I didn't know if this needed to be in here or recruiting. Sorry if I posted it in the wrong spot, please move if neccesary and sorry for the extra work  ;)

I have recently been selected and I am going to BMQ on the 12th of January. I have only one question to ask at this point before I begin this adventure. At what point (if any) will I be able to choose which Battalion I want to go to? After SQ? Or does the CF assign you where you are needed?

The reason i ask is because I chose PPCLI because I really liked the idea of being posted out in Edmonton. I have a few friends out there already and I like the idea of being near a larger city. I never thought that I might be posted to Shilo. Not that there is anything wrong with going there, it's just that if I was going to Shilo, I might just as well go RCR to be posted in Petawawa so I was within driving distance (2 hours) of coming home if need be for emergency purposes. At the time of applying the recruiter had told me that the CF usually keeps you closer to home if possible.

I am going down to the CFRC when then open back up on Jan 5th to ask them, but if anyone knows on here, atleast it would give me an idea before going in or calling in.

Once again it is a personal choice, I have nothing wrong with Shilo so please don't attack me on it.  Thank for any help I appreciate it
*sigh* been asked and answered many many times.......

You can give your preference but they will send you to whichever Battalion needs the troops
OK, thank-you.

I tried to do a search.  Searched from "choosing a battalion" "battalion within regiment" "choosing your battalion" but always came up with lots of posts with the letter "a" or "your" or even "battalion" but never what I was looking for. I had a feeling you could give your preference, but it is good to hear that you actually could.

Once again thank-you

You find out what battalion you are posted to during the last week or two of battle school.  Even then it can change at the last minute.  I was posted to the 3rd, but then ended up being attach posted to the first for the next battle group.
Exactly my course was supposed to go 2 RCR but we ended up going 1 RCR, and even if your course is slated to go to the 2nd battlion, you could always right a memo that you would like to go to Edmonton (you won't be able to choose 1 or 3) and you have a better shot if you have family or a girlfriend or something that gives you are more valid reason to go then I don't want to go to Shilo.
it's a 50/50 thing
YOU choose the Regiment
THEY choose the battalion

Go here & start reading - everything you ever wanted to know about the CF, the Combat arms, the infantry AND the PPCLI
Well, after doing a little reading in this topic

I really don't think it will matter which battalion I get posted to, being how I won't spend an entire career within one place anyhow. So I guess i'll just sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks for responses, the mods can go ahead and lock this puppy up now.

Hey, leaving for bmq tomorow morning. As of now i have no clue where am i gonna end up after. Will they ask for preference or ? So im wondering , btw valcartier, gagetown, petawawa or edmonton.

Thank you :)