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Canadian Military Slang

          Here is a few that I know .

            Maroon Baboon  - Air born trooper

            M.R.E    -        Meals rejected by every one

            FNG -            F*cking New Guy

            SNAFU - Situation normal all F*cked up

            Fubar -  F*cked up beyoned all reconition
            Crispy Critter - some one  killed by a Flame Thrower or Naplam

        These are some that I got from my father and there friends just in fun hope that it doesnt offended any one  cheers .
For those of us that remember box lunches, & the 1 thing always missing in them.
The church key......can opener.  Very useful as a cleaning tool for the C1 & C2!
Clag: All the crap in a unit that follows behind a Rifle Coy/Sabre Sqn/Fd Sqn

Naus (pr: nozz, short for nauseating): All the annoying non-fighting planning/procedural crap that has to be done. Primarily linked with clag.

C.O.C.K.: Heavy handed Cbt Arms type discipline used on an individual but more often on Sections or Pl/Tps. It is an area wpn. It can be belt fed.
karl28 said:
            M.R.E     -          Meals rejected by every one

I don't remember who said it, but I thought it was really funny:

  M.R.E - the three most compact lies in the english language.
EME's and MSE-ops are always replaceing these on thier vehicle....

LBRT  - Little Black Rubber Thingy

Shnib, or Shnibby. - The phrase used to describe a small peice of equipment when the proper name escapes ones vocabulary..

First heard on QL-2 used by an RHLI Sgt.
This one goes back to the 70's. File Under Captured or Killed.


How about Candidate Undergoing New Training.  Gives you an excuse when you slip and call a recruit a silly c.....
From Roto3 in Croatia, a friend brought back a real nice sweat shirt. White with blue UN symbol and red maple leaf overlapping.

It said in blue writing with the first letter of each word in the colour red.

Canadian United Nations Transport



Cpl Thompson said:
Shnib, or Shnibby. - The phrase used to describe a small peice of equipment when the proper name escapes ones vocabulary..

"Pass me the green thing would you?"
Other words to be used when the real item escapes thee:







Chummy ( A Naval Expression as I was informed...)
sguido said:
Jesus nut/pin: the extremely important item on an aircraft that must not break; if it does...say, on a helo and you see your rotors departing the aircraft...the only thing you can say is "Jesus."

Jesus strap/bar: same as chicken strap/bar, but held onto much more tightly.   Often accompanied by a thumping noise as the passenger repeatedly stamps on their imaginary brakes.

Also known as holy shit handle bars..

LF(CMO) said:
I'm a bit surprised that this hasn't been posted.  Where is the Tango Papa?

I thought KISS was:  KEEP IT SIMPLE SGT?

heres a good one I heard awhile back, its for reservists
S.W.A.T.=Some Weekends And Thursdays
SAS - Saturdays and Sundays

Hey, here's an old one.

Padre getting his winter kit issued from the Q Store.

Binrat: SIN Padre?
Padre: I have many.
Everyone close by: chuckles

We have all heard that one haven't we. Pre 1993 crowd  8)


anyone out there know more regimental nicknames? links and winks, loyal eddies, run chicken run...?
From WWII, the SSR or South Saskatchewan Regiment  (who fought at Puys, Dieppe Raid 19 Aug 42) - AKA Sirloin Steak Rustlers.

In 1988 I was at the Weyburn Legion in Saskatchewan on 11 Nov, and had the privillage to speak to many SSR vets who were at the Dieppe Raid. So good to hear history first hand, and made one feel proud to be Canadian.

Try reading the book Green Beach.

Here's to the SSR  :salute:

for those in svc bn's

mse op= me start engine operators
weapons tech= gun plumbers or infantry saviours
vehicle techs= wrench benders
rms clerks= pencil pushers or remedial studies clerks or form fillers
supply techs= bin rats or order ops also form fillers
cooks= well...i just dont say anything cause i know ill get my food spit in...
Cpl Thompson said:
Shnib, or Shnibby. - The phrase used to describe a small peice of equipment when the proper name escapes ones vocabulary..

First heard on QL-2 used by an RHLI Sgt.
You can always trust a Riley to say something worthwhile.  ;D

Dunno if this really counts here, but I have a terrible memory when it comes to names......
"Yeah, Warrant, Sgt. Whatshisface over in Dieppe Platoon said so..."

I also find "thingie" to be an extremely useful word.
"Go to the thingie and wash off your makeup."
"You need to get me a thingie for next week"
"What's that thingie called.. you know.. that thingie?"  ;)