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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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I was told that not getting the score you needed and wanting to rewrite the CFAT would take a year, as for thus waver and 3 month wait after...I never heard about that? Is this something new?

I was told what MOC‘s you get is what you‘re stuck with unless you do it a year later.

Also a I was told (over 3 years ago) that with a waver you wouldn‘t need to do the test again because they would look at your school marks life experience profile etc. in your application to determine if you got wavered to the MOC you wanted.

I always understood that writing the CFAT was a once a year deal...rewriting it only 3months later? :confused:

That doesn‘t sound right to me, people would do far better the second time around, I did it years ago and I still remember the questions. :p
i did it three months later- and yes the second time i passed- but not due to the fact that i remembered questions- but because i studyed really hard and had a better idea of the testing that was done. Some people just are not great at aptitude testing so it takes a second try.
I just did my CFAT this morning so its still fresh in my head.

Basically I found everything easy except the math. I don‘t know how much I can say, but it is harder then the little practice test they give you. I passed it no problem, but as I said I had to guess my way through some (a minority) of the math.

The difficulty is comparable to the online tests already linked in the other thread. They help you getting used to doing things quick and in your head.

Just keep your cool, be mindful of the clock. Mine was done on computer which I did not expect. Out of about 12 people 4 or 5 of them failed the CFAT (and about 6 more failed the PT test hehe).

So stay calm and get rest. I had about 4 hours sleep last night, just dont worry about it. If you‘re smart you will pass it.
The re-write policy is simple. You can write the next day if you really want, but if you failed one day then you will likely fail the next without significant work in the three categories: Language comprehension, problem solving and spacial ability. The norm is 3 months and some evidence of upgrading before we recommend re-writing. After that it is out of our hands.

A waiver for a fail will only be considered if it would be financially difficult for the Ctr to justify a re-write. If CFRC paid 400$ to fly or drive you in for processing and you fell within the 4-7 points either way, then a case would be justified.

Your most recent score is what you get, regardless of pass/fail. Getting the third writing almost takes an act of parliament, you have got to do some major educational upgrading and manage to convince everyone in the chain of command at the centre that you deserve another chance. You had better be 100% commited also, cause getting a waiver for someone who withdraws their application or turns down an offer makes it much more difficult for the next applicant. We do not mind doing the work, but to see hours of prep and substantiation get tossed out like yesterdays lunch is demoralizing.

Congrats on passing, Go Infantry!!!
Originally posted by RJG:
[qb]Daniel, assuming you failed twice, how oculd he be right if you walked in blind twice. The first time yea, the second time you had already had practice, yet it made no difference.
I waited a year before I took it again.
Oh, and by far it made a diffrence between my first CFAT and my second. It was just still not good enough to get my trade.
Besides, I don‘t have to go through all the troubles transfuring Reserve to Regular. I am going reg force completely now.
I completed the CFAT a long time ago and did well, but due to unforseen circumstances, had to put off the recruitment process for a little while.

I‘m ready to start the process again, but will I need to take the CFAT over? How long is the mark you‘ve received on the CFAT good for?
Perhaps someone can shed some light on this for me. I've done my CFAT then they told me I'd probably get a call in 4-6 weeks to schedule my physical, medical and interview.

Well that didnt happen yet, and its now been 12 weeks. So my question is, where does your file go after you write the CFAT? Does it go to Bordon? Or does it stay in the recruitment center for them to research or something?

I call them every week on tuesday, the answer is always the same, "no change". I'm getting kinda worried. Does anyone know what exactly is researched inbetween the CFAT and scheduling on your medical, physical etc..?
When you phone them every week what do you actually ask them?  Have you mentioned the same thing you have said here?  I would suggest putting the actual phrase you want answered to them: "Has my physical, medical, and interview been scheduled yet? What is holding them up?"

It could be that they are waiting for your security clearance. Hard to say so you need to be more specific and insistent when you query them.

