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Canadian Forces: Direct Action

What engine does americas army use. That seems to be an ok game and it would work well for a Canada's army game.
Games like this and Americas Army I dont think hold much value other than as say recruiting tools. The best training aids will be kept under wraps and not allowed out to the public. Or be on exercises. I say this because a lot of this infantry based FPS say they have this whole emphasis on working as a team and acting as a squad. Meanwhile youll get all of your team running off in different directions and even your squad sniper instead of concealing as many do in some levels (im refering to AA here) running and going all Rambo but because the sniper rifles hardly wound in those games and mainly kill...well as you can see a kid quick enough can use it the same as a rifle and wham. Though they do hold some value as they try and show different weaponry, military ways and such (like observing ROE-and what happens when you dont!). Americas Army even has incorperated the Humvee with RWS and im not sure if they have the driveable Stryker now but I remember they had a level with a couple parked ones where you could man the gunner position. I remember I was part of a clan named in honour of a local (well for them they were from Pennsylvania) armour National Gaurd unit and I suggested we play that map as a sort of way to hold true to our name as an armoured clan. Though because every round I kept camping a different Stryker and they would find it and try and blow me up I would catch them with the RWS each time. Needless to say since I was playing with the 2nd and 3rd highest that night I remember the clan leader talking to me cause a few members were pissed lol.  

As well Dh it uses the Unreal Engine. Id suggest doing some research on the web into it though. Yeah it would make a great base but at the same time that games been in the development stage for years. Though back when I was playing one of the older versions someone did ask about a Canadian mod or version being made but I think it never went further than a rumor.
I'm not sure what kind of training resource this is supposed to be or how effective it will turn out as the Canadian characters aren't using the issue Tac Vest.
Does anyone know how you access the other singleplayer missions? I completed Austerre village, but it will only let me go back to that first mission from the Instant Action menu.
The CO-OP levels will have AI Terrorists/Civilians that you can play through. There is only one SP mission right now simply because the AI in the game will enter and clear a room 'incorrectly'. The AI teammates do not clear rooms the same way we do, so it is not used. This may change as the AI might be modified in the near future...that is a big job though.

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What engine does americas army use. That seems to be an ok game and it would work well for a Canada's army game.
SWAT 4 is also powered by the Unreal Engine. Portions of the Unreal source code were purchased by Sierra to make SWAT 4. I say portions because they did not get the source code to things like vehicles and certain weapon systems to cut down on the cost.

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I'm not sure what kind of training resource this is supposed to be or how effective it will turn out as the Canadian characters aren't using the issue Tac Vest. 
The issued tac vest will be in there at some point. It is simply art and does not add value to the game. I believe what does make this a potentially very powerful training tool is you can play the game on a real life training area, with people in your platoon. The next day you can go out and train in that area in real life. The American Army has been doing stuff like this for a while now and they have shown these types of training tools to be effective.

Pieman said:
The issued tac vest will be in there at some point. It is simply art and does not add value to the game. I believe what does make this a potentially very powerful training tool is you can play the game on a real life training area, with people in your platoon. The next day you can go out and train in that area in real life. The American Army has been doing stuff like this for a while now and they have shown these types of training tools to be effective.

I think you missed the sarcasm
sorry, should have added appropirate emoticon or something to denote sarcasm.  ;)
I tried the game... and I give it 5 thumbs down... the controls were awkward even after attempting readjustment.

The game loaded WAY too slow, and doesn't have much content. Many glitches to be found through OUT the first level alone!

Many bugs to be worked out man...

I give this 1  :cam: out of 5
MikeH said:
The graphics are terrible I think I'll stick with COD4.

well its a million time better then those crapy SAT trainers. way more entertaining to  8)
For those interested, there have been a large number of updates to CF:DA since the initial release.

The project is still supported, but it is considered completed and is no longer being actively developed.

I bought SWAT 4:Gold online thru Sierra, installed on my vista laptop, original SWAT 4 plays fine, but Expansion, and CF:DA will not open. Becareful if you have vista. Tried every trick i know to get it working, no dice.
Hmm...never tried the game on vista myself.

Perhaps the swat 4 still requires a patch to the 1.1 version? Try this:


If you still have problems let me know and I will ask around.