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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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denimboy said:
Would you mind if I ask how you prepared for the test?

Edit: Congrats!

Good day,

PublicServicePrep Comprehensive guide to Canadian Military, Border Services, Corrections and Security exams is what I used to study for the CFAT, I was able to touch up on everything needed to pass the CFAT, its a good investment.


Edit: Congrats G.McDonnell
Sleath said:
Good day,

PublicServicePrep Comprehensive guide to Canadian Military, Border Services, Corrections and Security exams is what I used to study for the CFAT, I was able to touch up on everything needed to pass the CFAT, its a good investment.


Edit: Congrats G.McDonnell

Thanks for the input.
The book is not available in local stores around here. But there is an eBook version online.

I can't access the register page at work but I'll sure have a look later.
trampbike said:
I had 59/60 and was not moved into another room to be told I did well.

Well was that 59/60 right or 59/60 wrong?  ;D

I am glad that folks are doing well on the CFAT. But don't hurt yourself with pats on the back just yet - get through the rest of the process and stay in shape for BMQ even though you might have to wait a while...don't slack off. Then go and do the courses to the best of your ability and be a good buddy. Being a good buddy is far more noticeable than big test scores, and no one cares about your scores once you're past the recruiting stage.

Not trying to have a go at you guys, I am glad you're happy. Just don't get too wound up with it, hmmkay?
Just call the recruiting centre and they will tell you the minimum officer score. I called today and was told as soon as I asked the question. I won't post it here for fear of being flamed  :) I just tried a quick google on the internet. Try that and you will be linked to military research studies that discuss the general officer cut off.
Maritimegal said:
Just call the recruiting centre and they will tell you the minimum officer score.

You say that like knowing the minimum score is actualy useful information.

It is not.
I never said it was useful. Question asked was can you know the minimum score and yes you can.  I always hesitate to post on this forum because the minute you do your attacked.
Grow up. You were not attacked. You were not flamed. Someone disagreed with you is all. Spare us the drama.

Saw that PM. You were NOT attacked here. No matter how much crying you do it's simply not an attack. CDN Aviator disagreed with you and pointed out why - that IS NOT an attack.

You said:
Maritimegal said:
Just call the recruiting centre and they will tell you the minimum officer score. I called today and was told as soon as I asked the question. I won't post it here for fear of being flamed  :) I just tried a quick google on the internet. Try that and you will be linked to military research studies that discuss the general officer cut off.

and the response was:
CDN Aviator said:
You say that like knowing the minimum score is actualy useful information.

It is not.

This response from a serving member of the CF. Someone who has been through the recruiting system and who ha also helped others through the system. The simple answer is that the CFAT scores do not matter to you - write the bloody test to the best of your ability and move along. I said it in another thread: once you're beyond the precious CFAT it does not matter - focus on being fit, focus on being a good buddy, focus on getting your tasks done, focus on the learning. All of this time and energy put into test scores is really moot. I believe that this is what CDN Aviator was trying to sum up. Trying to sum it up to be helpful to others.

And you think it was an attack?

Listen, just because someone disagrees with you and points out why does not constitute an attack. Get over yourself.

Yeah, I got your PM. You don't have to post in the thread that you sent one so that others will see that you did not back down ::)
One thing that many people seem to be forgetting here is that the key word in CFAT is Aptitude. This a natural talent that the applicants possess. The recruiters want to find what your communication, troubleshooting and spatial perception skills are to find a trade that will best suit your natural abilities.

It is very possible that some trades would require different levels for the scores in the different categories. For example, you may require high communication and troubleshooting marks but not spatial perception for one trade and lower communication but higher spatial perception for another. Although an overall score may be used for certain aspects it really should only be seen as a means that the recruiters have to determine if you will be able to succeed in the trade.

As many have said, once you have passed the recruiting stage your results are not required unless you happen to want to remuster at some later point. The test is not meant to intimidate you but rather to help you find the career that will best suit your natural talents that are determined by your results.

Personally, I believe that if you want to do better on the test work on the core areas by: reading and writing more for the communications portion, doing more math for the troubleshooting portion and going through puzzles and spatial games for the spatial perception portion. Every person will have different strengths and weaknesses and the test is used as an initial gauge to determine where yours are.

