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CF experience relevant to RCMP, civ policing? (merged)

I think your wrong about not getting a civy job with your comms exp!!! I worked for MTS for a year and found alot of ex comm wennies!!!Plus not to meantion the amount of other things the comms branches out to.
But Im with you, if you dont like what you do and are not happy man then leave. You really dont have to make everyone else happy. Military is not for everyone. I know I picked the wrong trade and now Im also trying to get into the police and no one here cares!!!
Well their are some trades that I am interested, but due to the fact I'm in a red-flagged trade the chances of getting into any trade is simply out of the question. I don't mind the field stuff, I loved learning how to do combat patrols, rucksack marches, vehicles searches, dealing with refugees, etc. But I don't think I'll be able to really do much of that for the rest of my contract. I'm hoping that it'll pick up once I get to a unit, or at the very least have a somewhat decent job once I get posted.
Question: Will Military Expierience Up The Chances For Police Recruiting?
yes  6 (33.3%)
no  2 (11.1%)
I have no idea, but I'm gonna click anway  6 (33.3%)
Don't click here. I screwed up  4 (22.2%)

Total Voters: 18
toldja there'd be clicks on the last two!

Oreo, what do you mean "no one here cares"? Do you mean this forum? If so, what are we supposed to do?
Sorry..I meant where I work. I dont mean no one cares. IE who gives a flying F%$#...I mean that people where I work say hey if you dont like it find something you like to do for a whole career...thats all. I dont see the point in working a job you know you wont be happy in. For one it makes for a long day/life and two it makes people around you mad. Anyways...we got way off topic...what was it we were talking about?
A detective for the Calgary police service I was talking to said that the two cultures clashed more than you'd suspect.  In his case, his military experience (current reservist, was regforce, served in Croatia in the 90s as a liason officer, wants in back into regforce again) neither helped nor hindered in obtaining the job, but he did mention he encountered a disturbing prejudice against military types in the force.  His boss said to him point-blank:  "we don't like your type here;" military "types" were evidently looked at by "regular cops" to be too regimented and inflexible. 

But on the job, his military experience and demeanour helps him do a superior job.  Ironically, he says that there were a disproportionate number of police recruits who win top prize at the end of academy training who were either ex-military or reservist.  Then again, as an anecdotal case, it could be a purely individual thing (the detective was your classic "rockhead" cop - flattop, granite jaw, didn't have much of a sense of humour IMO.  I think he was PPCLI - they seem to clone 'em that way there  ;)

Ultimately, it sounds like the answer varies from force to force.  In this particular police service, there looks to be some turf issues. 

paffomaybe said:
But on the job, his military experience and demeanour helps him do a superior job.  Ironically, he says that there were a disproportionate number of police recruits who win top prize at the end of academy training who were either ex-military or reservist.  Then again, as an anecdotal case, it could be a purely individual thing

Agreed.  The unique military ability to go "master corporal" on someone definitely is an advantage.  Particularly being able to jack someone up without ever using curse words. 

paffomaybe said:
(the detective was your classic "rockhead" cop - flattop, granite jaw, didn't have much of a sense of humour IMO.  I think he was PPCLI - they seem to clone 'em that way there  ;)

HEY!  Watch it with the flat top comments!  ^-^

There are lots of things that are disagreeable with Basic.  That is what it is there for.  All the fun crap comes after you have proven yourself. 
Maybe I am too long away from regular contact with the Reg Force.  What is a "red flagged trade"?  Are you saying that you were denied your desire to go infantry?
Yes, given a job offer for PPCLI, accepted it, two weeks later told my vision didn't match and I had a choice of any V4 trade, of course after I declined an offer for college, as well as the RCMP's VSU unit. A red flagged trade means that their is little chance of ever being able to get out of your trade, so if I were Sigs for the next few years, even if I had done a good job at regiment, I couldn't get a good chance to OT to another trade and would have to either fail my sigs course, or basically quit the military and re-join again.
Ah, thanks for that.  Seems like that might be a recruiting issue.  I would think they would rather retain a guy and let him re-up than have him bail.  But you wouldn't want some clown with 15 trades with no great ability in any of them. 
Well, my original plan was to start in the Infantry, get some experience with the infantry and learn what its like to be at the bottom of the barrel, then remuster to MP after that. However now it seems harder to get into the MP trade if you want a re-muster, especially from Sigs, as well for the education that I'd like to do I want options beyond the LE and Military world.

We have basically been told that we either have to fail off our sigs course, or simply quit the military and re-apply to the CF again.
Sigs Guy said:
Well, my original plan was to start in the Infantry, get some experience with the infantry and learn what its like to be at the bottom of the barrel, then remuster to MP after that.

