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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

The changing of the guard would be a memorable tourist destination.

Unfortunately (IMHO, of course), such is not in keeping with Canadian tradition, nor (as Brihard points out) is it a viable proposition for a variety of reasons.  As Michael points out, part of the Memorial's mystique is that it allows anyone to walk up - at any time - to ponder what our forefathers accomplished and the price they paid.  I would hate to see a situation where that wasn't possible.

I don't see why we can't have one sentry on, in CADPAT, with comms to LEO. We don't need a section with weapons. One troop with a cell phone. They wouldn't even have to go to the Armoury first. Simply show up 10 minutes prior to your hand-over. If, at no other times than during major public events that could result in drunken morons behaving like drunken morons. Failing that, why not a commissionare?
Well it hit the local A Channel in Ottawa....with a sound bite of the PM, an interview with a vet, and of course the necessary interviews with tourists.

The news crew found broken beer bottles around it this afternoon as well

3 pers did it...and the back of a head and his dress looks really familiar.

I'll be asking some quiet questions tomorrow at PT.

paracowboy said:
I don't see why we can't have one sentry on, in CADPAT, with comms to LEO. We don't need a section with weapons. One troop with a cell phone. They wouldn't even have to go to the Armoury first. Simply show up 10 minutes prior to your hand-over. If, at no other times than during major public events that could result in drunken morons behaving like drunken morons. Failing that, why not a commissionare?


How much have we spent on the change of command parades? Palace Guard? The globe trotting governor general? The CISM golf team? (yes, there is one)

There is ONE Unknown soldier memorial, at ONE location in all of Canada to commend every Canadian soldier ever killed in the line of duty - and somehow the security of this memorial should fall under the fiscal axe?

Give me a break.

We pi$$ away fifty times the sum required to secure that site for a year every day - and it is far more important than the above luxuries.

Recce By Death said:
Well it hit the local A Channel in Ottawa....with a sound bite of the PM, an interview with a vet, and of course the necessary interviews with tourists.

Pee-boy made Global National as well.  Notice how you didn't see his dick in the photo?  Must've been pretty small! >:D
Haggis said:
Pee-boy made Global National as well.  Notice how you didn't see his dick in the photo?  Must've been pretty small! >:D
If he had one  ;D
The French have a nice one, at the bottom of the Arc de Triumph, there is a tomb of an unknown soldier, but it has the 1 foot high brass rail running all around it, not enough to stop people, but enough to make them think.  You are still able to and welcome to touch the monument, but it gives people a sense of importance of the ground.  Tonight on the news there was a woman complaining about the lack of respect for the monumnet, then she sat her kids on the tomb to get a picture of them with the memorial in the background.  It then showed a kid on a rich kid mountain bike using the area like a skate park.  I am all for a sentry, even if it means grounding a siungle snowbird'd worth of fuel or something.  I have a strong feeling that next Canada Day there will be a much stronger undercover presence than a retired dental major with a camera.  That guy is lucky that his teeth aren;t in a pile next to his little pricks puddle.
GO!!! said:

How much have we spent on the change of command parades? Palace Guard? The globe trotting governor general? The CISM golf team? (yes, there is one)

There is ONE Unknown soldier memorial, at ONE location in all of Canada to commend every Canadian soldier ever killed in the line of duty - and somehow the security of this memorial should fall under the fiscal axe?

Give me a break.

We pi$$ away fifty times the sum required to secure that site for a year every day - and it is far more important than the above luxuries.

There are memorials across the country, too, as mentioned in my post. That's a huge ball of wax to open - I don't think we need to guard every Sherman Tank from coast to coast, but I'd like to see some money freed up to at least polish the brass letters on the plaques.

As for Ottawa - how much of a guard is enough?  Three hooligans can take a leak and escape before one guy in CADPAT could do anything about it (which would be what - getting on the cel phone and calling the police?) Forget about the Commissionaire - a 56 year old man confronting three drunk kids is a disaster waiting to happen.

And this is presuming there is a recurring problem here. It was one incident on an insanely busy day in Ottawa.  If some retired major snapping photos amidst a sizable crowd (?) didn't deter these punks, how many Commissionaires or CADPATed troops would it take?
GO is correct in his reply::- this man should be identified, with his address. Then let the hazing begin. Start with school classes turning up at his front door asking "Why?'; ask the parents what they did which would produce a son who would do something like this; picket his place of employment. In other words, make his life miserable.

No....no pictures from any site yet...

I'll take a closer look...

Bill Smy said:
GO is correct in his reply::- this man should be identified, with his address. Then let the hazing begin. Start with school classes turning up at his front door asking "Why?'; ask the parents what they did which would produce a son who would do something like this; picket his place of employment. In other words, make his life miserable.

Interesting point.  Anyone wonder what this twits mother thinks of seeing her son on the front pages doing this?  This guy is going to have a very miserable time.  Of course, his parents may not give a 'rats ass' and then that reflects on them too.  

Lots of press on this one....really hard to remain anonymous now.
Recce By Death said:
Well it hit the local A Channel in Ottawa....with a sound bite of the PM, an interview with a vet, and of course the necessary interviews with tourists.

