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CF PLQ in Petawawa

0tto Destruct said:
Thanks for the update, Mr. Wallace.

Apologies for the thread hijack.


Now remember, my info is still dated, and the courses are changing.  As Infantry_ pointed out, others have had to return to do a Mod 6, and I have a friend in that boat also, but it 'may' not be as detailed as the Infantry guys Mod 6.

Remember also that each course will have variations and changes from the last as they try to improve the Crse, or are limited by some shortfall or shortage in the system. 
No matter what course you are on, where it is held will have an impact.  There is always an "environmental" aspect that creeps into the training.  I have seen these courses from all 3 environments and everyone is different in the tone of the training.  Just ask any of older guys what it was like to do a course in Summerside, PEI.

Basically, if you are doing your course in Pet expect to be treated like Cbt Arms no matter what your trade.  You may have it easier than the grunt or zipperhead but at least then you are mentally prepared.  At the end of the day you will have bragging rights and be better off for it than if you had gone to an easier environment.
George Wallace said:
Whichever one you are on, you will be treated as any other 'Leadership Candidate' and that for some is like doing Basic all over again with the added pressure of now having to be a leader and instructor.

That is EXACTLY how I describe my CF JLC/ CF JNCO (now CF PLQ) done at Petawawa

That is exactly what I would expect for you.

Enjoy P-50... the leadership shacks.. I hated them with a passion.
Shiniest brass on base  ;D
From what I can gathered while at YRAP at DET Aldershot,

If you are INF MOC then you will do PLQ Mod 6 Infantry which is 8 weeks

All other MOC's will do PLQ Mod 6 Land which is 6 weeks.

Both course packages are the same except for the extra 2 weeks that the infantry do.
Nfld Sapper said:
From what I can gathered while at YRAP at DET Aldershot,

If you are INF MOC then you will do PLQ Mod 6 Infantry which is 8 weeks

All other MOC's will do PLQ Mod 6 Land which is 6 weeks.

Both course packages are the same except for the extra 2 weeks that the infantry do.

What is the nature of the 2 additional weeks? More field time, I presume?
As a Infanteer you do more field time and alittle more classes, and we do offensive, defensive, patrolling
I did the JLC/JNCO in Pet the last year it was running.  Great course, lots of stress and hard work, but much better than the courses I watched buddies going on in subsequent years.  I was doing my DP3 Arty in 2004 and saw a PLQ course get pulle din from the field to do laundry on a wednesday night, cause of the rain in the trianing area.  Surprised I was.  I was then on the new ILQ adventure in 2005, and was formed up with a serial of PLQ students on the left and a serial of BMQ students on the right and our course was berated for not having speare rolls of bum wad at the ready in our crappers.  Stations jobs were thus not up to snuff.  We were not fit to lead or to be followed.... pretty professional dressing down in front of our past and future subordinates.  So, even as a Sgt I was treated like a two year old.  But take it all with a grain of salt, a bunhc on the course trie dthe old "Course Critique screw the instructors route" it failed, hard, and they were left looking like idiots after voicing opinions not held by the entire course and the divide was pretty clear between who had the problems and who didn't.  There was also complaints from people that the rooms in P50 didn't have working internet lines, and that 4 people to a room was to much.  Some of people just left the Critique and hung out in the smoking section until the nonsense subsided.  The complainers are always the ones that balk at the drill portions, and don't see it as a necessity or a challenge, but as some kind of torture or punishment.
I did my CF PLQ in Petawawa in Oct-Nov 2003.  It WAS just like Basic (at least Basic in Cornwallis  ::))  The most important thing I learned was how NOT to be a leader.  Judging from some of the people who passed (i.e. no PT chit for 21 days which is the max) the course wasn't too hard, as long as you prioritized your time properly.  We had an awesome WO and my section commander was a Veh Tech Sgt.  I felt sorry for the other sections......
I do have to say, it was the only time I got in s**t for drinking water during PT...actually it was while we were doing the cool down.  The Sgt just about freaked and yelled, "I'll tell you when to drink!!"  So for the rest of that day, I kept putting my hand up and asking to go for a drink until the WO asked me what the hell I was doing (I knew him well as I had done med coverage for many reserve JLC courses).  It was pretty funny....small way to amuse yourself on course.  ;)
The new PLQ course, regardless of where it is done, is a Hell of alot easier that the old JLC course. I should know, I use to instruct on it.
what do you mean by "easier", its a very subjective term... I recently did my Inf Mod 6 in Petawawa... It was by far the best course I've been on. Learned lots, wasnt cocked around by the staff for the sake of getting cocked... If we screwed up, they would let us know... it was that simple.  This particular serial was very much based on a mentorship type approach, and seems to have worked. The candidate had respect for the staff, and vis-a-versa.

If by "easy" you mean less cock, then I agree with you, however I see this as a good thing... You dont learn anything from a screaming idiot (not intended as a personal attack, ment in a general sence of those people whom we have all see, aka "Loudership"

If by "easy" you mean standards have dropped in terms of field requirements in terms of patroling length/distance and what not, I agree. I felt that the standard seems low.
army_fonz said:
The new PLQ course, regardless of where it is done, is a Hell of alot easier that the old JLC course. I should know, I use to instruct on it.

or not.  Guess we can't take this guys word for anything
continuing hijack :

From his profil, probably :)

I say I'm a SGT with 20 years in the afternoon and then I become a M/Cpl with 21 years later on that day.
Changing times.  The old JLC is gone.  No longer will each Service run their own JLC and CFJLC style courses.  The 'new' PLQ will be the Land PLQ for everyone.  No more Air Force PLQ if you are on an Air Base.  No more Navy PLQ, if you are on a Navy posting.  Everyone will do the Land PLQ, so that they will be deployable.
I agree but they'd better standardize the courses being given on different bases (Petawawa, Halifax, Borden, Esquimalt, etc)
PMedMoe said:
I agree but they'd better standardize the courses being given on different bases (Petawawa, Halifax, Borden, Esquimalt, etc)

::)  I don't know if that is worth answering or not.  All the courses will be standardized.  They will all have the same CTPs. 
George Wallace said:
::)  I don't know if that is worth answering or not.  All the courses will be standardized.  They will all have the same CTPs.

It is very much worth talking about.  I did my JLC/CLC/PLQ course during the JLC/JNCO Course era.  It was broken down into two parts.  One was the "CF JLC" course and the second part was the LF JNCO course.  The CF JLC was supposed to be standard throughout the CF.  It was not, plain and simple.  It followed the same schedule, but there were few differences.  There was little PT programmed in, so the we did PT before the scheduled time and after the scheduled time.  The lessons the CTP said we should teach were not very "army", so they were changed.
Good, bad, whatever.  It was a challenging course run by 2 RCR and I know I learnt a lot.  Did people fail that may have passed the same course had it be run to the schedule so they were not under more stress due to being tired and short on time, maybe.
The CTP may be standarized, the difficulty of the course will vary depending on where/who run it.  This is true for every course that is run on different bases, has been since I joined.  I would have thought you would have noticed this during your time.


All I can say is "That was then.  This is now."  I have instructed on both those course at the RCR Battle School in Pet.  The PLQ is not the same.  Now the instructions are coming out that "ALL" will do the Land PLQ.

I do agree with you on this comment, and it is only a fact of life that human nature will come into effect:

AmmoTech90 said:
The CTP may be standarized, the difficulty of the course will vary depending on where/who run it.  This is true for every course that is run on different bases, has been since I joined.  I would have thought you would have noticed this during your time.

That being said, it will be as standardized as much as humanly possible, just like PER's are as 'fair' as humanly possible.