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CF PLQ in Petawawa


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I am looking for information from anyone who has done the CF PLQ in Petawawa recently.
I was originally scheduled to attend the CF PLQ in Esquimalt, and now I have been changed to Petawawa.
The differences in these courses from what I can read from their respective websites is pretty substantial.
IE.. the Kit list for Esquimalt reads like any regular training course ( CFs, couple sets of combats etc.), and the one for Petawawa is 4 pages longer, and reads like something out of Battle School. Christ, I will have to search through years of accumulated kit to find some of the stuff they are listing.
Also, the website for Pet says the CF PLQ is 8 weeks long, and NOT modular based. (it lists the Army PLQ as module based) so, what is the training like? Should I leave my common dog at home, put on my helmet and prepare for Basic Training all over again? Or, do they tread you like the junior leaders you are supposed to be?

I have done many courses in my years where we had to suck it up (2 different trades 3's courses, plus Para etc. ) so, I am no stranger to "the cock" but, after 14 years my tolerance of getting treated like a child is running low.. LOL

BOCHICA Piper.....Thats about the best advice I can tell you.... Sorry man but it might be easy it might be hard...I would lean to hard seeing as your coming to a predominately Cbt Arms base whose leadership school is staffed by mostly Cbt Arms NCO's.

Prepare for worst hope for best. The again hope in one hand s*** in the other and see which fill's up first.
HitorMiss said:
BOCHICA Piper.....Thats about the best advice I can tell you.... Sorry man but it might be easy it might be hard...I would lean to hard seeing as your coming to a predominately Cbt Arms base whose leadership school is staffed by mostly Cbt Arms NCO's.

Prepare for worst hope for best. The again hope in one hand s*** in the other and see which fill's up first.

infanteer was all you could find after your career as a motivational speaker failed ?
Well!......Your kit list looks like it is from a Battle School because it is.  A lot has changed in the couple of years since I instructed there, so I would advise you to sort out which of the two PLQ Crses you are on; the Army or the CF and you will have a better idea of what to expect.  Whichever one you are on, you will be treated as any other 'Leadership Candidate' and that for some is like doing Basic all over again with the added pressure of now having to be a leader and instructor.
HitOrMiss - I have no problems with a combat arms base.. I did 7 years in sunny Shilo with 1RCHA (I can say sunny now.. because I am no longer there LOL) But, now that I have seen the light, I can only take stupidity in small doses.  ;D

It is the CF PLQ that I am loaded on.. I was just wondering for a "national" qualification, why the standards seems so wide spread apart from base to base running it.

I would say now, it is the "Element" thing.  You are going to do a "Land" Crse as you are going to a Land Force Battle School, as opposed to going out to Esquimalt and doing a "Sea" or Purple Trade 'orientated' course.
Hi George,

Apparently the Land PLQ is for combat arms trades only, and includes mod 6 (field portion) the CF PLQ is for all other trades. Petawawa is running both a CF PLQ and Land PLQ. However, their kit lists look remarkably the same.. hmmm...  Looks like I may have to remember how to fold my grey wool socks with a smiley face on them all over again. LOL !!!
PiperDown said:
Apparently the Land PLQ is for combat arms trades only, and includes mod 6 (field portion) the CF PLQ is for all other trades. Petawawa is running both a CF PLQ and Land PLQ. However, their kit lists look remarkably the same.. hmmm...  Looks like I may have to remember how to fold my grey wool socks with a smiley face on them all over again. LOL !!!

As it is an Army Base, all trades will do the "Land" orientated PLQ.  Purple Trades will get out of doing the "Defensive" in Mod 6 as things are going back to the old ISCC.
cdnaviator said:
infanteer was all you could find after your career as a motivational speaker failed ?

