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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Good thing we're not the US. Political leaders who occasionally say favourable things about Russian Chinese government; people who are politically well-connected making deals with Russians Chinese, allegations of Russian Chinese election interference...we'd be up to our armpits in conspiracy theories and special investigations.
Good thing we're not the US. Political leaders who occasionally say favourable things about Russian Chinese government; people who are politically well-connected making deals with Russians Chinese, allegations of Russian Chinese election interference...we'd be up to our armpits in conspiracy theories and special investigations.
At least in the US, people were named, indicted and convicted of crimes related to those allegations. Here it’s crickets.
It is absolutely the Canadian way to ignore or pass these problems off to someone else. Igor Gouzenko defected and as far as I can remember we kinda shuffled our feet, mumbled and passed the problems off to the USA. Maybe someone can tell me if I am right.
Another Podcast that questions the PM and PMO actions or inactions on the China interference file.

It starts at the 17:14 point
An interesting English language interview between a seniorr PLA "colonel" and a Deutsche Welle reporter on the sidelines of the Munich conference.

Putin can't win but he can't lose - perhaps China can't allow him to lose?
China has put the hems on a nuclear response.
China isn't ready to pick a fight with the US over Taiwan or anything else - China is still too weak. The US is still too strong.

Back to the latest revelations about election interference by Beijing…

I found Trudeau’s response extremely disturbing. First, his usual opaque “everything is fine, nothing to see” is not reassuring. Now we need maximum transparency. Are safeguards in place? Are people being investigated? Are “diplomats” getting kicked out of the country? Etc. etc. etc.

Secondly, he seemed more concerned that someone at CSIS was leaking this information than the integrity of our elections. I am usually not a fan of people who leak classified intelligence information, but sometimes people have no choice but to become a whistleblower when the government is not doing its primary duty: defending the realm.

But everyone’s reaction seems to be 🤷‍♂️
I found Trudeau’s response extremely disturbing. First, his usual opaque “everything is fine, nothing to see” is not reassuring. Now we need maximum transparency. Are safeguards in place? Are people being investigated? Are “diplomats” getting kicked out of the country? Etc. etc. etc.
If I was doing the investigating, this heat and light is probably the last thing I want.
If I was doing the investigating, this heat and light is probably the last thing I want.
My issue is the shrug from the PMO. IMO there is too much CCPC stink on too many LPC insiders (or Useful Idiots for a better term) that is allowing a foreign adversary too much sway within this country's public offices.