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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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cdnaviator said:
Obviously you did not follow your own advice .........

And suddenly the only sound heard was the chirping of crickets.....
The point I was trying to make was that I think those will help you just as much as what others had suggested...

And what does a spelling mistake had to do with taking my own advice? I defy you to find the spelling of that in the periodic table.  ;D
The CFAT is easy.  Don't spend any money, it is not worth it.

If you are nervous about the test just do some simple math problems, read.. basically keep your mind active.
I have a web site being constructed this very minute due to high demand. You can give me 140$ and I'll ask you skill testing questions. Then if you pass I'll accept another 140$, and I'll send you a home made diploma made with the lastest version of microsoft works. It certifies you have positively been suckered into paying me 280$. ::)
I kinda failled my Test they told me to do better in math and English I feel like such an idiot. Is there any sites that i can go to for help cause i would make such a good  :warstory:
I kinda failled my Test they told me to do better in math and English I feel like such an idiot. Is there any sites that i can go to for help cause i would make such a good  :warstory:

Looks like someone gave you some good advice.
I kinda failled my Test they told me to do better in math and English I feel like such an idiot. Is there any sites that i can go to for help cause i would make such a good  :warstory:

Yes, the CF kinda needs such good  :warstory:'s. Your high school might be such a good site for help to make such a good  :warstory:.

Just a small point: This is Army.ca not "Army for Dummies".  We do not have that Trademark nor Franchise.  In today's military, you have to be fairly well educated and literate.  If you are not, you will find it hard to get in, and then advance in any Trade you may have been selected for.
Hello I am looking to find out if there is anyone doing the CFAT test in FEB.. 2007

I'm Looking for some help with the math.  I failed my first test by 2 marks I was told..
I really want to get into the CF... I'm 37 and redoing math ...
Well next time I will pass it I know that ,, If you want something bad one will do what he has to - to get it..

I have spent 60.00 on the books that was suggest to buy, GED and one other..

IslandBeach said:
Hello I am looking to find out if there is anyone doing the CFAT test in FEB.. 2007

I'm Looking for some help with the math.  I failed my first test by 2 marks I was told..
I really want to get into the CF... I'm 37 and redoing math ...
Well next time I will pass it I know that ,, If you want something bad one will do what he has to - to get it..

I have spent 60.00 on the books that was suggest to buy, GED and one other..


Invest in this baby...trust me...you will sail through if you work through this.

It's for the US, but at the end of the day, Yank, Brit or Canadian the tests have many similarities.



All in all it will be a good refresher...675 pages of fun!!

All the best and merry christmas...
If you need help with math probs you can drop me a pm with a specific problem and I will see what I can do. Keep in mind that I will most likely not be available until January the 1st.
Save some money and visit <a href="http://www.math.com> math.com </a> in addition to the thread that old man neri provided. Good luck!
Do all the calculations in your head when you go through your Math book. If you really need to, allow yourself to use a scrap piece of paper. Obviously never use a calculator, because you won't get one on the test.

Math should be your main focus when you study, but remember not to ignore the other subjects as well... 

News Flash!!  It will be the same test that you wrote the last time so if you didn't take some time to write down your problem areas then save your money and go buy some lottery tickets.  Better chance at the lottery than passing the CFAT.
ArtyMike said:
Save some money and visit <a href="http://www.math.com> math.com </a> in addition to the thread that old man neri provided. Good luck!

The type of books recommended will certainly be of use, particularly if you have been out of high school for a wee while; as I had been when I wrote them for the first time.

Similar stuff to the UK.

But what do I know...I defer to your experience!  Merry Christmas.
kincanucks said:
News Flash!!  It will be the same test that you wrote the last time so if you didn't take some time to write down your problem areas then save your money and go buy some lottery tickets.  Better chance at the lottery than passing the CFAT.

Well the math portion was his problem area.. I don't see how he can be faulted for trying to improve his overall math ability.

I don't really have anything to add to what the others have posted above, it is pretty sound advice.  Just don't get overly stressed about this, do what you can do to be prepared and go in confident.
Hi, was gonna post this in the big CFAT test thread till I realised it was locked, ha. I hope its not a problem to start another thread for my specific question anyways. I apologise if it is tho. :(

I had to call early this morning to reshedule my test (It was to be taken at 9 am today) due to a nasty bit of sickness that I seem to have picked up, I really didn't want too but I figured its best to reshedule now rather then go in sick and do badly because of that then either not being able to get into my desired trade or just fail completely and not get in at all for three months.

All in all, the smart decision right? The reason why I decided to make a post about this is that on the CFAT thread I saw mentioned several times that people who reshedule are forced to wait months for a new test? Is this true? I truely want to get this done as soon as possible and get in, I didn't even consider this before and its to late to change it now obiously but will I be waitin for them to call me back for like a month? :|
If not, whats the general amount of time that you have to wait for them to call them back?

Thanks in advance. :)
It's safe to say that you'll be contacted within a month, i failed my CFAT the first time and i was called on the 3month mark. to the day actually. I was just wondering if anyone who had to retake the CFAT did the exact same test again, or do they have some kind of rotation?

There might (read "probably will") be varying lengths of waits for the rescheduled CFAT depending on the CFRC you are dealing with and how busier they are.

Best advice?

Call your CFRC and ask them how soon you can get in for the test.

FWIW, I think you made the right decision to put it off if you knew you weren't at 100% or close to it. 