Well apparently such great phrase's as Sucker Up Buttercup and Awww muffin were not well received by the audience, I guess I was how does doctor Phil put it, Emotional distant from those around me  ;)

Piper, I was not trying to be facetious just giving you a heads up about the current staffing of the leadership school in Petawawa. I'd say get you stupid tolerance up a notch.
HitorMiss said:
Well apparently such great phrase's as Sucker Up Buttercup and Awww muffin were not well received by the audience, I guess I was how does doctor Phil put it, Emotional distant from those around me  ;)

Hey, dont get me wrong.....i'm the poster child for insensitivity....was just taking another shot at you
HitorMiss said:
Don't you think people have taken enough shot's at me LMAO  ;D

as you so kindly reminded me...they were shooting at a truck NEAR you...not AT you.......so my answer to that is "NO"

;D i kid, i kid....
It's not the one with my name on it that concerns me, it's the one marked "To whom it may concern" that scare me silly...

Ok enough thread Hijack.

Piper have you called the schooled to get a course package?
I did MOD 6 INF this summer in Pet, and other then the fact that all the resources that should have been allocated for that course went to CSOR (I realise some things have to be higer priority than others) it was by far the best course i have experience. The staff had a mentoring approch, and it worked... the only time we got screwed around was when we brought it upon ourselves, otherwise they had a genuine intrest in developing good leaders, rather then abusing people for the sheer kick of it. Mind you, there was a Mod 6 Land course running along side us, and they had inspections at 2300hrs on a regular basis. So its generally hit or miss.... The course that started up after mine (diffrent staff) was calling the timing while doing drill for the duration...
Its hit and miss....good luck!
Some poeple here in sunny Wainwright did a CF PLQ, I was on the PLQ (L) even though I am a purple trade. But we only did Mod 1-5, so I will have to do my Mod 6 either in Shilo in Jan, or here in the summer. Depends were and when they can load you, the sooner you get it done the better.(but I'm sure you already know that) Our instructors weren't just there to screw us over, they made sure that we were provided all the tools we needed to be sucessful on the course. If you get on course with a good group of people, it won't be that bad.
Good luck!!
Whether or not you will be on a CF vice PLQ (Land) also depends on if you are regular or reserve. As I understand it, only the combat arms does the PLQ (L) (except for the infantry, who do a slightly different, longer, course) in the regs, but in the militia everyone except Band MOCs do the whole package. On my serial, we had clerks, int ops, medics, MSE ops, weapon techs, etc...

IMO, I think its great that they make all deployable Land MOCs do the PLQ (Land) in the reserve, and the regular force should adopt that policy as well. Given the theatre we operate out of now, those skillsets will come handy.

I think you are wrong there, I was reserve and when i did my PLQ in Jan 06, we did mods 2-5 with all trades then the infantry went straight into mod 6 which i believe is a 9 week course. The other Elements came back a couple months later and completed there mod 6.
Did they do both part one (small party taskings) and part two (offensive, defensive, patrolling)? I know in my own trade, in the regs they just do up to small party taskings and stop there.

I will say that my info is a little dated, and I sure hope I'm wrong...I think it's important for ALL land MOCs to do the whole PLQ package.

Can anyone else confirm/deny if all regular Land MOCs do both parts of Mod 6?

Your right that both do Part one. When i did it though Infantry did mod 6 on their own (part 1 and 2), and then The other trades came back in April and and did their mod 6 which did include part one.
0tto Destruct said:
Did they do both part one (small party taskings) and part two (offensive, defensive, patrolling)? I know in my own trade, in the regs they just do up to small party taskings and stop there.

I will say that my info is a little dated, and I sure hope I'm wrong...I think it's important for ALL land MOCs to do the whole PLQ package.

Can anyone else confirm/deny if all regular Land MOCs do both parts of Mod 6?

It sometimes depends on where you are Posted.  If you are Posted to a Cbt Arms Unit or Base, you will do it.  If you are Posted to a non-Cbt Arms base, like Borden or Kingston, you may not.  If you are lucky to be on an Air Base or a Naval Base, then you will do their element specific crses.

The idea is to have all trained to 'basically' the same standard.  The Infantry candidates will have to do more, as that is their bread and butter, and it is used as a measure for their later advancement in their Trade.