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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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AnoukWolfie29 said:
i've been reading here that there are some math questions that look pretty damn hard to some people. i've always been ok in math but nothing special and we were always aloud a calculator and now on this test i will not. anyone know tips or websites that are good where  i can practice fast !

In addition to the CFAT - FAQ posted above, these discussions are CFAT - Math specific.

"...what type of math you all recomend I refresh my head with so that the cfat doesnt kick my butt."
AnoukWolfie29 said:
Hi, so i got my date to go pass my TAFC and i only have 1 week to get ready ! i was reading about people having 2-3 months ! i'm afraid i'm not going to be fully prepared for the test and i might not get a god grade (or even fail) i did the "practice" test on the main website of the canadian forces but i feel like it's not going to be so easy ! i've been reading here that there are some math questions that look pretty damn hard to some people. i've always been ok in math but nothing special and we were always aloud a calculator and now on this test i will not. anyone know tips or websites that are good where  i can practice fast ! thanks ! (2 days before test and in desperate need of a little hand here)  :salute: :cdn:

Khanacademy, great site to brush up on math. Decimals, Fractions, multiplication, addition, subtraction. For the other two parts just focus and think logically. I was very stressed about the test but so is everyone who is in the room. The woman whose voice is in the video is really soothing and kept me calm. For spatial awareness you have to just concentrate and just think. I did mine about two weeks ago, and I was told I did very well. Its not as hard as people make it out to be, but its not as easy either. Sorry for jumping all over the place here lol. Hope you do great!
Thanks for the help - i'm still very stressed as of now :S i'll try my best and i hope to get a passing grade ! i'll update when i get a response to my exam score.  :) hopefully with good news
Hi everyone,

Small question for you, I looked everywhere without finding an answer... Let me know your thought.

I passed the CFAT back in 2006. Last year, my application was re-opened and they said to me that my CFAT results were still valid. However, due to medical issue, my application was closed. I applied once again this year and now, they are waiting for a CFAT conversion. What is it? How long does it take to receive the results?

Thank you,
Mab163 said:
Hi everyone,
Small question for you, I looked everywhere without finding an answer... Let me know your thought.
I passed the CFAT back in 2006. Last year, my application was re-opened and they said to me that my CFAT results were still valid. However, due to medical issue, my application was closed. I applied once again this year and now, they are waiting for a CFAT conversion. What is it? How long does it take to receive the results?
Thank you,

Never heard of such a thing.  There are a limited number of people at CFRC's who have access to the CFAT/Testing database and they can pull your prior test results immediately, not to mention, said results will still be available in your electronic file but they are not official until verified.

Never heard of the term "CFAT conversion"...
During the timeframe the OP mentions, I am aware of one MOC who's recruiting standards was revised (read increased).

I am not a SME on this, but if the OP was applying to such a trade, this may explain why a conversion of his score would be required.
Santa's Coattails said:
During the timeframe the OP mentions, I am aware of one MOC who's recruiting standards was revised (read increased).

I am not a SME on this, but if the OP was applying to such a trade, this may explain why a conversion of his score would be required.

If that was the case, he would be told the current scores didn't meet the minimum "cut-off" requirements and invited to rewrite the CFAT given the time lapse since he initially took the test.  It's not uncommon for this to happen and can be approved at local level.
Thank you for your answers.

At my last interview, I was told that my scores met the requirements. They were not excellent but good enough for the pilot trade.

Maybe I misunderstood what the Caporal said to me and she's only waiting to verify the results... However, 3 weeks later, still no news  :-[

This might sound very dumb, I'm sorry, I'm just unsure about this.
I did my CFAT on december 11th on the computers and I don't know if I passed for sure or if they just haven't told me yet. I know that they had told one of the guys there to grab all this stuff and go with them (it could have been cause there was some other kind of issue, I'm not sure) and the rest of us went downstairs to wait to meet with one of the recruiters to check all our paperwork to make sure everything was all good. When it was my turn to go see one of the recruiters, he told be that I needed to change 2 of my references and e-mail him the new one later that day. Then he told me that the jobs I had put on my application where not in high demand at the moment and that I should call in 2 months if they have not already called me to see where my application is at and stuff. He didn't talk about the CFAT at all and obviously I should of asked him about it and all but I was a little nervous and shy and trying to make sure I remembered all the informtion he was telling me that I stupidly forgot to mention it and only thought about it after I left. I then e-mailed the recruiter my new references and the question but he never repplied, I got busy with finals at school and now it's the holidays, this is why I'm asking here for now,

Does this mean I passed, since they didn't tell me to grab my stuff and leave too?
Am I supposed to know if I qualified (scored high enough) for all the jobs I put on my application or do they only tell you that later?

Yeah you would have been told, by what you said it seems like you passed but your trades aren't in demand plus it's holiday shut down so you're not high priority. Hard to say really but mine was the same, no info really given, they're probably tired of saying same thing all the time so unless you ask they don't tell. When I called the RC later on the nice lady said I qualified for almost every trade based on CFAT and I thought I did less than good so you'll find out if you ask in the new year. They would have told you, okay here's what you qualify for do you want to pick a new trade cause you aren't eligible for choices 1 & 3 or w/e.

Congrats and good luck

Edit: grammar and some stuffs
Ya you're probably good to go same thing happened with me, didn't say much, just processed my paperwork. Afterwards a bunch of us were sitting out in the lobby and I was still wondering, so I asked one of the recruiting staff if anyone failed. They just told me I was alright, that was enough for me.  I guess you do kinda wonder if you're the group that passed, or the one that failed. lol
Well right now I am trying to do as much as I can possibly do to keep refreshing my mind for when I do go for the CFAT, which may be months because apparently they have a new policy in place where Aboriginals and ROTP take priority over everyone's application. Anyways I am not the strongest person when it comes to math, I completed my Gr12 with a B in math but never have been great with it, so I was wondering for the CFAT am I allowed to bring a pen and paper when it comes to the math questions?
When I did my CFAT back in 2008, you were given pen and paper, just no calculator.
I did my CFAT back in October 2013, they will supply you with paper and pencils. Although the papers has to stay in the room after you are done and cannot be taken with you, as they will explain that before you start and when you finish.

Best of luck! :)
Any tips would be grateful, I know I wont have a problem with spatial and verbal section of the CFAT but some of the problem solving I do have a feeling I will have an issue with.
JoeDos said:
Any tips would be grateful, I know I wont have a problem with spatial and verbal section of the CFAT but some of the problem solving I do have a feeling I will have an issue with.

Grade 10 Math, algebra, fractions, etc......

You know, where they ask you if "2x +3Y = 8z what is the value of x?" kind of stuff......
I signed up for and am using the website KHAN ACADEMY (.org) to help me study for the CFAT. Is this a recommended way to study? Please let me know! My CFAT is in a few weeks.
I've used khan academy for university it was pretty helpful.

As for the cfat it is all based on a grade 10 level, so if you are reviewing his grade 10 material it should help. Is it the best way? I don't know as I've never used it for the cfat, but like I said it has been highly successful for university.

My friend bought a cfat prep book from chapters. I skimmed through it and seemed pretty good, but I've never used it myself.

Math was always fairly easy for me, so I just reviewed basic math as the recruiter told me that knowing calculus would confuse me.

Good luck.
Sipkes said:
I signed up for and am using the website KHAN ACADEMY (.org) to help me study for the CFAT. Is this a recommended way to study? Please let me know! My CFAT is in a few weeks.

Plain and simple answer; Yes. That's what I used to brush up and was told I did exceptionally well.