I'm guessing here, but maybe the Enhanced Reliabilty Check?  Every recruiting centre has different policies it seems, so its a complete guess on my part.  12 weeks sounds like an awful long time for a backlog, especially now that most summer BMQ people should be processed and through the door.  Then again, your CFRC might be very, very busy. 

Just for comparison sake, I did my CFAT, PT, Medical, and Interview all on the same day.  And they were scheduled about 3 weeks after I applied, which was really only about two weeks because my original application was missing some community college transcripts (I was told they weren't required before I handed the application in, was already waiting on them so I applied, and got a different story after the application was handed in.

Perhaps the next time you call them, ask them the very question you're asking us.  A little "why the hold up?" couldn't hurt.  At best, you'll get your answer, and at worst they'll make up some BS response and not tell you. 
Wow quick replys thanks! When I call them I pretty much ask the same thing every time, why the hold up, is there a back log, the guy answers (same guy every time, seems like he just wants me off the phone) don't know, not sure. I ask how long does he think it will take, he replies "could take up to a year".

I should go down there tomorrow and talk to the girl who took my application when I handed it in, she seemed a bit more caring.

The recruitment center I goto is the Halifax one, everytime I was down there, there was anywhere from 10-20 people in there, most writting CFATs and talking to the recruiters, I was surprised how many people where signing up. Perhaps they have a back log, I dont know, but I'll find out.

I am having my CFAT and Physical on August 4th but i am worried that i will fail the math part on the CFAT. I am trying to get in for infantry. My math was always my worst subject in highschool and i would barely pass math courses in highschool. Anyway i forgot everything. I am worried that i will faill the problem solving part of the test. I've been trying to study fractions and percents for a couple days now but i cant catch on.Anyway my question is this. What else is on the CFAT, what passing score on the problem solving part do i have to get? Also i got this GED math book and the problem solving is very hard for me. Also say i fail one test will i be able to do the other test or no?? I really cant afford to fail the CFAT and wait 3 months. I just can't. My personal reasons. Can anyone PM me or tell me what to study for the math part.

I wouldn't worry about the math so much. Basic math should be good enough. I know when I did mine, we were not given our scores. Now, if you were going for a specialist trade or trying for RMC, obviously your academic threshold would need to be stronger.

I have a GED and I studied the book as well. The GED books give you a worse case scenario, the test wasn't nearly as hard as the books made it out to be.

You can also expect questions about mechanics, eye hand coordination and other weird stuff like that. This is an aptitude test, not a final exam in high school or college.

For the most part, all you need to get in the military is a heart beat and the ability to learn. You'll be fine.

when I did my math test, I think it should be around Grade 10 Math. Not that hard at all... u don't need to caluate graph stuff like that... just simple math..
It really wasn't all that bad. I despise math, but I did fine on it from my perspective. Again, they don't give scores but I felt fairly good coming out of it.
Yeah, they'll tell you if you passed or failed about 10 minutes after the exam.  The math is not hard...but you cannot use a calculator.  So you should practice by not using the calculator.  It's mostly basic Math...like Grade 9 math...some addition, multiplication, equations, sequences, percentage (I think...can't quite remember)...and stuff like that.  And for infantry, you don't need a very high score (I heard). 
If you have time before the 4th, check out this site and practice the sample tests here:


Do the tests in the time they suggest.  Practice good time management and do as many questions as
you can without spending too much time on a single question.  If you have difficulty with a type of
questions, get some help or figure it out after.

The trick is not only general knowledge but time management.

Good luck.
Check this out, unless you already have :) http://www.jobs.gc.ca/menu/ui_examinfo_e.htm
The only portion of the CFAT that I found difficult was some of the vocabulary questions. You have very little time to complete them. I did very well on the test, however, I found that I only knew one of the vocabulary questions 100%. The words are big and bad but kind of give hints to what they are. Honestly, there's no real way to prepare yourself for it. Just make sure you've had a good sleep the night before and a cup of coffee in the morning :)

One more peice of advice, know how to add/subtract/multiply and divide simple fractions. eg. 3/4 * 5/2