The news crew found broken beer bottles around it this afternoon as well

3 pers did it...and the back of a head and his dress looks really familiar.

I'll be asking some quiet questions tomorrow at PT.


Keep us advised on that should anything turn up, eh?

It's disgusting that anyone would do that, but the possibility of this being one -or more- of our own (in the Robert Heinlein sense, not out of any feelings of cameraderie) is beyond the pale...
Just did a quick search of National papers and the like...none of the others were up, I guess A Channel is the only one that got 'em.

Like I said, he looks familiar....but I'm not certain. Tapered haircut...dark hair, polo shirt....pretty vague I know...just something a bit familiar.

I'll keep you posted.


PM says man urinating on National War Memorial on Canada Day 'terrible' Canadian Press, 3 Jul 06
''OTTAWA (CP) - Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed his disgust upon learning of a man urinating on the National War Memorial.

A veteran snapped photos of the man relieving himself on the Ottawa monument on Canada Day.

Retired Major Michael Pilon says most people cheered and laughed when the photos were taken Saturday night.

In an interview with Ottawa radio station CFRA on Monday, Harper called it a "terrible thing to do."

Ottawa Police Detective Mike Walker said police have contacted Pilon and will ensure charges are laid.

The Royal Canadian Legion plans to use the photos to support its call for increased security at the monument.

Harper said he doesn't believe the incident is representative of how Canadians feel about the veterans.

"As you know often, people who get carried away do thoughtless things," Harper said. "Obviously, it's a terrible thing to do."

"Certainly my impression is it doesn't represent in any way the views of any segment of Canadian society," he said. "I think we all strongly honour our vets."

"I notice at all these ceremonies, the veterans always get the largest ovation of anybody, and I think that's how Canadians feel."

Ontario Tory MP Gord Brown and Conservative Lisa MacLeod, who sits in the Ontario legislature, have also voiced their disgust with the incident.

The suspects can be charged with mischief for urinating in public. ''
Recce By Death said:
Like I said, he looks familiar....but I'm not certain. Tapered haircut...dark hair, polo shirt....pretty vague I know...just something a bit familiar.

Lots of 'short hairs' in Ottawa.  Not all are, or have ever been, in the CF in any way, shape or form.

Could be a rich preppy from 'anytown' USA/Canada.

Or perhaps a not so rich 'preppy'.  Could have been anyone.
Even if we can't/won't set up a permanent guard it wouldn't be hard to get volunteers out for Canada day.  On rememberance day soldiers volunteer to come out for the parades so it wouldn't be inconceivable that some would come out to watch over the cenotaph on Canada day.

There were two military displays set up on July 1st.  One at Major's hill park the other in Gatineau at Jacques Cartier park, there was at least 4 or 5 soldiers manning these displays for most of the day.  So why not have a similar type display at near the Cenotaph.  Maybe in conjunction with Veteran's affairs.  People could meet vets and soldiers near the war monument during the day and the troops could stay on through the evening ensuring the security of the Cenotaph.

This wouldn't cost a lot and would be small effort that could dissuade this kind of behaviour at the Cenotaph.

Crantor said:
Even if we can't/won't set up a permanent guard it wouldn't be hard to get volunteers out for Canada day.  On rememberance day soldiers volunteer to come out for the parades so it wouldn't be inconceivable that some would come out to watch over the cenotaph on Canada day.

There were two military displays set up on July 1st.  One at Major's hill park the other in Gatineau at Jacques Cartier park, there was at least 4 or 5 soldiers manning these displays for most of the day.  So why not have a similar type display at near the Cenotaph.  Maybe in conjunction with Veteran's affairs.  People could meet vets and soldiers near the war monument during the day and the troops could stay on through the evening ensuring the security of the Cenotaph.

This wouldn't cost a lot and would be small effort that could dissuade this kind of behaviour at the Cenotaph.

The event in the news happened at about 11 at night- outside 'working hours', as it were. As I mentioned, though, I've little doubt that a few people will be quietly keeping an eye on it next year.
Crantor said:
There were two military displays set up on July 1st.  One at Major's hill park the other in Gatineau at Jacques Cartier park, there was at least 4 or 5 soldiers manning these displays for most of the day.  So why not have a similar type display at near the Cenotaph.  Maybe in conjunction with Veteran's affairs.  People could meet vets and soldiers near the war monument during the day and the troops could stay on through the evening ensuring the security of the Cenotaph.

This wouldn't cost a lot and would be small effort that could dissuade this kind of behaviour at the Cenotaph.

Like Communism, this all sounds good on paper.  Now Crantor, let's put you into the boots of one of the guys working at one of these displays all day, getting up at zero dark thirty, getting all your uniforms and kit and vehicles ready, moving to the site of the display, setting up your display, working all day answering similar questions as those posed here on army.ca live and in the flesh, tearing down that display at the end of the day, moving all the equipment and vehicles back to a safe storage area, going to your lodging and taking off your uniform and having a shower, and then..........dress and go out and guard the War Memorial for the whole night........   I hope you see the fallacies in your plan.  Perhaps you'd like to give it a try?

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