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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Could it possibly, just possibly be that he won’t bring it up again until his party is in power?
Does it help your sensibilities that some of the smartest people in the world are also pro-crypto? Elon Musk for example.
It could, or he has changed.
As someone that will almost certainly be (grudgingly) voting for him due to lack of alternatives and a strong local candidate, and also has small crypto-holdings as a speculative investment
- it doesn't matter that he changed his mind. That he was not only so emphatically on the band wagon but also actively advocating for it and advising taxpayers to invest betrayed both his ignorance to fields that aren't politics and his reckless arrogance to act on that ignorance.
I see the ultra right wing as being as dangerous as the ultra left. And right now it sure seems to me that the ultra right have too much influence, even though Poilievre is trying to restrain some of those who are more vocal. Having said all that, I admit to wanting more of a Progressive Conservative party. I think Robert Stanfield was one of the better prime ministers Canada never had.
Who is "ultra right wing"? FFS, enough of the subjective labels.
The only reason not to vote Pierre P is because....conservative. Thats all folks. Logic left the building and people are embracing fear tactics of the liberals. God forbid we have financial accountability.

Trudeau pushes a bus full of children over a cliff, most of Canadian "Mmmm, maybe he should of not done that, not sure its a good idea"

Pierre Cures cancer and brings world peace and many in Canada "Ohhhh, but why didn't he do this years ago! Damn it, I still won't vote for him!"
As someone that will almost certainly be (grudgingly) voting for him due to lack of alternatives and a strong local candidate, and also has small crypto-holdings as a speculative investment
- it doesn't matter that he changed his mind. That he was not only so emphatically on the band wagon but also actively advocating for it and advising taxpayers to invest betrayed both his ignorance to fields that aren't politics and his reckless arrogance to act on that ignorance.
There is still a case for Block chain tech and crypto.

Central to this whole thing is do you believe Central banks and government own and control money? Where you fall in this very question puts in a political camp today. This one of the basic fundamental question of our time. But no one asks it.
Who is "ultra right wing"? FFS, enough of the subjective labels.
I don't know of an ultra right movement in this country. PP is a middle of the road conservative.

Remember politics is never a pendulum it is a ratchet ever moving left. PP as PM will not swing the country right he would just slow the process. Instead of 70 miles an hour at the cliff he will tap the breaks to 50.
The only reason not to vote Pierre P is because....conservative. Thats all folks. Logic left the building and people are embracing fear tactics of the liberals. God forbid we have financial accountability.

Trudeau pushes a bus full of children over a cliff, most of Canadian "Mmmm, maybe he should of not done that, not sure its a good idea"

Pierre Cures cancer and brings world peace and many in Canada "Ohhhh, but why didn't he do this years ago! Damn it, I still won't vote for him!"

The seed has been planted by our corrupt political/media establishment. "He's a racist!" or whatever label has been applied. That will taint a great many voters who are unable to look past their own nose for fear of some imagined threat to democracy. I don't think I could predict remotely the outcome of the next election at this point... even with china-gate... I can see Trudeau winning with his scandalous ways and ignorant voter base, but it's entirely possible PP gets an ever increasing and aware youth vote that pushes him to a win. It really is anyone's guess at this point.
The only reason not to vote Pierre P is because....conservative. Thats all folks. Logic left the building and people are embracing fear tactics of the liberals. God forbid we have financial accountability.

Trudeau pushes a bus full of children over a cliff, most of Canadian "Mmmm, maybe he should of not done that, not sure its a good idea"

Pierre Cures cancer and brings world peace and many in Canada "Ohhhh, but why didn't he do this years ago! Damn it, I still won't vote for him!"
Actually I consider myself slightly more conservative than liberal and have worked both for and with the PCs and the LPC (separately). I know countless Canadians who would PREFER to vote conservative if there was a decent candidate. Call me close minded if you will, but I think that Poilievre is taking too many chances with my money and the fact that he has changed his mind suggests how dangerous his actions could be. I feel that cryptocurrency is somewhat akin to a pyramid scheme. And if you read my previous posts you will see that I am not a fan of Trudeau at all.

Both Trudeau and Poilievre are basically offering us a s**t sandwich…something that gets worse with every bite.
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There is still a case for Block chain tech and crypto.
Yep. And a lot of smarter people than me believe in them. Like I said, I still have a small position, mainly because of the store of value use case and the potential upside of being an early adopter if it were to become something akin to digital gold is absolutely massive.
But the big thing is that even among the most ardent informed crypto supporters in the financial community there is and was the understanding that regardless of the long term use case(s) it's still a volatile risk-on asset, not a present day stable inflation hedge. The Finance critic of the Official Opposition should have known that.
I am, by several orders of magnitude, less concerned about PP's interest in crypto than by parts of the left and centre-left's interest in abolishing cash. Weigh the consequences of that. I can provide a couple: fragility of electronic transaction systems; inefficiency of forcing people to substitute barter for cash (because they will: depend on it).
I am, by several orders of magnitude, less concerned about PP's interest in crypto than by parts of the left and centre-left's interest in abolishing cash. Weigh the consequences of that. I can provide a couple: fragility of electronic transaction systems; inefficiency of forcing people to substitute barter for cash (because they will: depend on it).
Abolishing cash - so they can track everything you purchase. No thanks. The Orwellian sect doesn’t need to know.