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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Yes, I have been using that site along side a GED Prep book, and a Math 12 book.
For me personally : A GED prep book, Khan Academy, other YouTube videos that covered the basics of algebra and grade 10-12 material, and working under a time limit all helped me.

I really liked the ASVAB iPhone app by McGraw Hill, which I had to 'buy' questions for @ $10 but it was nice to use on the subway on the way to work or whenever I needed a quick mental workout.  The app has a timer and I suggest turning it on to really get your brain engaged. 

Also, not one of the most useful, but definitely nice content that I really was glad I found was a YouTube account called 'new planet school'.  While they had not necessarily the most related material, they covered some key advanced mathematics principles in ways that were refreshing to hear, relevant to the test or not.  Very well done videos that are worth watching to help you wrap your head around some things, though by no means a key study material for the test. 

Get out a piece of paper and pen and smash through some grade 10-12 course material and work as quickly as possible. 

My top advice really : study like you actually care about learning the stuff, not just need to fake it to pass the test. And lastly, don't be overly cocky but do indeed attack the test just like it is any other physical obstacle like say the 6' wall at the BMQ obstacle course.

Best of luck to you.  For what it's worth I suck at math and managed to do alright.  I would have failed  miserably if I didn't study though.  Speed with the basics is essential but no matter what just do your best and be happy no matter the result.  Honestly so what if you have to do a rewrite, it sucks but if you really want this it's just another obstacle that you know you can take on if you put your mind to it. 

BorisK said:
My top advice really : study like you actually care about learning the stuff, not just need to fake it to pass the test.
  :orly:  Who are you and what are you doing here?

Very good advice.  MilPoints inbound.

I now return to ignoring the Recruiting threads.   ;)
Wow.  I tend to avoid the Recruiting topics, yet here I am giving MilPoints for two in the same thread.    :stars:

I can never remember what comes after plagues of locusts, but this is surely biblical.......  ;)
Hah. I already blew through my quota of 'serious' for today, so when I saw something that said 'Khan', there was only one COA open to me.
I'm not even sworn in, let alone cleared an interview or medical, but I do care very much about all our lives and I gotta say, thanks Journeyman, the Mil-points mean a lot on a personal level :)

Unpolished salute from a civilian inbound.  ;)

Study hard guys and girls. but don't sweat the CFAT like its a PhD thesis in advanced biology.  Just brush up on your 'so all the worlds calculators broke and I need to do some fundamentals' stuff, plus if I were you study for stuff related to your desired trade.  Personally I'm trying to now wrap my head around some electronics that are pretty challenging to me but I'm slowly learning and it feels good to be honest. 

Best of luck to all. 

I used math.com, google search for things like spatial acuity tests and verbal knowledge tests. All helped and were FREE! I also grew up in a time where we were not allowed to use calculators until grade 11 Math. So, long division was very much ingrained in me.  Just remember to not waste time on harder questions get through as many as possible of the "easier" questions and then go back and tackle the harder questions.
So I have tried searching for this and I can't be %100 sure if I have gotten the correct answer. I have my CFAT in February I have been studying a lot for math because it is not my greatest subject, I am not really to worried but I do have one thought in my mind. If I do not do well on a certain area of the test, like problem solving for example and the trade requires it to have a great mark am I able to choose a different trade that I qualified for if I so happen didn't qualify for the ones I have chosen?
JosephD said:
So I have tried searching for this and I can't be %100 sure if I have gotten the correct answer. I have my CFAT in February I have been studying a lot for math because it is not my greatest subject, I am not really to worried but I do have one thought in my mind. If I do not do well on a certain area of the test, like problem solving for example and the trade requires it to have a great mark am I able to choose a different trade that I qualified for if I so happen didn't qualify for the ones I have chosen?

Although I can not answer your question, it seems as though you are searching very far for answers to questions that should not be your focus. Focus on the test at hand and keep a positive mind set, dwelling on the what-ifs is distracting and will deter your confidence! Good luck!
JosephD said:
So I have tried searching for this and I can't be %100 sure if I have gotten the correct answer. I have my CFAT in February I have been studying a lot for math because it is not my greatest subject, I am not really to worried but I do have one thought in my mind. If I do not do well on a certain area of the test, like problem solving for example and the trade requires it to have a great mark am I able to choose a different trade that I qualified for if I so happen didn't qualify for the ones I have chosen?

If you pass the CFAT they give you a list of jobs you qualified for depending on your score. I do believe you can switch your choices if you dont meet the score requirements on the trade youre looking to get into. Study and do your best.

matthew1786 said:
Although I can not answer your question.....
Then why post?  Is it for the exalted glory of the extra Milpoints?  :not-again:
Tell you what, I've just given you 40 Milpoints; since each post gets you 10 Milpoints, next four times you want to post...take deep breaths instead.

JosephD said:
If I do not do well .....am I able to choose a different trade that I qualified for?

That's what matthew1786 would have said if he actually knew what he was talking about. If there are vacancies in trades with a lower CFAT requirement, they can become your alternate plan.
JosephD said:
So I have tried searching for this and I can't be %100 sure if I have gotten the correct answer. I have my CFAT in February I have been studying a lot for math because it is not my greatest subject, I am not really to worried but I do have one thought in my mind. If I do not do well on a certain area of the test, like problem solving for example and the trade requires it to have a great mark am I able to choose a different trade that I qualified for if I so happen didn't qualify for the ones I have chosen?

Aside from basic math (2 + 2 = 5, etc) make sure you go do fractions.  No joke.
Eye In The Sky said:
Aside from basic math (2 + 2 = 5, etc) make sure you go do fractions.  No joke.

Well we have a family friend that teaches math at the prison and he gave me some material on how to do fractions, and algebra. I am just going to keep studying and we shall see what happens!
Hi, I'm really new to this website and was wondering if I could get some answers. I applied for the infantry in 2012 for a co-op program when I was back in Highschool. I passed the CFAT, and passed the physical, but I quit the application process before the medical because I felt I wasn't ready to make the commitment just yet. I have recently applied again, and have been asked to come into the recruiting office with my transcript etc, I was just wondering if they would have my old application still on file and if I would have to retake the CFAT for this second application? It's not a big deal to me as I have been practicing my math lately but I was just wondering because If I don't have to take it again it would be awesome  ;D any help would be greatly appreciated please  :P
nickg94 said:
Hi, I'm really new to this website and was wondering if I could get some answers. I applied for the infantry in 2012 for a co-op program when I was back in Highschool. I passed the CFAT, and passed the physical, but I quit the application process before the medical because I felt I wasn't ready to make the commitment just yet. I have recently applied again, and have been asked to come into the recruiting office with my transcript etc, I was just wondering if they would have my old application still on file and if I would have to retake the CFAT for this second application? It's not a big deal to me as I have been practicing my math lately but I was just wondering because If I don't have to take it again it would be awesome  ;D any help would be greatly appreciated please  :P

Yes, they should have access to your old application and NO, your CFAT scores should also be available so you don't have to redo it but you will have to write the TSD.
DAA, you mention 2010. I did mine when I joined in 2007 and as I reapplied last month, the recruiter told me that I didn't need to redo it. Is there something I'm missing?
DannyD said:
DAA, you mention 2010. I did mine when I joined in 2007 and as I reapplied last month, the recruiter told me that I didn't need to redo it. Is there something I'm missing?

I "edited" my previous post, bad wording on my part.  If you wrote the "CFAT", you are okay.  If you wrote either of the GC Exams and/or Classification Batteries, then I think that as of 2010, you have to write the CFAT as they can't really convert the scores.  I am going to have to go back and look at it again just to be sure on dates and requirements.