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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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You have to go to a the actual regiment you are applying for, you can‘t just go and apply at your local recruiting center. You need permission.
If hes going Reserves yes, thats right RJG, but if he is going Regular force, he would apply at CFRC just like any other trade. And also, Im sure you know if you have looked into being an MP, you need a 2 year diploma in criminology or criminal justice. The test is the least of your problems, the process for becomming an MP is the same or similar to any other major police force in Canada, which im sure you know is very competitive.
The test score measures your apptitude, a pass is 18 but you will not make infantry. The higher you score the more apptitude you possess and the more competative your file will be. All applicants to the RegF or PRes will be processed at the Recruiting Ctrs. RegF also have to attend a selection Board where you will be comepeting with other applicants for the same positions. If you are planning on taking a 2 yr diploma in criminology, ensure that you go to a Ctr and check out what schools are acceptable and what course profile is listed. Not just any diploma from any school will cut it. There are currently no diploma programs in Manitoba that qualify.

You can‘t really prepare for the CFAT, at least not much. Brush up on your basic math maybe, if you normally have trouble with that. Spatial and verbal stuff you‘re either good at, or you aren‘t. They can be improved, but not in a weekend. Maybe find some sample questions.

Best advice: get a good sleep the night before, and go in relaxed. The CFAT is not by any means difficult, so don‘t get too worked up over it.
im really nervous, i have my test in 5 days, is it something i could study for or is it just commen sence?
when you guys were writing the test was there other people there with you guys or just one person writing it and the admins watching you?
When I did mine there were around 25 guys in a room filled with computers and we had an extremely detailed outline on what we were to do.

I thought that the english part was harder than the math as one or two quiestions asked the meaning of words I had never heard before.

The math part is very easy, but make sure leave enough time to go over your answers.

It is all common sense. In all earnesty I agree with MP1 my little sister could also get 18, and she is only 8. Some questions depict an unfolded shape and you have to pick, out of four, which one it would be when folded.
the CFAT stands for (obviously...) Canadian Forces Aptitude Test..

its not really all that different from any other GAT-B style aptitude test.

For the most part either you get it, or you dont.
math,can anyone possibly tell me what type of math i should refresh myself with.
I write the cfat tes May 4. and i‘ve never been good with math so im a little worried
any help with be greatly appreciated.
thanks again.
one more question, i can‘t decide between artillery or infantry, i would really like to travel and learn alot of different things along the way, which one would be better?
im only 17 so, im rather still very little
which would be easyier?
Its an aptitude test so its something you really cant study for, one tip is to refresh yourself on dividing and multiplying fractions.
Studies show that a person who practices with similar types of questions will perform much better than someone walking in blind. Same reason people practice the GRE exams before writing...you can‘t really study for it because it is impossible to know what will be asked, but you can practice! And that brings the score way way up!

Some links for practice questions were given here.

Make sure you can do elementary operations with fractions. Things like adding and multiplying by hand (common divisors). Being able to solve linear equations would also be good, ie., 6x+4=10.
With the CFAT make sure you pay attention to what you‘re doing.

Don't rush it! You have plenty of time as the portions of the test, English, math, etc are divided up in 15min to 30 min increments.

I can not emphasize to pay attention to what you‘re writing...if you get a poor score YOU CAN NOT TAKE THE TEST AGAIN UNTILL ONE YEAR LATER TO IMPORVE YOU MARK TO GET MORE MOC‘S!

Usually, for the math, you can look at the question and the answers and just think logically and you‘ll find the right answer.

There is also a shape component to the test that I‘m sure you are aware of, of course you can‘t really study for that. :)

Just remember, don't be nervous and to settle down and think logically.

Seeing as how you want infantry or artillery, you should get those MOC‘s no problem. However...artillery is a career that requires math skills due to calculations etc. but you should get the moc‘s you want.

If you were applying for like pilot, or some sort of medical or technical air force or navy trade and had bad math, well then obviously there would be a problem.

Also if you get your test sheet back and you get none of the jobs you want, you can ask for a wavier, meaning a by-pass sheet that needs to get approved by some one which will read you saying â Å“Please! Please, please let me do that job! I am to smart enough! I really am!â ?

Good luck! :)
Lol pieman, mind sending me the link showing the results of those studies?

And Daniel, assuming you failed twice, how oculd he be right if you walked in blind twice. The first time yea, the second time you had already had practice, yet it made no difference.

Practice will make no difference, if you have a low IQ you will get a low mark. If you have a high IQ you will get a high mark.