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Canadian Military Slang

Good topic. Here's some I haven't seen posted yet.

Hairy Bags - shipboard navy types
Trot Scots - Toronto Scottish
gugahuga's - GGHG
googoofoogoo's - GGFG
Sea Things - Sea King helicopters
Zoomies - air crew
Shads (Sunday, holiday and day sailors) - Naval Reserve
Death tech - 031'ers
Taxi - tac hel
Grunt - gov't rated unfit for naval training.
LPC (leather personnel carrier) - combat boots
Heavy - Large ship (Destroyer or frigate).
Pusser - ship shape, or navy approved.
Drive the Bag - work hard.
Wesley H. Allen said:
Have you heard of T Rats?. One time to my suprise we had meals with the Yanks. They were called T Rats, and we were deep in the desert.

They were a tray, one use disposable with a place for potatoes, veggies and meat. All heated up, and then you peeled the top off. Once you were done eating, just chucked in the bin. They had that preserved taste, but when you are hungry, it all tastes fine.



Love the T-Rats especially the good ole chipped beef mmmm  ;D
Beef Stroke-me-off - Beef Stroganoff IMP
Goat Show/Goat Rodeo - A public display of stupidity
Gypsy Caravan - normally refers to a ruck or a vehicle with all sorts of crap hanging off it at odd angles
flinch magnet - someone who seems to attract nervous situations, then flinch every time
ML-icopter - An ML being used to in place of an airmobile asset
boat - LAV 3
doing the hatless dance - getting charged
oops, hit the wrong key.....lol :blotto: here they go:
SNAFU - Situation normal all F***ed up
TARFU - Things are really F***ed up
FUBAR - F****ed up beyond repair
and finally BOHICA - Bend over here it comes again
I take exception to anyone caliing a LAV 3 a boat. No props. Not a boat.
Cougars/Grizzlies.were the real boats.

Long live the boat people..

some i havnt heard yet that frequented around my summer =p

Black Cadillacs - Combat Boots
Gats , Boomsticks - weapons
Num Nums - Rations
Deadly - used to describe something extremely good, or extremely bad (mostly 2NSH guys said this)
example, a troop gets his favourite ration and is happy, so he says "deadly!".Another troop is bitten by a large spider and has to go to the hospital "Deadly"
Don't think these have been mentioned:

greasy fast food - 'gut bomb'
rifle - 'bullet chucker/bang stick'
the old IMP omlette - 'lung in a bag'.

what some MSEOPS call their vehicle - 'trucksack'.
from WW1-'blighty': a wound bad enough to get you sent to the rear, but not so bad as to maime you for life. A good thing.

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The worst part about the really common slang is that you don't even think of it as slang any more...

Little Sh**ty Volks Wagen - LSVW
Nuke Bag - Another name for the IPE Bag
Drawers - Long Underwear Bottoms.
Passion Killers - Old issue underwear
Sig Piggies - Radio Operator Types.
Line Swine - Lineman types.
Ping Pong Champions of Long Island - PPCLI
Plugger - PLGR (Big honkin' green GPS unit)
Clack - Refers to vehicle mounted line laying equipment
PUFO - Pack up and f**k off.
Horse C**k - Detachable spout for fuel jerries.
Chicken Strap - Safety strap across the back of a troop carrying vehicle.
Master Jack - Master Corpral
SPPT (Self Propelled Pop-Up Targets ) = infantry
bullet catchers = infantry
growlies = food( i.e. take 10, brew up and get some growlies into ya )
Sabre toothed crotch crickets = crabs
Burned out .50 cal = ???

All this and more can be found at www.urbandictionary.com

Quite hilarious.
Few More that I haven't see on here.

Still haven't seen CFL on here either... Corporal/Captain For Life

the Inner = the person who knows what's going on when no one else does
ic = in charge
mfic = Mother F*cker in Charge

Moe time
Moe money
Moe pay

Reservist saying
Moe ex= training in the field for 24hrs
Worse then a moe ex = slow in the field and nothing to do (usually referred to on a Reg force ex)
gagle F*ck = bunch of people standing around when they could be doing stuff
Rocky Mountain Rabbit Rapp**s = Rocky Mountain Rangers
Intelligence staff - Secret Squirrels, or Green Slime (British term, due to the lime green berets)

PUFO - Pack up and F*ck off. (often heard at End Ex)


Boat = AVGP
SAPFU = Supassing All Previous F*ck Ups
Egg Welder = Cook
LSVW = Loud Squeaky Vehicle Wheeled
SAS = Saturdays and Sundays (i.e. the Militia)
Mo = Militia
Rentals = Militia soldiers
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Ballistics and Crises Management = Infantry Phase Training
Fire and Movement University = Combat Training Centre
Vruh = RCR equivalent to the US Army's Hoo-ah (pronunciation of VRI)
Carl Gustav Gone = Another explaination for the missing Carl G (Canadian Grenadier Guards)
West National Socialist Regiment = West Novies
5e Flash de Bang = 5 RALC (Can also be applied to other French Arty Units i.e. 6e Flash de Bang)
5e Boom de Mine = 5 EGC

Mortar guy said:
5e Boom de Mine = 5 EGC


Thats 5 RGC = 5 Rubber garbage can or ( in french) 5e Regiment des Grands Couteau

then there's 12 RBC = 12 rubber boot company......

Navy = fishead

cigarette = lung dagger

SSF (petawawa) = Saturdays and Sundays F****d

ground troops (when refered to by tac hel) = Crunchies

arab - Arrogant Regular Army B*#%$rd
toon town- Mattawa plains in the early 90's
these are hilarious!

Rations= Groceries, grub, growlies
artillery= gunplugs,gunbunnies,dropshorts,gunners,groundpounders,gunslug
FNG's=f*&^en new guys
anything logistics=pencil pusher, paper clip tech
OPDP=opie dopey
Combat boots=black Cadillacs

there are so many more....


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