I think the answer to the original question might be found here:
Project Description
(as posted in the Notice of Commencement)
The Canadian Forces Housing Agency-an Agency of the Department of National Defence-has declared 86 surplus row house married quarter units at CFB Petawawa. Using the 3R disposal approach, the project will encompass the removal of hazardous materials, deconstruction of the selected surplus units and removal of the building, foundations and walkways. Laterals will be capped at the curb stop or main. Excavations will be backfilled to grade and parking lots will be enlarged and fenced areas for refuse containers installed. The remainder of the property will be restored by seeding to match the surrounding area. A full Designated Substances Survey will be conducted for each individual unit as part of the project. This disposal project will reduce congestion for parking and snow clearing in the row house areas.
The Environmental assesment was done in 07 - looks like th "3R" part by defence contractors has begun.
3R : http://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/english/pr_deconstruction.html
Although it does look like they are fixing some up:
Project Description
(as posted in the Notice of Commencement)
As part of their Recapitalization Program, the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) intends to renovate 21 housing units at CFB Petawawa. The units selected for rejuvenation comprise the following styles: 1A (2 units), 21/21R (3 units), JJ (10 units) and K/KK/KK54C (6 units). For styles 1A, 21, 21R, KK and two of the four KK54C units, the living space will be increased by approximately 20%. The other units will not have increases to existing living space. The foundations of some units will be excavated to add perimeter drains. Some water and sewer laterals will also be replaced. A full Designated Substances Survey will be conducted for each individual unit as part of the project. The units are sound and most units have had some life-cycle improvements. Currently, functional space in the units is limited and these retrofits will improve their suitability for CF families, bringing them to a contemporary and more efficient standard and extending their useful life. It is expected that major renovations to these units will reduce overall maintenance costs and extend their useful life by at least 20 years.
(the contract tender for these renovations closed July 10th)
CFHA reasoning :
What is the Rationalization Program?
The Rationalization Program is a housing portfolio renewal program comprising disposals, renovation, demolition, new construction and new acquisition. It addresses both the size and the condition of the portfolio. Its goal is to develop and maintain a sustainable housing portfolio that meets the housing needs of CF families and is responsive to evolving and cyclical change.
How is CFHA determining which houses will be renovated and which ones will be demolished or sold?
Houses are identified for renovation or disposal on a site-by-site basis, with the goal of bettering quality of life while rightsizing the portfolio. Decisions are based on unit design, proximity to services, parking, traffic flows, existing infrastructure, and cost considerations.
How can you be sure that the houses being disposed will not be needed down the road?
CFHA performs a Housing Requirement Study to determine CF members’ housing needs at Bases and Wings across Canada. The Housing Requirement Study provides a long-term projection based on trends within the local real-estate market and the characteristics of the CF population at that site. Analysis takes into account changes to requirement that may occur because of anticipated changes in the markets or in the number of CF members being posted at a given site.
The "Dream" :
A Quote:
DND is committed to ensuring that CF members are
able to secure accommodation which is suitable to personal circumstances,
in a timely fashion and at any location where duty demands.
DND will pursue policies, plans and programs which encourage CF
members to secure accommodation in the private sector marketplace
in order to maximize freedom of choice. In those instances where the
private sector marketplace cannot meet the needs of the CF member,
DND will support Crown intervention.
DND Accommodation Policy — 14 June 1999