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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Grade 10 Algebra. Work on translating word problems into equations.
After looking at the practise test, it may also help you to know that I struggle greatly with math in general and I was able to pass.  To some, the math portion may be very easy, but for me it wasn't.  If math is a concern for you, just remember to take your time when writing. If I can pass, I'm sure you can also.
The practice CFAT is pretty weak and doesn't really prepare you too well.

What I found a huge help was the American Military practice exams. http://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab

You will have to sign up, but it's an interesting site in general. It also a good help for the language part of the exam.

You will likely encounter lots of fractions though, so if something like 2/25 X 4/10 blows your mind, use google and find ways of solving fractions involving equations. Good luck!
Thisbeatgoeson said:
The practice CFAT is pretty weak and doesn't really prepare you too well.

What I found a huge help was the American Military practice exams. http://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab

You will have to sign up, but it's an interesting site in general. It also a good help for the language part of the exam.

You will likely encounter lots of fractions though, so if something like 2/25 X 4/10 blows your mind, use google and find ways of solving fractions involving equations. Good luck!

To go along with that, make sure you know how to convert fractions using common denominators for example: 2/25 and 4/10 lowest common denominator is 50, 50 divided by 25 = 2. 2x2 = 4/50, and 50 divided by 10 = 5. 5x4 = 20/50. these can also be reduced to 2/25 and 10/25. Either way, even if you think you know the stuff, take a refresher course so that it's fresh in your head. When you go in to take the test, remember that you want to get every question done before the time limit is up, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so if you get stuck, mark the question down and come back to it later. Good Luck!
The examples are nothing near the real test. Its only purpose is to give you and idea as to what to expect. Im thinkning as long as you got grade 9-10 math down you should be fine. Anybody disagree?
It's been about 7 years since I took the CFAT but what I remember being the trickiest is the shapes - specifically mentally folding and unfolding patterns. If math is what you're struggling with, you should download some apps for your phone that give you problem solving type questions like this one:

4. If in the army there is one officer for every 16 privates, how many officers are there in a regiment consisting of 1,105 officers and privates?
(A) 62 (B) 65 (C) 67 (D) 69

That way you know how to translate word problems into algebra and solve them. Also, if you really can't figure out the answer to a question, choose the closest option provided and move on, time is important in the test.
eaglehawkdown said:
<snip> what type of math you all recomend I refresh my head with so that the cfat doesnt kick my butt.

"what type of math is on the aptitude test?":

"Math questions on the test":

"CFAT Math Problem Solving": 

"Not the best at math..":

"CFAT Math + other question": 

"How does one 'relearn' math?":

"I suck at math (CFAT worries)":

"If you need help in Math for the CFAT":

REALLY brush up on your fractions. Don't just focus on simplifying them, learn how to convert them into decimals and look up how to divide and multiply those as well.

(edited for wording, for future reference)

holieee said:
A lot of it IS fractions. Don't just focus on simplifying them, learn how to convert them into decimals and look up how to divide and multiply those as well.

I guess you forgot about the part at the beginning of the test, not to talk about the specifics of what's on the test.
I would have to agree with hatchet man on this one. IMO a lot of what has been brought up on this thread is violating that agreed portion of the test.  :-X
Just my 2 cents.
I second the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) (I used the textbook version). Head over to your local library and they should have it, if not a GED textbook may also help.
Hatchet Man said:
I guess you forgot about the part at the beginning of the test, not to talk about the specifics of what's on the test.

My apologies. I tried to be vague by saying things about general aspects of math as fractions and decimals are part of a grade 10 curriculum, I didn't mean to give too much specific information. My mistake.
Lets not tell anybody and talk or mention that you all have to wake up early do push ups and RUN.. RUN .. and clean.. and do more push ups. Did I mention Running already?  O'h and get yelled at~ oh and clean.Learn !  do sit ups.... march...march... yell... push ups...JOG! RUN!    :crybaby:

Can someone also tell me something without giving away to much information on the number or percentage of recruits/full time memebers that cant handle the lifestyle for whatever reasons and get a rude wake up call in the first year and leave or put in papers to be dissmissed compared to the number of people that pass/fail the cfat?
eaglehawkdown said:
Lets not tell anybody and talk or mention that you all have to wake up early do push ups and RUN.. RUN .. and clean.. and do more push ups. Did I mention Running already?  O'h and get yelled at~ oh and clean.Learn !  do sit ups.... march...march... yell... push ups...JOG! RUN!    :crybaby:

Can someone also tell me something without giving away to much information on the number or percentage of recruits/full time memebers that cant handle the lifestyle for whatever reasons and get a rude wake up call in the first year and leave or put in papers to be dissmissed compared to the number of people that pass/fail the cfat?

I'm not quite sure what the point of this post is.  I feel the post made by Hatchet Man was perfectly reasonable, not only regarding the quote he directed it towards, but also as a caution to others that things were indeed becoming too specific.  As well, Holieee accepted the nudge gracefully and IMO seemed to understand why it was said.  I don't feel your condescension was necessary.
eaglehawkdown said:
Can someone also tell me something without giving away to much information on the number or percentage of recruits/full time members that cant handle the lifestyle for whatever reasons and get a rude wake up call in the first year and leave or put in papers to be dismissed compared to the number of people that pass/fail the cfat?

the answer you seek is 6
I just want to know if anyone has any experience with this book: http://www.amazon.ca/Complete-Canadian-Aptitude-Questions-ebook/dp/B00BBKEZKY

I bought it on google play for 10 bucks and so far it seems helpful although the math word problems are a little tough.  It also shows signs of being cheaply put together (answer keys don't match for a few questions, clear copy pasting from earlier sections, questions being repeated), but for the magnitude of practice questions I feel it's worth it. 

Just curious if anyone has used it before and if they think it's worth it for me to keep using it or should I just stick to my GED book and the other resources given throughout this forum?

Mods: if this is not the right place to ask this question please delete

I recently got a call from the local Recruitment center to write my CFAT but due to my change of location for college my file had to be closed before i wrote it :( . The recruiter ask me how was my Math, I said I was average and that I did the practice test and got them all rite. His reply was practice test is too easy I suggest you refreshing your math before I book you because I want you to do well. Therefor I suggest you review math from 9-12 academic
I'm not familiar with the text listed, but I am very familiar with the GED text. If you're already dissatisfied with its contents and you're doubting its overall helpfulness, I'd recommend sticking with the GED text as a study aid. As well, you can compare the practice CFAT questionnaire with similar types of questions contained in the GED text for a greater range/variety of difficulty.