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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

When I was a kid growing up in Fredericton, my friends and I would never have thought to do something like that, and beleive me we were no angels. To purposly destroy something that represents the sacrifice the people have made is truly saddening. Is this what parents teach their children now. I hope my daughters think more highly of the things i have done during my time in the forces. This really breaks my heart. I can't even get mad about it. I can't understand it.
Truly disgusting. I was upset to see someone had sudsed up the pond at the Cenotaph in Langford last week, but this takes the cake. While it would be nice to just hang the rats who did this, their parents failed them to by not putting the fear of God in them regarding defacing such memorials.
Looking at the photos on the different news sites, I don’t think that it was vandals. From all the staining on the bottom surface of the cross it looks like it was cracked for a long time and mostly just fell over by itself due to poor maintenance. 
Dog Walker said:
Looking at the photos on the different news sites, I don’t think that it was vandals. From all the staining on the bottom surface of the cross it looks like it was cracked for a long time and mostly just fell over by itself due to poor maintenance.

It says, "Fredericton police are investigating."
If it just toppled over without any human help, it is quite a co-incidence that it happened only a few days before Remembrance Day. It is understood that there were no witnesses as to exactly when it toppled, but it must have been around the day it was discovered, because most war memorials are in public view. It seems these events almost always occur at night. I would be very surprised if it is not vandalism.

"Think about this:
‘It doesn’t matter if war graves are damaged
because the people are all dead anyway.’
Is your first reaction to agree or to disagree? Be honest!":

I hate this crime even more because our former enemies respect Canadian war graves in Germany and Japan. Yet, we can't protect their memorials here in Canada. Those memorials are all their families have in this country.
Listening to CBC on the way into work this evening that a swastika was painted on the cenotaph overnight in Woodstock, Ontario that, despite the best efforts to clean up, was visible during the ceremony today.

The Police Chief has already promised that he will make the responsible parties appear before an adhoc Veteran's committee.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Listening to CBC on the way into work this evening that a swastika was painted on the cenotaph overnight in Woodstock, Ontario that, despite the best efforts to clean up, was visible during the ceremony today.
The Police Chief has already promised that he will make the responsible parties appear before an adhoc Veteran's committee.

If they like swastikas so much they should tattoo one on their foreheads. I just remembered, that's what Manson did to himself.
Cenotaph in Ont. spray-painted with swastika
By Heather Rivers, SUN MEDIA
copy at : http://www.winnipegsun.com/news/canada/2009/11/11/11713736.html

WOODSTOCK, Ont. - Remembrance Day services in Woodstock were tarnished by the remnants of a swastika spray-painted overnight on the northwest side of the cenotaph.

Woodstock police chief Rod Freeman said he is calling on the public for help solve what he has called “a disgusting distraction” on the Victoria Park war memorial.

“I am certain that someone knows who is responsible for this despicable act of vandalism,” Freeman said.

Freeman said when the culprit is apprehended he will not only go before the courts he will also face a panel of veterans.

“We’ll bring this vandal before a small group of vets and they can describe their intent to the vets,” he said.

Woodstock has been plagued in recent months by vandalism involving swastikas and the word “Nazi” spray-painted on several public buildings including the art gallery.

But Freeman said he believes the cenotaph graffiti is not related to previous incidents.

“It’s another mindless individual,” he said.

Freeman said Woodstock police were alerted to the vandalism early Wednesday morning. City workers made it a priority to clean up, “out of respect for veterans.”

Branch 55 Woodstock Legion president, Howard Champeau, had to choke back tears when asked about the vandalism.

“It’s such a despicable thing I don’t understand why anybody would do a thing like that,” he said. “It really bothered an old veteran I can tell you that.”

“That’s something that should never, never happen,” he said.

Champeau noted similar vandalism had occurred on the air cadet building located on the grounds of the legion earlier this year.

Woodstock Mayor Michael Harding said he was “embarrassed, ashamed and angry” that the Nazi symbol had marred the Remembrance Day service.

“This is one of the most hated symbols, I think, in the world,” he said.

The vandalism was also duly noted by those conducting Remembrance Day Services at the cenotaph in Victoria Park.

Rev. Peter Grogan urged officials to do whatever it takes “to clean up this mess” on “the sacred stone.”

He also had a message for the culprit.

“As a Christian minister I would forgive you,” he said. “As an Irishman I would say you are the scum of the Earth."
This sort of behaviour is just sickening......hope the vets get 5 minutes alone the jerk(s) involved.......I will lend then a baseball bat, after I go buy it.
Dog Walker said:
Looking at the photos on the different news sites, I don’t think that it was vandals. From all the staining on the bottom surface of the cross it looks like it was cracked for a long time and mostly just fell over by itself due to poor maintenance.

"Cenotaph may have fallen over and not vandalized: FREDERICTON  — Police in Fredericton now say it's possible that a broken granite cross at the provincial cenotaph may have toppled on its own, rather than having been vandalized.":
But it has been reported to the police, and they are acting on it.

:salute: to the CF Sgt who reported this!

(Mods: I did a search, and came up empty on this topic)
Interview with said Sgt found here (click Scandalized Soldier):  http://www.cbc.ca/daybreakmontreal/
I just listened to the radio broadcast link posted by PMedMoe.

Very well done  :nod:
Said sergeant today :  "Update, monument: the cleaning crew was there this morning."
I'm not too sure about that guy.. he seems kind of too good looking to be a real soldier.

On a side note, the monument was given a once over yesterday and this morning, when I drove by at 07:30, the cleaning crew was there again.

A little background from wiki: The work of sculptor David Estrom (1919), the Monument aux braves de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce stands in the middle of the Notre-Dame-de-Grace Park commemorates the combatants who died during the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War. On a gray granite circular base sits a column decorated with a bronze plate which represents a battalion moving, bayonet in first.

Google "NDG monument" to get a good feel of the reaction and coverage.

Here are the photos from last night:

Bzzliteyr said:
I'm not too sure about that guy.. he seems kind of too good looking to be a real soldier.
Oh, he looks like a real soldier allright, just smaller.

PMedMoe said:
Interview with said Sgt found here (click Scandalized Soldier):  http://www.cbc.ca/daybreakmontreal/

Excellent interview. Disgusting subject.
BZ to the Sgt.  :salute:

I am really not surprised. Having lived and served in Montreal, I was one of the few at my unit who commuted in uniform. As a result, I was made fun of, got insulted and thrown stuff at (like paper balls). And back in the pre-Afghanistan days, best I could do was ignore them and/or move and/or tell them gently it was not appropriate. I also got stopped by random war protesters caling me names and telling me to stop murdering [insert nationality] babies and women.

Ah, the good days... but then, I don't live there anymore!

I'm sorry to say that it's not a fix that
will hold up long, as the Technoviking
ain't one to say that kind of thing.

He ain't ArmyVern or me  ;) !

Bzzliteyr said:
I'm not too sure about that guy.. he seems kind of too good looking to be a real soldier.

I think ts is the first time I've ever heard Jonesy being describe as that  :rofl:

Technoviking said:
Oh, he looks like a real soldier allright, just smaller.

Of course he is short. He is a Tanker!  We're suppose to be short.

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