By learning how to pass the test, that is all you will do and may find that the aptitudes that you require for your trade are not innate and will make thriving in the trade more difficult for you. When I prepared for the test, I ran through the sample questions to have a feel for what to expect, rested well and completed the test.

If you do not get the trade that you desired it is only to help you succeed and not to punish you. The score to shoot for is your best through your natural abilities in the areas tested to be able to succeed in the trade that best suits you.
Just practice, practice, practice and be prepared for the test.  Then you will ace it and get the dream job you are hoping for LOL ;D

I did the practice test:  http://cdn.forces.ca/_PDF2010/preparing_for_aptitude_test_en.pdf

I Got 5 wrong in the math section so now i go here:  http://www.khanacademy.org/

and every day I practice grade 10 math fractions, long division,  percentages etc.

I also paid  for more practice of the CFAT here:  http://www.publicserviceprep.com/public/full_pkg_canadianforces.aspx

Stacked said:
What trades did you apply for kmcneil? I'm assuming it's Navy based on your picture :)

1. Marine Engineering Mechanic
2. Sonar Op.
3. Steward

OkanaganHeat said:
One thing that many people seem to be forgetting here is that the key word in CFAT is Aptitude. This a natural talent that the applicants possess. The recruiters want to find what your communication, troubleshooting and spatial perception skills are to find a trade that will best suit your natural abilities.


The test is to check your APTITUDE levels.

"aptitude ( ) n. An inherent ability, as for learning; a talent:"

The CFAT is decidedly NOT a knowledge test.  Knowledge tests are to see what you know.

Aptitude tests are used to see what you are capable of doing.

Example.  You, as a machinist might know how to safely operate a CNC multi-axis mill.  However, you may have no sweet clue how to program the G-code that runs it, defining the tool path, speed of advance, cutting depth, etc.

However, you may have a highly developed understanding of how the machinery....you'd probably know how to oil, repair and maintain the tool. 

The guy who writes the G-code may never have even seen the Mill that you're working on.  He probably doesn't know the day-to day maintenance requirements for it.

Extend that to your own aptitudes....that programmer probably takes his car in every 3 months to get the oil-change done....you know how to change the oil on your mill, so by extension, a car isn't such a scarily different piece of equipment, you probably do it on your own.  You have mechanical aptitude. 

Sort of make sense?

That programmer probably knows HOW the oil is changed on his car....but can he do it?  Can he line up the oil filter properly? 

The CFAT measures for APTITUDE, not knowledge. 

I failed my CFAT 4 months ago, and I am retaking it in a couple of days, but I'm not sure what I did wrong the last time, I felt I did pretty good, but after I did the test, the guy just said I failed, and told me to go home.

That was when i was joining Infantry, I've talked to the recruiter for Artillery, and that's what I'm going to be doing.

Just curious if the CFAT is any different, or if you need a higher score to get in, then you do Infantry.

Also, I know this has been asked a million times, but if I don't know what I did wrong on the test the last time, what should I do to prepare for the retest?

The score is the same for Artillery as it is for Infantry.  Also, I know this has been asked a million times Then why don't you read the extensive CFAT tread?  If all the recruiter told you is that you failed then I would hazard a guess you did very bad and didn't qualify for any trade.  So you need to work on everything. Look at the CFAT thread.
I wasn't even aware you COULD fail the CFAT.  Sounds like you might want to go online and brush up on your math and English.  The spatial stuff is pretty hard to study for.
If you've already taken the test...and bothered to read the preparation info your CFRC should have given you...then you should have an idea of what to study. Odd that the recruiter didn't go over your results and give you some suggestions on what to improve, but maybe kincanucks has the right of it and you need to work on everything. What is your education level? Do you feel confident to read, write, and do math at at least the grade 10 level?
I felt like I did pretty good on it, but the guy that told me I failed was a complete asshole, he didn't tell me what i got, or what I qualified for or anything..

I just started going to Math.com, and I got a math tutor, and in an english class this semester, hopefully when I take it in few days, I will do a lot better.

But if I pass it, what comes next? Physical test? Medical? etc.