Boy, you just skylined yourself young troop. You better get your kevlar on and hunker down in your hole. INCOMING :gunner:...
The infantry is NOT the bottom of the barrel. It takes a lot of smarts to be a rifleman (or a machine gunner, mortarman, AT gunner, etc) on the modern battlefield. The infantry is the most traditional arm and it's the reason why the Army exists. Sigs Guy, how long have you been in the Army anyway?
Red 6 said:
Sigs Guy, how long have you been in the Army anyway?
'bout 20 minutes

Don't talk to the new guys. They're probably gonna die soon.
paracowboy said:
'bout 20 minutes

Don't talk to the new guys. They're probably gonna die soon.

Bozz: Hey let's not become friends, Jim. You could be dead tomorrow and I'd miss you too much.

Sigs Guy said:
Well, my original plan was to start in the Infantry, get some experience with the infantry and learn what its like to be at the bottom of the barrel, then remuster to MP after that. However now it seems harder to get into the MP trade if you want a re-muster, especially from Sigs, as well for the education that I'd like to do I want options beyond the LE and Military world.

We have basically been told that we either have to fail off our sigs course, or simply quit the military and re-apply to the CF again.

Dude, you just do not get it. 
Infantry is the back bone of all armed conflict.  Pretty much every single other thing that it green works to support them (most certainly not an attempt to engage in the merits of the combat arms).  A man, a weapon and a task.  The way it has been since one mono-brow picked up a sharp stick and went at another one. 
Go with your first instinct and go back to being a WalMart greeter after your contract is up. 
Don't get too hung up on policing either.  You seem to need to pursue highlighting your lack of interest in what you chose, and that tends to not work to well in law enforcement.  You need about 15 years into a place before you can start griping, and even then the 25 year guys will tell you to STFU.  Rookies complaining is intolerable.
Plus, I fail to see how a police career will hinder your education.  Most departments pay for your tuition once you are on, as long as they bear some reasonable usefulness to the Job. 
Time to get fitted for a blue vest. 
Boyo rewind troops and quit slanging off my buddy. One of the best guys I've served with..why? Because he's got a sense of humour.. and the balls the finish out his contract..

Hoover said:
One of the best guys I've served with..


Hoover said:
Did reg force SQ in Meaford this past spring

Hoover said:
Boyo rewind troops and quit slanging off my buddy. One of the best guys I've served with..why? Because he's got a sense of humour.. and the balls the finish out his contract..

What did you serve?  Cocktails at a Christmas party? 
I don't see fulfilling an obligation as having any particularly spectacular ballishness.  You signed, you work.  Is that what passes for hardcore these days?  And thus far we haven't seen the rapier wit that you have come to be so doey eyed and enamoured with.  Maybe he is just funny for you? 
Sigs Guy has brought the attention onto himself, and continues to by not indicating that he feels any sort of compunctions about what has been said. 
I'm sure he thanks you for being such a super battle buddy.
I'm not a veteran at all, not even close to one.

Go with your first instinct and go back to being a WalMart greeter after your contract is up. 
Don't get too hung up on policing either.  You seem to need to pursue highlighting your lack of interest in what you chose, and that tends to not work to well in law enforcement.  You need about 15 years into a place before you can start griping, and even then the 25 year guys will tell you to STFU.  Rookies complaining is intolerable.
Plus, I fail to see how a police career will hinder your education.

Wasn't a Wal Mart greeter, and I never said that a police career will hinder my education either. Why would I want to get into policework to hinder my education, I don't understand. Besides that from what I hear Sigs is interesting after CFSCE, any job that I get I'll be content. I haven't really complained to anybody else, on course, or any staff for the most part, I usually keep my mouth shut while trying to learn about the Radios, LAN, etc.

You signed, you work.  Is that what passes for hardcore these days?

I'm not hardcore, nor will I ever be. Most of the hardcore's are guys that haven't had any real experience and believe the military is similar to what Ghost Recon is like. I don't really know what hardcore is, a better idea for me coming from anybody in any job is professionalism.

My mistake on the bottom of the barrel comment, poor wording on my part. What I meant was learn to know what it is like to be a regular foot soldier first, and then go onto a different trade if I decided the infantry wasn't for myself. As well I believe the infantry would let me do some interesting things while in. Some of the best guys I've known were going into the infantry, so I doubt I'd really wanna attack them.

Now you can try to dissect this post to find new and innovative ways to insult my character.
Sigs Guy said:
Most of the hardcore's are guys that haven't had any real experience and believe the military is similar to what Ghost Recon is like.
no, I understand you're trying to be sarcastic, but the truly Hardcore are the guys who've put years in, know how badly this job can truly suck, and continue on, anyway. They do it because it's worth it.
Yes of course, those are the guys that I've got the greatest respect for. If they enjoy this job and they love it then of course they should go on, all I'm saying is that this job isn't for everyone, and some people simply would rather get for example their four years done as well as a tour and then go back to civilian world. I don't see whats so dishonourable about that.

I was talking about Pte's with no real experience in, who think their hardcore killers because they have finished basic and SQ.

I've never seen any action, or done any real tours, so I can't judge myself on what I'd do in certain situations. The only people that can judge that are the people that are serving with me if I go on tour.