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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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I know I know, the FAQ is right above.  It serves a purpose, I know.  Although I would personally like to ask a question, with my own preferences.

I'm 18, been out of High School(Graduated, all credits) for about a year.  I wasn't so great in Math, but enough to get by. 

I've been more and more interested in becoming a soldier, preferably a Armoured Soldier.  Now, I read up on everything there is to know about them, what they do, etc.  I went to the Recruiting center, and got a application fillout.  Currently filling it out and finding references.  Anyway.

My case in point, I was looking through the Practice Test for the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test.  I was smiling, and getting all the answers correct.  Then came along Problem Solving.

My smile quickly turned to a "Huh?" with a quirked eyebrow and definitive demolished look on my face.  I was left clueless, my brain wanted to try to word it all together but it broke, over and over.

Note, these are only on the practice test, not real test.

A team of clothing workers had an output of 1,000 uniforms per week.  This output was increased by 20%, which demanded an increase of 50 uniforms per worker.  How many workers are there on the team?

Now, I did 1,000 x .2 (%20) = 1,200.  Then I divided it by 50.  24.  The answer was 4.  I then tried to run over and over with questions in my head.

I just could not get it. 

I'm really thinking I might fail "Problem Solving" part of the test.  I don't want to consider myself dumb, but rather illogical with problem solving. 

Is there any way that the recruiter might be able to point or help out, like read the question to me?
Do what I did.. IQ brain teasers. You can google them and find hours upon hours of IQ tests that range in difficulty and also getting GED or SAT test books from your library is also a good idea.
PMedMoe said:

Thanks for the help ;D

HavocSteve said:
Do what I did.. IQ brain teasers. You can google them and find hours upon hours of IQ tests that range in difficulty and also getting GED or SAT test books from your library is also a good idea.

Mmm, I was thinking of doing that, I was trying to look up on the sites that they referenced inside of the package.  Though most of them are outdated, and or of significant difficulties.
In case you are having trouble with the solution:

20% of 1000=200
Each worker has to make 50 more
Therefore 200/50=4 workers
Hello, Im planning to join the Reserves this summer and Im gonna go Reg after I complete a diploma in Police Foundations, hoping to get in the Military Police. I have the marks to get in University but Im probably going to join as NCM after getting a diploma in Police foundations. Anyway my weakness is Problem Solving, I only got 5/10 on the practice test, I was never good at math and I always excelled in the Social Sciences at school. The math on the CFAT test is grade 10 right? Does anyone know some good websites to study for this? I have a site here,  would this be good for helping me prepare as in are the questions similar?


Im going to get a grade 10 math book from the Library soon, Im planning to join Reserves around May 15-20, Is that a good time to join? Hope I can do well on the CFAT to also qualify for the Military Police Trade. Im also wondering, if your signing up for NCM and you do the aptitude test, would they beadle to tell you if you still qualify to be an officer to? I know you need a Uni degree, I might wanna join as an officer but that would all depend on how well I do on the CFAT, I can probably get in York uni for Jan 2011, I would wanna do 1 or 2 sessions of summer school to get it done faster but if your wanting to be in the army I don't think thats possible, since you have to be at a base when the academic years over if you join as an officer.

As far as studying for your CFAT, this was the page I was given,

Updated 20 Oct 08

"In order to help you prepare for the CFAT, below are several internet websites that you can access.  It is highly recommended that you consider looking at some of these sites.  If you were unsuccessful on your first attempt you must wait three (3) months to re-write.  If you are unsuccessful a second time you will require significant academic upgrading before you can attempt the test a third time.

The CFAT is similar but not identical to many internet sites that offer free Aptitude/IQ.  Below are some examples:


In addition, you could conduct an internet search using the following keywords:

Aptitude test
Practice aptitude test
Practice IQ test
Aptitude test strategy

You may also want to refresh your math skills by visiting www.math.com and/or borrowing a General Education Diploma (GED) study book from your local library.

A focus on Verbal Skills, Spatial Ability, and Problem Solving throughout your preparation would be in your best interest.

