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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Major Chinese real-estate conglomerate Evergrande facing looming Bankruptcy as it admits it cannot pay back investors of its wealth management products. The resulting ripple to the Chinese economy if a company valued at over 300 billion were to go bankrupt would be enormous.


I think that this is more Western media crap.

I think that this is more Western media crap.
The commentator does raise the valid counter point that the CCP has a history of nationalizing failing companies, that said can they afford to do so when the company owes billions to people who have invested in homes and apartments that haven't even been built yet? $300 Billion is ssets inthe chinese real estate market is no laughing matter, doing a bit a research it appears accurate, the ripple to the Chinese economy could be disastrous.
Their economy is long overdue for an adjustment. They have been spending like a drunken liberal for years now. Unfortunately, the solution is often to declare war somewhere in order to provide a distraction. Look out Taiwan!
Their economy is long overdue for an adjustment. They have been spending like a drunken liberal for years now. Unfortunately, the solution is often to declare war somewhere in order to provide a distraction. Look out Taiwan!
Would make sense, same tactic they used with Tibet and Vietnam, though Vietnam actually fought back and won.
The commentator does raise the valid counter point that the CCP has a history of nationalizing failing companies, that said can they afford to do so when the company owes billions to people who have invested in homes and apartments that haven't even been built yet? $300 Billion is ssets inthe chinese real estate market is no laughing matter, doing a bit a research it appears accurate, the ripple to the Chinese economy could be disastrous.
I read a good article about the situation. A gvt bailout might not be in the cards.
Breaking news, Meng Wanzhou is explected to plead guilty in U.S. court today, and pay a fine as part of a plea deal. If accepted by the court, she's expected in Canadian court later today for a stay of the extradition proceedings, and could be free today.

Kind of a smart move, she avoids going to the US and perhaps staying as a guest or being "interviewed". Flies home a hero and then the CCP will claim she was blackmailed into paying the fine and was never really guilty.
Looks like US authorities have agreed to enter into a deferred prosecution agreement.
Breaking news, Meng Wanzhou is explected to plead guilty in U.S. court today, and pay a fine as part of a plea deal. If accepted by the court, she's expected in Canadian court later today for a stay of the extradition proceedings, and could be free today.

Season 4 Wow GIF by The Office
I assume that this will be good for the Two Michaels. I am sure that shortly after Ms. Meng is back in China, the Two Michaels will be deported back here.

But I fear that the Liberals will think that it will be back to business as normal with Beijing. :rolleyes:
Would make sense, same tactic they used with Tibet and Vietnam, though Vietnam actually fought back and won.
No the US was dragged into Indochina by the French dismal failures to halt the Communists, the US had avoided the conflict for quite a long time. At the end of the day the NVA were pounded into submission and dragged to the Peace treaty table. It was after the US army left South Vietnam, and the US Congress restricted aid to to the SVA, that the Communists broke the agreement and invaded. The lessons to be learned is:

Your enemy makes big mistakes as well (Tet)
Your media will get it completely wrong (NVA and VC were shattered after Tet, not winning, thanks Walter you wanker and you traitorous "B" Jane Fonda)
Don't believe Communists (or Islamists) to honour peace deals
Do bomb the docks where your enemy is getting resupplied, just avoid destroying Soviet ships in the process.
I assume that this will be good for the Two Michaels. I am sure that shortly after Ms. Meng is back in China, the Two Michaels will be deported back here.

But I fear that the Liberals will think that it will be back to business as normal with Beijing. :rolleyes:
Realistically we’re powerless on that. Canada abides by the rule of law; China doesn’t. As soon as the US no longer has a prosecution against her, there’s no legal grounds for us to hold her for extradition. She gets released and is free to go, full stop, regardless of what may happen with Kovrig and Spavor.
... Canada abides by the rule of law; China doesn’t ...
That right there - we'll see ...

Meanwhile, lots more details on the latest from U.S. DOJ ...
... “In entering into the deferred prosecution agreement, Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Nicole Boeckmann for the Eastern District of New York. “Her admissions in the statement of facts confirm that, while acting as the Chief Financial Officer for Huawei, Meng made multiple material misrepresentations to a senior executive of a financial institution regarding Huawei’s business operations in Iran in an effort to preserve Huawei’s banking relationship with the financial institution. The truth about Huawei’s business in Iran, which Meng concealed, would have been important to the financial institution’s decision to continue its banking relationship with Huawei. Meng’s admissions confirm the crux of the government’s allegations in the prosecution of this financial fraud — that Meng and her fellow Huawei employees engaged in a concerted effort to deceive global financial institutions, the U.S. government and the public about Huawei’s activities in Iran.” ...
Edited to add DPA/Statement of Facts ....


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