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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Se7eN
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Se7eN said:
    Well I feel like a right moron right now. I just failed my CFAT.

Deja vu.

Perhaps you are wondering how many times this question has been asked.  Follow the Quote and find out.
how hard is the cfat i'm going to be taking it soon, i'm gonna try to get into infantry ,
futuresoldier101 said:
how hard is the cfat i'm going to be taking it soon, i'm gonna try to get into infantry ,

That is an unanswerable question.  Some people find it hard, some people find it easy.

futuresoldier101 said:
how hard is the cfat i'm going to be taking it soon, i'm gonna try to get into infantry ,

It's not much more difficult than using proper capitalization, and puntuc......oh.
I haven't took the test yet but i'm just wondering how long it takes after you pass to get in the infantry, also if i don't pass how long until i can take the test again?
No-one can tell you how long it will take - it is different for each applicant and there IS NO GUIDELINE.  (Searching would have found that answer posted many times.)

You can take the CFAT again as soon as the CFRC lets you.  BUT, keep in mind it takes a serious change in educational upgrading to try and get a third chance.  If you fail it once, you'd better be sure you'll pass it on the second try, because there may not be a third chance. (This also has been discussed a number of times.)
I applied in April and was in Battalion in December. I didnt sit on PAT (person awaiting training) very long, many people wait months there. Some people are junk, they wait years there. I know of people on PAT after 2 years.

the big green machine runs on its own schedule, it'll pick you up for a ride when its ready todo so.
To further answer this after writting the test the first time there is a 90 day waiting period before you can rewrite it the second time.

NOTE: If you score lower on the second test, it doesnt matter that is score so take the time prepare and rock it the first time.

Also after the second time according to some of recruiters that ive been in communication with say they've NEVER seen a third test issued so its very very difficult to get.

I hope this has helped and goodluck on your test.

tanman89 said:
To further answer this after writting the test the first time there is a 90 day waiting period before you can rewrite it the second time.

NOTE: If you score lower on the second test, it doesnt matter that is score so take the time prepare and rock it the first time.

Also after the second time according to some of recruiters that ive been in communication with say they've NEVER seen a third test issued so its very very difficult to get.

I hope this has helped and goodluck on your test.


Some clarification:

If you take the CFAT a second time, and you score lower, that is the score that counts.  There is no "Best of the Two".
Yes thank you for the clarification, say for example you get an overall score of 27 on your first test and you dont like that and rewrite it in 90 days and score say a 20 they take the 20 as your score and if that reduces the occupations that are available to you thats the risk you run.

Like I've learned from the forum and I hope you will too is that taking the extra time to do things right the first time will help you not just through the application process but for the rest of your career.

Thanks again George for the clarification,

Is it  possible to volunteer in the forces full-time? if yes, do you still need to the cfat?
simple said:
Is it  possible to volunteer in the forces full-time? if yes, do you still need to the cfat?

The CF is a volunteer military. If you mean work for the CF without getting paid, the answer is no. Every member of the CF does a CFAT to get in. (Not sure of CIC and Rangers, someone in the know clear that up?)
PuckChaser said:
Every member of the CF does a CFAT to get in. (Not sure of CIC and Rangers, someone in the know clear that up?)

Can't speak for Rangers, but CIC do not have to do the CFAT.
I took the CFAT in the beginning of the year. I passed my initial application for artillery res.
However, when I asked further question about my plan of joining as an officer in the future after I graduate in the interview.
The recruiter said I'm 2 points short in becoming an officer. :'(

Would any one know is it difficult to get two more points in CFAT?

welcjon said:
The CFAT test is common sense. If you fail, appy to McDonalds.
Which is why kids, you always use spell check, especially if you're going to look like a tool when trying to slag someone.

Oh, and the T in CFAT is "test," so you're actually saying "Canadian Forces Aptitude Test test."
nickanick said:
Would any one know is it difficult to get two more points in CFAT?

No-one can answer that question. We don't know you, we don't know exactly how you did on each section of the test, we don't know where you need to improve or what you might have to do to achieve it, we don't know how many points you may have gotten just because you were lucky in your guesses when you weren't sure of the answer. You could as easily write the test again and drop two points.

The only person who can judge if you might be able to do better, is you.

As for the rest of us, we'd have no better guarantee of providing an answer for you than if we each just flipped a coin.

welcjon said:
The CFAT test is common sense. If you fail, appy to McDonalds.

Sounds like you may have had some problems then?

I'll quote you what I was told 20 something years ago when I did it- "12 year olds have no problems with this thing and geniuses with PhD's fail it".  12 of us wrote, 4 made it through...alot of those that didn't had alot of common dog between them.  Explain that.