Work hard and good luck."

Check those links out as they were extremely helpful.
Alright thanks for your help, Won't need help on the Aptitude test now I did have other questions on joining if anyone can answer those if its not a problem. Also, I did write the CFAT one time I was gonna join the army for school co-op but in 2nd semester grade 12 I had bad insomnia problems I ended up writing the CFAT dehydrate and sleepy, could only qualify to become a chef. I ended up writing it again and couldn't qualify to be anything, they let me write it again 3 days later I believe. I wasn't mentally fit during that time but I don't have those problems anymore.
I wrote my CFAT about 3 weeks ago, and honestly, all I can say is to not worry about it...especially if it was the problem solving section you had trouble with on the PRACTICE test.

Since I can't discuss it in detail, for obvious reasons, but really...don't worry about it.  Thats all I can say.
If you have already written the CFAT twice you will have to have a waiver for the third write. This must be submitted to and approved by CFRG Hq in Borden. This can only be done if it's been more than 1 year since your last write and you have SIGNIFICANTLY up graded your education since the last time. IE graduated high school with marks at least in the high 70's, done a year of college or university and have marks that are above a B average.

Bear in mind that the practice test is much easier than the real thing so don't just go on the practice. Do whatever you can to prepare yourself for the test. Go to Chapters and get a book on Aptitude tests. They cost about $30. It's worth it when you think about what passing could mean.

Good luck
There is also this:
Ya I have seen that before, I need a new job since I recently quit my temp job in a warehouse, Im gonna have to buy that. I didn't exactly fail the CFAT the first time, only qualified for a job I wasn't interested and failed the second time. If you ever have insomnia and get 3 hours sleep the night before and write it dehydrated, it really makes you dumber.
So Assuming I scored high enough on the CFAT to qualify for the MPNCM trade, would I beable to do it and go through the MPAC? Or do they not allow you to if there's no jobs available for it or they don't need anymore MP's at the moment?
  So I wrote my CFAT a few months ago and at the time of writing was told that I had qualified for officers and all trades, I'm just wondering what this means in terms of scoring? All I was told is that I scored within the 97% percentile on language section. I was wondering if anybody could let me know what the cutoff score for officers qualification was and how many trades there are?
Nietz said:
  So I wrote my CFAT a few months ago and at the time of writing was told that I had qualified for officers and all trades, I'm just wondering what this means in terms of scoring? All I was told is that I scored within the 97% percentile on language section. I was wondering if anybody could let me know what the cutoff score for officers qualification was and how many trades there are?

Hate to break the news for you, but I would now downgrade the score that they gave you.  This question has been asked so many times before, that a simplest of the simplest SEARCH would have found the answer........SO!.......One more time:  THAT INFORMATION IS NOT GIVEN OUT.

I will downgrade you to a 48% percentile overall.
Nietz said:
  So I wrote my CFAT a few months ago and at the time of writing was told that I had qualified for officers and all trades, I'm just wondering what this means in terms of scoring? All I was told is that I scored within the 97% percentile on language section. I was wondering if anybody could let me know what the cutoff score for officers qualification was and how many trades there are?

Remember when you signed a form that stated you would not disclose any information regarding the nature of the CFAT?  Because I sure do, and that was four years ago.
Mr. St-Cyr said:
Remember when you signed a form that stated you would not disclose any information regarding the nature of the CFAT?  Because I sure do, and that was four years ago.
I thought what they meant was you can not talk about the test, or what is on the test.
Does the percentage of success relate to the nature of the CFAT?
I wouldn't think so. Giving one's score does not give any indication to what is on the test.
Someone enlighten me.
bdave said:
I thought what they meant was you can not talk about the test, or what is on the test.
Does the percentage of success relate to the nature of the CFAT?
I wouldn't think so. Giving one's score does not give any indication to what is on the test.
Someone enlighten me.

I agree with bdave. This was also my understanding when I signed the form, to not reveal the content of the test.
From what I read, the original poster of this thread is asking for the percentage that is required to be qualified as an officer?

Maybe I got it all wrong.
