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Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

This last Thursday I was in Brandon for a family funeral. Throughout the course of the day we were in different areas of the city, and everywhere we looked we saw "Support Our Troops" in windows. Huge copies of the car magnets were everywhere - even taped on the window at the funeral home. Our funeral was for my mother-in-law, who's had nothing to do with the Military, it was just there by the door. I know its like that because Brandon's so close to Shilo, but still, it was great to see the support shown. A real "up" side to an otherwise sad day.

Can't believe some would stoop so low - shared with the usual disclaimer...

Magnets attract more vandalism
Rash of residents report continued decal defacing

Ian Elliot, Kingston Whig Standard, 31 Jan 08
Article link

More defaced "Support Our Troops" stickers were reported in Kingston yesterday, including one that was slapped on a police cruiser in broad daylight.

There has been a rash of city residents reporting that the magnetic stickers on their vehicles have either been defaced with markers or replaced with different ones altered to carry anti-war messages.

One of the stickers was attached to a police cruiser that had responded to a call downtown around noon yesterday.

All police vehicles carry the yellow magnets, and Const. Mike Menor said yesterday that while the officer was away from the cruiser responding to a call, someone affixed a similarly defaced magnet with the phrase "War Is Murder" to the car.

"It seems to be someone's idea of a sick joke," he noted.

He said police might step up patrols in the downtown area where most of the incidents are occurring.

It was the sixth time in less than a week that people have reported finding such magnets attached to their cars. On Sunday night, several Royal Military College students, who are members of the Canadian Forces and who live off campus, were infuriated to find someone had replaced the Support The Troops sticker on one of their cars with a similar magnet bearing anti-war graffiti.

Anyone caught altering the magnets on someone's car or putting one where it is not wanted will face a mischief charge, according to police.

There have been numerous reports across Canada of the magnets being stolen off cars, sometimes in large numbers at once, as happened in Gagetown, N.B., in 2005, but there have been no other reports of a campaign to deface the magnets in a way that is happening in Kingston.

Rumor Control says that it is two University age women who are doing this. Evidently, they have a bag full of them when they travel.
Well the good news is, unless they stole 'em, their money went to a good cause.
If identified, instead of a mischief charge, the Magistrate should direct that the individual(s) serve community time by attending a ramp cermemony (although I pray there aren't any more), and then being driven in the convoy's last vehicle all the way from Trenton to the Forensics Centre in Toronto....then made to walk home to Kingston.  >:(
Good2Golf said:
If identified, instead of a mischief charge, the Magistrate should direct that the individual(s) serve community time by attending a ramp cermemony (although I pray there aren't any more), and then being driven in the convoy's last vehicle all the way from Trenton to the Forensics Centre in Toronto....then made to walk home to Kingston.  >:(


garb811 said:
Well the good news is, unless they stole 'em, their money went to a good cause.

Excellent point.
Further to my last (the plan for the offender(s) to attend a ramp ceremony), I just had my magnet stolen this weekend past, and the ass hats gouged my paint right down to the sheet-metal with whatever sharp object they used to peel it off.  :rage:

Not impressed.  I didn't serve my country at home and abroad to allow someone to take away the rights of others (including me...just because I am in the military, doesn't suspend my rights to not have my property damaged.) 

The sad part is, the offender(s) probably think they are justified in stealing and damaging other people's private property.

HI, i was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere to get the redd support our troops?
i have been looking but all i can seem to find is the yellow ones at the moment.
HI, i was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere to get the redd support our troops?
i have been looking but all i can seem to find is the yellow ones at the moment.

I really hate having to do other people's work for them, but after going to the first page of this topic and reading it over again, and being the nice guy that I am, I have found this link for you to do your shopping at:

Just so everyone knows (and I promise - this is not a plug, trust me I hate shopping here) but Wal-Mart now carries a full line of "Support Our Troops" wares...

I don't know of the legality issues, but as a last resort you could go there...
A couple of days ago, some ahole keyed my truck...bad.  Don't know if it had to do with my yellow ribbon magnet or not....

Hmmm... my neighbour, ex-mil with a ribbon on his new truck was also keyed. He had no idea why but was pretty upset. I hope that's not why, this guy is an elderly man who suffered a heart attack and stroke last year and overall a decent old guy. Always up for a friendly chat and quick to offer a helping hand.

Regardless of why his truck was keyed it's too bad people can't seem to see the "actual person" behind the property they're damaging.
We had something similar happen where I live.  A group of us, about 7 vehicles, had the Legion support the troops magnets on cars and trucks and were all out for a get together.  The magnets were either stolen and/or the vehicles were keyed.
- I put nothing on my car.  Nothing.  No ribbons, no vets plates, no "Down with Bill C-68".  Nothing.  The only time I would think of putting something on my car, would be if one of you PM'd me and told me where your cars got keyed.  Then I might be tempted to tart up my car, park it and watch, if you get my meaning.

This morning I had and unpleasant surprise when I got to my car. Somebody replaced my Support our Troops magnet (or defaced it) with black ribbon with I don't think by myself / I am fighting for oil written on it. It was crudely written with Liquid Paper.

I've had a ribbon on my car for almost a year now. First on my old Plymouth Neon, now on my Hyundai Accent. I've had no trouble because of it until now.

I got my kit yesterday, so maybe it's someone that saw me hauling my kit from my car to my apartment. If that's the case I'd better suck it up, because I'll receive much more of these kind of remarks from now on.
I've never gotten it stolen, the yellow one off my car I mean.  However I was driving down Yonge St in Toronto and these two guys in a flashy Neon with SUBS pumping pulled up beside me and held up a piece of paper that said.  "F*** You You Murderor!"  So me, finding this hilarious, grabbed an old envelope and the sharpie from my glove box and wrote, "Murderer*"  And held it up to them before driving off. 

To You Two Gits Out There!:  If your going to call me names, at least spell them right, I don't have time to read, AND spell check while driving.  Ya jerks!

EDITED: For the sake of political correctness.  ;)
Lol ya I'm British I've been called that many times.  Usually by a disgruntled bar mate after he loses his third game of pool in a row.   ;)

Not to imply that woman are bad at pool!  ;)

Just a really common offensive word in England.
Bint is used in reference to the famale of the species.