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CDS Responds to Opponents of Recruiting in Schools

PMedMoe said:
Hello?  Pot?  This is kettle, you're BLACK!

Dean, you know what they say about glass houses and throwing stones, right?  I only corrected you because of your correction of my typo back at reply #13.  That and the "Moe's Waxing Willies Car Wash" comment.  ::)

I was talking about you following all my posts to rate them (on the comment about power tripping). As for the reply #13 - touché I didn't see that.
Dean22 said:
I was talking about you following all my posts to rate them (on the comment about power tripping). As for the reply #13 - touché I didn't see that.

Don't flatter yourself, buddy, I only rated you ONCE.  I thought you didn't care about MilPoints anyway.  ::)
Dean22 said:
I talked to a Sgt I know who works at a CFRC

Is he an AES Op? Any other brand of aircrew?

CDN Aviator is, has been for sometime, and wrote the current standard (see his last post).

I know which of the two I'd trust.

Dean22 said:
to the best of his knowledge to people who have completed grade 10 with some courses as well.

"To the best of his knowledge" implies an element of doubt.

I'm scheduled for three NVG flights next week. Got any tips for me that you've found on a website somewhere?
Dean22 said:
PMedMoe I can see grammar and spelling mistakes in yours and other people's posts but we are all human. Hopefully, you'll realize that when you log off this forum and stop power tripping.

Dean, it may be time for you to get in some low ground and reassess your tactical approach to these forums.  Review your MilPoints history and you will see that a number of people have commented on your manner of posting.  Your focus on criticizing PMedMoe is unwarranted.

Consider this a friendly warning that your current line of approach isn't going to end well if you want to participate in these forums.

Milnet.ca Staff
I'm with Loachman, I would take CDN Aviator's word before someone that is not within the trade.

Dean22, you seem to be making a connection between not being available to new recruits and needing a high school diploma. AES Op now being available as DE opposed to previously only being a CT/OT trade does not indicate a change in education requirements, nor does it indicate education requirements at all. A lack of posted requirements does not mean there is none, only that the are not posted.
Dean22, don't grill yourself on this forum.

I found this forum really helpfull from an applicant point of view.

Even when you'll be a CF member you may have questions that could be answered in this forum by your colleagues or former CF members with plenty of experiences under their belts and only for your own benefit.

my  :2c:

It is one of those curiousities of this message board where individuals start posting, and then when criticized or corrected or whatever, they take it personally. When they do, they start reacting and usually negatively, to the point they shoot themselves in the foot, no matter if the initial concern was legitimate. This kind of thing is more evident with a reputation system like the Milpoints.

Yet, one thing is true, is that some of us do like watching the crash and burning of these individuals. As soon they notice someone, usually a newbie to the message board, they do start 'following' them around to watch, possibly partaking in the fun for whatever reason. This kind of thing happens nearly every on the internet, and it is also human nature.

So advice to all news folks to any message board or email list or chats, do not take anything said online personally, especially at people you never met.

mellian said:
Yet, one thing is true, is that some of us do like watching the crash and burning of these individuals.

What do you think that it's like for us mods.

We have to struggle to maintain restraint quite a bit, and sometimes really, really, really hard.

Some posters have claimed that new members get picked on, and that's not true. The vast majority fit in just fine, but some come charging in here with an attitude and cause their own problems.

And that's a pity, because they miss out on what this site can offer them, and we may even miss out on what they may be able to offer in return, either now or in the future.

If I may use you as a positive example, you were recently heavily engaged in a lengthy thread expressing views contrary to those of almost everybody else. You were still polite and respectful, and made a great effort to explain yourself, and got no flak for it.

Most of us will never understand why you wanted to protest all of the things that you did. Many might feel that you are a bit, or even a lot, loopy for doing that. You were still able to carry on without getting dogpiled, however, because you conducted yourself decently.

Some just can't seem to figure out how to do that, though.